Add join command and rely on the database for determining valid channels

Mari 3 years ago
parent 48b0502cd7
commit 6aaf55f0c9
  1. 7
  2. 2
  3. 14
  4. 12
  5. 43
  6. 90
  7. 11
  8. 185
  9. 15
  10. 152
  11. 54
  12. 7
  13. 152
  14. 192
  15. 32
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  17. 52
  18. 26
  19. 95
  20. 9
  21. 133
  22. 44
  23. 54
  24. 2

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@

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package-lock.json generated

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"@prisma/client": "^3.6.0",
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"detritus-client": "^0.16.3",
"detritus-client-rest": "^0.10.5",
"discord-api-types": "^0.25.2",
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
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"@types/simple-oauth2": "^4.1.1",
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"typescript": "^4.5.3"
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@ -417,6 +452,11 @@
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"version": "4.1.3",
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"devOptional": true,
"requires": {
"@prisma/engines": "3.6.0-24.dc520b92b1ebb2d28dc3161f9f82e875bd35d727"
"promise": {
"version": "7.3.1",
"resolved": "",

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
"name": "vore-gacha",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"@prisma/client": "^3.6.0",
"axios": "^0.24.0",
"chance": "^1.1.8",
"crypto-random-string": "^4.0.0",
"cuid": "^2.1.8",
"detritus-client": "^0.16.3",
"detritus-client-rest": "^0.10.5",
"discord-api-types": "^0.25.2",
@ -25,11 +27,18 @@
"@types/relateurl": "^0.2.29",
"@types/simple-oauth2": "^4.1.1",
"pino-pretty": "^7.3.0",
"prisma": "^3.6.0",
"typescript": "^4.5.3"
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc --build",
"start": "node build/app.js"
"clean": "rm -rf build generated",
"start": "node build/app.js",
"regenerate": "prisma generate",
"loadWebhooks": "node build/tools/LoadJsonWebhooks.js",
"loadGenders": "node build/tools/LoadGenders.js",
"pushDb": "prisma db push --skip-generate",
"fullRebuild": "npm run clean && npm run regenerate && npm run pushDb && npm run build && npm run loadWebhooks && npm run loadGenders"

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:../runtime/database/db.sqlite"
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
/// Discord channels known to the server.
model DiscordChannel {
/// The ID of the channel in Discord.
discordId String @id
/// The last known name of this channel.
name String
/// True if this channel should be used to broadcast public game events.
broadcastGame Boolean
/// True if this channel should be used to send logs.
sendLogs Boolean
/// True if this channel can accept game commands.
acceptGameCommands Boolean
/// True if this channel can accept admin commands.
acceptAdminCommands Boolean
/// The priority of this channel when slowing down to account for rate limits. Higher is more important.
priority Int
/// The guild in which this channel exists, if it's known.
guildId String?
/// The ID of the webhook used to post to this channel. Deleted if the webhook 404's.
webhookId String?
/// The webhook token used to post to this channel. Deleted if the webhook 404's.
token String?
/// User genders.
model Gender {
/// The internal ID associated with this gender.
id String @id @default(cuid())
/// The human-readable name of this gender. Unique among genders.
name String @unique
/// The users with this gender.
User User[]
/// In-game user data structure.
model User {
/// The internal ID associated with this account.
/// It's separate from the Discord ID associated with this account. This supports a few things:
/// 1) We can move the game off of Discord, or add the ability to play it as a separate phone app or webapp,
/// without losing our database.
/// 2) If necessary, we can support having multiple Discord users associated with the same user account, to
/// support multi-account play.
/// 3) If necessary, we can support changing the Discord user associated with a user account, if for any reason
/// they are no longer using the old account and want to switch to a new account.
id String @id @default(cuid())
/// The user's name, for the purposes of the game. This is completely separate from both their username and nickname
/// as Discord sees it, though it defaults to their nickname at time of joining. It does not have to be unique, and
/// can be changed at any time.
name String
/// The discord user associated with this account.
discordUser DiscordUser?
/// The user's gender, for the purposes of the game. This is purely cosmetic and can be changed at any time.
gender Gender @relation(fields: [genderId], references: [id])
/// Relation field for Gender
genderId String
/// The number of units of currency this user is currently carrying.
currency Int @default(100)
/// The time and date at which this user joined.
joinedAt DateTime @default(now())
/// The last time this user used a command.
lastActive DateTime @default(now())
/// The last time this user retrieved their daily resources.
lastDaily DateTime?
/// List of units this user has ever seen/pulled.
units UserUnit[]
/// List of units currently in this user's party.
summonedUnits SummonedUnit[]
/// Informmation about a Discord user.
model DiscordUser {
/// The Discord ID this record is for. A Discord snowflake.
discordId String @id
/// The last known username associated with this user.
username String
/// The last known discriminator associated with this user.
discriminator String
/// The User that this DiscordUser is associated with.
user User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
/// Relation field for User
userId String? @unique
/// Definitions of unit tiers.
model Tier {
/// The internal ID associated with this tier.
id String @id @default(cuid())
/// The human-readable name of this tier. Unique among tiers.
name String @unique
/// The chance of pulling a unit of this tier.
pullWeight Int
/// The cost of /recalling a unit of this tier.
recallCost Int
/// The list of units with this tier.
units Unit[]
/// An individual unit that can be summoned.
model Unit {
/// The combination of Name and Subtitle is unique among units, allowing for multiple versions of a unit.
/// The internal ID associated with this unit.
id String @id @default(cuid())
/// The name of this unit.
name String
/// The subtitle of this unit.
subtitle String
/// The description of this unit.
description String
/// The tier of this unit.
tier Tier @relation(fields: [tierId], references: [id])
/// Relation field for Tier
tierId String
/// The unit's base health when summoned for the first time.
baseHealth Int
/// The unit's base strength when summoned for the first time.
baseStrength Int
/// Information about the bonds with users this unit has been summoned by.
users UserUnit[]
/// Information about this unit's summoned forms.
summonedUnits SummonedUnit[]
@@unique([name, subtitle])
/// Connection between Users and Units, indicating how and when users have pulled this unit.
model UserUnit {
/// The User that summoned this unit at some point.
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
/// Relation field for User
userId String
/// The Unit that was summoned by this User at some point.
unit Unit @relation(fields: [unitId], references: [id])
/// Relation field for Unit
unitId String
/// The first time this user pulled this unit.
firstPulled DateTime @default(now())
/// The number of times this unit has been /pulled by this user.
/// Greatly increases the user's bond with this unit.
/// Higher bond means higher stats on being resummoned with /pull or /recall.
timesPulled Int @default(1)
/// The number of times this unit has been digested in this user's party, either with /feed or in battle.
/// Slightly decreases the user's bond with this unit.
/// If the total bond reaches zero, this unit can no longer be resummoned with /recall until they appear in /pull.
timesDigested Int @default(0)
/// The number of times this unit has digested other units, either with /feed or in battle.
/// Does not influence bond, but may have an influence on other things (e.g., Talk lines).
timesDigesting Int @default(0)
/// The summoned form of this unit, if this unit is currently summoned.
/// Created on pulling or recalling, destroyed on digestion.
summonedUnit SummonedUnit?
@@id([userId, unitId])
/// Instances of summoned units.
model SummonedUnit {
/// The User this unit was summoned by.
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
/// The Unit this summoned unit is an instance of.
unit Unit @relation(fields: [unitId], references: [id])
/// The user-unit pair this SummonedUnit originates with.
userUnit UserUnit @relation(fields: [userId, unitId], references: [userId, unitId])
/// Relation field for User and UserUnit
userId String
/// Relation field for Unit and UserUnit
unitId String
/// The unit's current health. If 0, the unit is unconscious and cannot participate in fights.
/// At -MaxHealth, the unit has been fully digested and this record will be deleted.
currentHealth Int
/// The unit's maximum health.
maxHealth Int
/// The unit's strength.
strength Int
@@id([userId, unitId])

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import {SavedWebhook} from "./SavedWebhook.js";
import fastify, {FastifyInstance} from "fastify";
import {SlashCreator, SlashCreatorOptions} from "slash-create";
import fastifyCookie from "fastify-cookie";
import {FastifyServerButItWorksUnlikeTheRealOne} from "./FastifyHelpers.js";
import {ChannelManager} from "./queries/ChannelManager.js";
export interface BaseServerDeps {
appId: string
@ -12,19 +12,17 @@ export interface BaseServerDeps {
listenPort: number
listenAddress: string
cookieSecret: string
gameWebhook: SavedWebhook
adminWebhook: SavedWebhook
channelManager: ChannelManager
export class BaseServer {
readonly server: FastifyInstance
readonly gameWebhook: SavedWebhook
readonly adminWebhook: SavedWebhook
readonly appId: string
readonly clientSecret: string
readonly listenPort: number
readonly listenAddress: string
readonly slashcmd: SlashCreator
readonly channelManager: ChannelManager
@ -32,8 +30,7 @@ export class BaseServer {
slashCreatorOptions = {}
@ -60,9 +57,7 @@ export class BaseServer {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret
this.listenPort = listenPort
this.listenAddress = listenAddress
this.gameWebhook = gameWebhook
this.adminWebhook = adminWebhook
this.channelManager = channelManager
async _initInternal(): Promise<void> {

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
import {SavedWebhook} from "./SavedWebhook.js";
import {FastifyReply, FastifyRequest} from "fastify";
import {AccessToken, AuthorizationCode, ModuleOptions} from "simple-oauth2";
import pug from "pug";
import {renderError} from "./PugRenderer.js";
import {APIWebhook} from "discord-api-types";
import {getBaseUrl, getFirstValue} from "./FastifyHelpers.js";
import {join, relative} from "path";
import {RouteGenericInterface} from "fastify/types/route";
import {checkAndClearXSRFCookie, generateXSRFCookie} from "./CookieHelpers.js";
interface DiscordWebhookToken extends AccessToken {
token: { webhook?: APIWebhook }
const AuthConfig: ModuleOptions["auth"] = {
tokenHost: "",
authorizePath: "/api/oauth2/authorize",
tokenPath: "/api/oauth2/token",
revokePath: "/api/oauth2/token/revoke",
export interface OAuthRoute extends RouteGenericInterface {
Querystring: {
code: string | string[] | undefined,
state: string | string[] | undefined,
error: string | string[] | undefined,
error_description: string | string[] | undefined,
error_uri: string | string[] | undefined,
export class DiscordWebhookHandler {
readonly webhook: SavedWebhook
readonly templateFilename: string
readonly config: ModuleOptions
readonly destinationFunc: () => string
}: { webhook: SavedWebhook, templateFilename: string, appId: string, secret: string, destinationFunc: () => string }) {
this.templateFilename = templateFilename
this.webhook = webhook
this.config = {
client: {
id: appId,
auth: AuthConfig,
this.destinationFunc = destinationFunc
async handleRequest(req: FastifyRequest<OAuthRoute>, res: FastifyReply): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl(req)
const withoutParams = new URL(req.url) = ""
const code = getFirstValue(req.query.code) ?? null
const errorCode = getFirstValue(req.query.error) ?? null
const client = new AuthorizationCode(this.config)
if (code === null && errorCode === null) {
const state = generateXSRFCookie(res)
const authUrl = client.authorizeURL({
scope: ["applications.commands", "webhook.incoming"],
redirect_uri: withoutParams.toString(),
res.send(pug.renderFile(join("static/pages", this.templateFilename), {
isReset: this.webhook.isPresent
const validXSRF = checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)
if (errorCode !== null || code === null) {
const errorDescription = getFirstValue(req.query.error_description) ?? null
const errorUrl = getFirstValue(req.query.error_uri)
return renderError({
code: 400,
error: errorDescription ?? errorCode ?? "There was no code or error present.",
context: "authorizing the application",
buttonText: "Try Again",
buttonUrl: relative("/", new URL(req.url).pathname),
if (!validXSRF) {
return renderError({
code: 409,
error: "The state was incorrectly set - try restarting the authentication process.",
context: "processing the new access code",
buttonText: "Try Again",
buttonUrl: relative("/", new URL(req.url).pathname),
let token: DiscordWebhookToken
try {
token = await client.getToken({
scope: ["applications.commands", "webhook.incoming"],
redirect_uri: getBaseUrl(req) + "setup/gameChannel"
}) as DiscordWebhookToken
} catch (e) {
return renderError({
res: res,
error: e,
code: 400,
context: "exchanging the code you gave me for a token",
buttonText: "Try Again",
buttonUrl: relative("/", new URL(req.url).pathname),
if (!token.token.webhook) {
return renderError({
res: res,
code: 400,
error: "The token did not contain a webhook.",
context: "processing the token I received",
buttonText: "Try Again",
buttonUrl: relative("/", new URL(req.url).pathname),
const wasSet = this.webhook.isPresent
try {
await this.webhook.replaceHook(token.token.webhook)
} catch (e) {
return renderError({
res: res,
code: 500,
error: e,
context: `saving the new webhook${wasSet ? " and deleting the old one" : ""}`,
buttonText: "Try Again",
buttonUrl: relative("/", new URL(req.url).pathname),

@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
import {SetupServer} from "./SetupServer.js";
import {checkAndClearXSRFCookie, generateXSRFCookie, XSRFRoute} from "./CookieHelpers.js";
import {renderError} from "./PugRenderer.js";
import {getBaseUrl} from "./FastifyHelpers.js";
import pug from "pug";
import {BaseServer, BaseServerDeps} from "./BaseServer.js";
import {PullCommand} from "./commands/game/PullCommand.js";
import {JoinCommand} from "./commands/game/JoinCommand.js";
import {UserManager} from "./queries/UserManager.js";
export class GameServer extends BaseServer {
readonly setupFactory: () => SetupServer
readonly userManager: UserManager
constructor(deps: BaseServerDeps & { setupFactory: () => SetupServer }) {
constructor(deps: BaseServerDeps & { userManager: UserManager }) {
this.setupFactory = deps.setupFactory
this.userManager = deps.userManager
async _initInternal(): Promise<void> {
this.slashcmd.registerCommand(new PullCommand(this.slashcmd, this.gameWebhook))
const gameGuildIds = await this.channelManager.getGameCommandGuildIds()
const genders = await this.userManager.getGenders()
this.slashcmd.registerCommand(new PullCommand(this.slashcmd, {
channelManager: this.channelManager,
this.slashcmd.registerCommand(new JoinCommand(this.slashcmd, {
channelManager: this.channelManager,
userManager: this.userManager,
this.server.get("/game/started", async (req, res) => {
const token = generateXSRFCookie(res)
@ -48,37 +60,7 @@ export class GameServer extends BaseServer {
this.server.get<XSRFRoute>("/game/stop", async (req, res) => {
if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 400,
error: "Token was incorrect or not set.",
context: "stopping the game",
buttonText: "Return to Game",
buttonUrl: "game/started"
res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/game/stop.pug", {
startedUrl: "setup"
setImmediate(async () => {"Shutting down the game server and switching to the setup server.")
try {
await this.server.close()
} catch (e) {
this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to shut down the game server")
try {
await this.setupFactory().initialize()
} catch (e) {
this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to start up the setup server")
}"Successfully switched from the game server to the setup server.")
this.server.get<XSRFRoute>("/shutdown", async (req, res) => {
if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) {

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
export function isNodeErr(e: unknown): e is NodeJS.ErrnoException {
return typeof e === "object" && e !== null && e.hasOwnProperty("code")
export function isENOENT(e: unknown): boolean {
return isNodeErr(e) && e.code === "ENOENT"

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
/** */
import {APIWebhook} from "discord-api-types";
import {FastifyLoggerInstance} from "fastify";
import {mkdir as fsMkdir, readFile as fsReadFile, rm as fsRm, writeFile as fsWriteFile} from "fs/promises";
import axios from "axios";
import {join} from "path";
import {isENOENT} from "./NodeErrorHelpers.js";
const WebhookPath = "runtime/webhooks"
/** File-based storage for webhook instances. */
export class SavedWebhook {
readonly filename: string
private readonly logger: FastifyLoggerInstance | null
private readonly readFile: typeof fsReadFile
private readonly writeFile: typeof fsWriteFile
private readonly mkdir: typeof fsMkdir
private readonly rm: typeof fsRm
private readonly delRequest: typeof axios["delete"]
/** Initializes a SavedWebhook pointing at the given location. */
constructor(filename: string, {
}: { logger?: FastifyLoggerInstance | null, state?: APIWebhook | null, readFile?: typeof fsReadFile, writeFile?: typeof fsWriteFile, mkdir?: typeof fsMkdir, rm?: typeof fsRm, delRequest?: typeof axios["delete"] }) {
this.filename = filename
this._state = state
this.logger = logger?.child({webhookFile: filename}) ?? null
this.readFile = readFile ?? fsReadFile
this.writeFile = writeFile ?? fsWriteFile
this.mkdir = mkdir ?? fsMkdir
this.rm = rm ?? fsRm
this.delRequest = delRequest ?? axios.delete.bind(axios)
private _state: APIWebhook | null | undefined
/** Gets the current state of the webhook, either a webhook instance or null. */
get state(): APIWebhook | null {
if (this._state === undefined) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was not initialized before having its state checked")
return null
return this._state
/** The path of the webhook, including WebhookPath. */
get path(): string {
return join(WebhookPath, this.filename)
/** Gets whether a webhook has been added to this SavedWebhook. */
get isPresent(): boolean {
return this.state !== null
/** Loads the current state from the disk, including a null state if not present. */
async load(): Promise<APIWebhook | null> {
if (this._state !== undefined) {
this.logger?.warn(`SavedWebhook was double-initialized`)
try {
const text = await this.readFile(this.path, {encoding: "utf-8"})
const state: APIWebhook = JSON.parse(text)
this._state = state
return state
} catch (e) {
if (isENOENT(e)) {
this._state = null
return null
throw e
/** Replaces the webhook with a new one. */
async replaceHook(newHook: APIWebhook): Promise<void> {
if (this._state === undefined) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was not initialized before being replaced")
if (this._state !== null) {
await this.clearHook()
this._state = newHook
/** Removes the webhook entirely. */
async clearHook(): Promise<void> {
if (this._state === undefined) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was not initialized before being cleared")
if (this._state === null) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was already cleared and cleared again")
await this.deleteHook()
this._state = null
/** Saves the current state to disk, deleting the file if the state is null. */
private async save(): Promise<void> {
if (this._state === undefined) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was not initialized before being saved")
if (this._state === null) {
try {
await this.rm(this.path)
} catch (e) {
if (!isENOENT(e)) {
throw e
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was re-deleted despite not existing to begin with.")
try {
const text = JSON.stringify(this._state)
await this.writeFile(this.path, text, {encoding: "utf-8"})
} catch (e) {
if (isENOENT(e)) {
await this.mkdir(WebhookPath, {recursive: true})
const text = JSON.stringify(this._state)
await this.writeFile(this.path, text, {encoding: "utf-8"})
throw e
/** Deletes the webhook from the server. */
private async deleteHook(): Promise<void> {
if (this._state === undefined) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was not initialized before being deleted")
if (this._state === null) {
this.logger?.warn("SavedWebhook was deleted despite being empty")
await this.delRequest(`${}/${this._state.token}`,
{validateStatus: (s) => s === 204 || s === 404})

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
import {DiscordWebhookHandler, OAuthRoute} from "./DiscordWebhookHandler.js";
import {getBaseUrl} from "./FastifyHelpers.js";
import pug from "pug";
import {renderError} from "./PugRenderer.js";
import {GameServer} from "./GameServer.js";
import {checkAndClearXSRFCookie, generateXSRFCookie, XSRFRoute} from "./CookieHelpers.js";
import {SetupCommand, setupComponentInteractionHandler} from "./commands/SetupCommand.js";
import {BaseServer, BaseServerDeps} from "./BaseServer.js";
export class SetupServer extends BaseServer {
readonly gameFactory: () => GameServer
constructor(deps: BaseServerDeps & { gameFactory: () => GameServer }) {
this.gameFactory = deps.gameFactory
async _initInternal(): Promise<void> {
this.slashcmd.registerCommand(new SetupCommand(this.slashcmd))
this.slashcmd.on("componentInteraction", setupComponentInteractionHandler)
const gameHandler = new DiscordWebhookHandler({
webhook: this.gameWebhook,
templateFilename: "setup/game.pug",
appId: this.appId,
secret: this.clientSecret,
destinationFunc: () => {
if (this.adminWebhook.isPresent) {
return "clear"
} else {
return "adminChannel"
const adminHandler = new DiscordWebhookHandler({
webhook: this.adminWebhook,
templateFilename: "setup/admin.pug",
appId: this.appId,
secret: this.clientSecret,
destinationFunc: () => {
if (this.gameWebhook.isPresent) {
return "clear"
} else {
return "gameChannel"
this.server.get("/setup", async (req, res) => {
if (!this.gameWebhook.isPresent) {
} else if (!this.adminWebhook.isPresent) {
} else {
this.server.get("/setup/start", async (req, res) => {
this.server.get("/game", async (req, res) => {
this.server.get("/game/started", async (req, res) => {
this.server.get("/game/stop", async (req, res) => {
this.server.get<XSRFRoute>("/game/start", async (req, res) => {
if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 400,
error: "Token was incorrect or not set.",
context: "starting the game",
buttonText: "Return to Setup",
buttonUrl: "setup"
if (!this.gameWebhook.isPresent || !this.adminWebhook.isPresent) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 409,
error: "You can't start the game while one of the channels is not set!",
context: "starting the game",
buttonText: "Finish Setup",
buttonUrl: "setup"
res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/setup/start.pug", {
startedUrl: "game/start"
setImmediate(async () => {"Shutting down the setup server and switching to the game server.")
try {
await this.server.close()
} catch (e) {
this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to shut down the setup server")
try {
await this.gameFactory().initialize()
} catch (e) {
this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to start up the game server")
}"Successfully switched from the setup server to the game server.")
this.server.get<OAuthRoute>("/setup/gameChannel", async (req, res) => {
return await gameHandler.handleRequest(req, res)
this.server.get<OAuthRoute>("/setup/adminChannel", async (req, res) => {
return await adminHandler.handleRequest(req, res)
this.server.get<XSRFRoute>("/setup/clear", async (req, res) => {
if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 400,
error: "Token was incorrect or not set.",
context: "clearing the channel setup",
buttonText: "Return to Setup",
buttonUrl: "setup"
try {
await Promise.all([this.gameWebhook, this.adminWebhook]
.filter((item) => item.isPresent)
.map((item) => item.clearHook()))
} catch (e) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 500,
error: e,
context: "clearing and deleting the webhooks",
buttonUrl: "setup/clear",
buttonText: "Try Again"
this.server.get("/setup/done", async (req, res) => {
if (!this.gameWebhook.isPresent) {
} else if (!this.adminWebhook.isPresent) {
} else {
const token = generateXSRFCookie(res)
res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/setup/done.pug", {
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
gameModeUrl: `game/start?token=${token}`,
clearUrl: `setup/clear?token=${token}`,
gameSetupUrl: `setup/gameChannel`,
adminSetupUrl: `setup/adminChannel`,
shutdownUrl: `shutdown?token=${token}`
this.server.get<XSRFRoute>("/shutdown", async (req, res) => {
if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) {
return renderError({
baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req),
code: 400,
error: "Token was incorrect or not set.",
context: "shutting the server down",
buttonText: "Return to Setup",
buttonUrl: "setup"
setImmediate(async () => {"Shutting down the setup server.")
try {
await this.server.close()
} catch (e) {
this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to shut down the setup server")
}"Shut down. Good night...")

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import {SetupServer} from "./SetupServer.js";
import {GameServer} from "./GameServer.js";
import cryptoRandomString from "crypto-random-string";
import {SavedWebhook} from "./SavedWebhook.js";
import pino from "pino"
import {PrismaClient} from "./queries/Prisma.js";
import {ChannelManager} from "./queries/ChannelManager.js";
import {UserManager} from "./queries/UserManager.js";
const log = pino()
@ -19,37 +20,20 @@ async function main(): Promise<void> {
const listenPort = parseInt(parsed["HTTP_PORT"] ?? "5244")
const listenAddress = parsed["HTTP_ADDRESS"] ?? ""
const cookieSecret = parsed["COOKIE_SECRET"] ?? cryptoRandomString({length: 32, type: "base64"})
const gameWebhook = new SavedWebhook("game.json", {logger: log})
const adminWebhook = new SavedWebhook("admin.json", {logger: log})
const factory: { game: () => GameServer, setup: () => SetupServer } = {
game(): never {
throw Error("game factory not set up yet")
setup(): never {
throw Error("setup factory not set up yet")
const client = new PrismaClient()
await client.$connect()
const deps = {
gameFactory: () =>,
setupFactory: () => factory.setup(),
channelManager: new ChannelManager(client),
userManager: new UserManager(client),
factory.setup = () => new SetupServer(deps) = () => new GameServer(deps)
await Promise.all([gameWebhook.load(), adminWebhook.load()])
if (gameWebhook.isPresent && adminWebhook.isPresent) {
} else {
await factory.setup().initialize()
await new GameServer(deps).initialize()
main().catch((err) => {

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import {CommandContext, CommandOptionType, SlashCommand, SlashCreator} from "slash-create";
import {ChannelManager} from "../../queries/ChannelManager.js";
import {Snowflake} from "discord-api-types";
import {checkGameCommandAndRun} from "../permissions/ChannelPermissions.js";
import {UserManager} from "../../queries/UserManager.js";
export class JoinCommand extends SlashCommand {
readonly channelManager: ChannelManager
readonly userManager: UserManager
constructor(creator: SlashCreator, {channelManager, userManager, gameGuildIds, genders}: {
channelManager: ChannelManager,
userManager: UserManager,
gameGuildIds: Snowflake[],
genders: { id: string, name: string }[],
}) {
super(creator, {
name: "join",
guildIDs: gameGuildIds,
description: "Allows a new player to join the game.",
options: [
name: "name",
description: "Your alias for the purposes of this game. Purely cosmetic. You can change it at any time.",
required: true,
type: CommandOptionType.STRING,
name: "gender",
description: "Your gender for the purposes of this game. Purely cosmetic. You can change it at any time.",
required: true,
type: CommandOptionType.STRING,
choices: => ({
this.channelManager = channelManager
this.userManager = userManager
async run(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<any> {
return checkGameCommandAndRun(ctx, this.channelManager, async () => {
const result = await this.userManager.registerOrReregisterUserFromDiscord({
username: ctx.user.username,
discriminator: ctx.user.discriminator,
name: ?? "Anonymous",
genderId: ctx.options.gender ?? "x",
if (result.created) {
return ctx.send({
content: `You got it! Welcome aboard, ${}! I have you down in my records as ${}. If you ever want to change your name or gender, just /join again!`,
ephemeral: true,
} else {
return ctx.send({
content: `Duly noted! I've updated your deets to have you down as ${}, who is ${}. If you ever want to change your name or gender, just /join again!`,
ephemeral: true,

@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
import {CommandContext, CommandOptionType, SlashCommand, SlashCreator} from "slash-create";
import {SavedWebhook} from "../../SavedWebhook.js";
import {Chance} from "chance";
import {ChannelManager} from "../../queries/ChannelManager.js";
import {Snowflake} from "discord-api-types";
import {checkGameCommandAndRun} from "../permissions/ChannelPermissions.js";
const rand = Chance()
export class PullCommand extends SlashCommand {
readonly gameWebhook: SavedWebhook
readonly channelManager: ChannelManager
constructor(creator: SlashCreator, gameWebhook: SavedWebhook) {
constructor(creator: SlashCreator, {channelManager, gameGuildIds}: {
channelManager: ChannelManager,
gameGuildIds: Snowflake[]
}) {
super(creator, {
name: "pull",
guildIDs: gameWebhook.state?.guild_id,
guildIDs: gameGuildIds,
description: "Pulls one or more new heroines from the ether.",
options: [
@ -23,34 +28,25 @@ export class PullCommand extends SlashCommand {
this.gameWebhook = gameWebhook
this.channelManager = channelManager
run(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<any> {
if (ctx.guildID !== this.gameWebhook.state?.guild_id) {
return ctx.send({
content: "Sorry, you can't do that in this guild.",
ephemeral: true,
if (ctx.channelID !== this.gameWebhook.state?.channel_id) {
async run(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<any> {
return checkGameCommandAndRun(ctx, this.channelManager, async () => {
const count: number = typeof ctx.options.count === "number" && ctx.options.count >= 1 && ctx.options.count <= 10 ? Math.floor(ctx.options.count) : 1
const results: string[] = []
for (let x = 0; x < count; x += 1) {
results.push(rand.weighted(["**Nicole**: D tier Predator Podcaster",
"**Herja**: C tier Viking Warrior",
"**Sharla**: B tier Skark Girl",
"**Melpomene**: A tier Muse of Tragedy",
"**Lady Bootstrap**: S tier Time Traveler"], [20, 15, 10, 5, 1]))
return ctx.send({
content: `Sorry, you can't do that here. You have to do it in <#${this.gameWebhook.state?.channel_id}>.`,
ephemeral: true,
content: `_${ctx.user.mention}_, you pulled...\n \\* ${results.join("\n \\* ")}`,
ephemeral: false,
const count: number = ctx.options.count ?? 1
const results: string[] = []
for (let x = 0; x < count; x += 1) {
results.push(rand.weighted(["**Nicole**: D tier Predator Podcaster",
"**Herja**: C tier Viking Warrior",
"**Sharla**: B tier Skark Girl",
"**Melpomene**: A tier Muse of Tragedy",
"**Lady Bootstrap**: S tier Time Traveler"], [20, 15, 10, 5, 1]))
return ctx.send({
content: `_${ctx.user.mention}_, you pulled...\n \\* ${results.join("\n \\* ")}`,
ephemeral: false,

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import {CommandContext} from "slash-create";
import {ChannelManager} from "../../queries/ChannelManager.js";
export async function checkGameCommandAndRun(ctx: CommandContext, channelManager: ChannelManager, handler: (ctx: CommandContext) => Promise<any>): Promise<any> {
const guildID = ctx.guildID
try {
if (await channelManager.canUseGameCommandsInChannel(ctx.channelID)) {
return handler(ctx)
} else if (guildID !== undefined && await channelManager.canUseGameCommandsInGuild(guildID)) {
return ctx.send({
content: `Sorry, you can't do that in this channel.`,
ephemeral: true,
} else {
return ctx.send({
content: "Sorry, you can't do that in this guild.",
ephemeral: true,
} catch (e) {
return ctx.send({
content: `Uhhhhhh. Something went very wrong. If you see Reya, tell her I said ${e}.`,
ephemeral: true,

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import {Snowflake} from "discord-api-types";
import {PrismaClient} from "./Prisma.js";
export class ChannelManager {
readonly client: PrismaClient
constructor(client: PrismaClient) {
this.client = client
async getGameCommandGuildIds(): Promise<Snowflake[]> {
return (await this.client.discordChannel.findMany({
where: {
acceptGameCommands: true,
guildId: {
not: null
distinct: ["guildId"],
select: {
guildId: true,
})).map((item) => item.guildId as string)
// We know that the guild ID is not null because of the where condition.
async canUseGameCommandsInChannel(channelId: Snowflake): Promise<boolean> {
return ((await this.client.discordChannel.findUnique({
where: {
discordId: channelId,
select: {
acceptGameCommands: true,
rejectOnNotFound: false,
})) ?? {acceptGameCommands: false}).acceptGameCommands
async canUseGameCommandsInGuild(guildId: Snowflake): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this.client.discordChannel.findFirst({
where: {
guildId: guildId,
acceptGameCommands: true,
select: {
discordId: true
})) !== null
async getAdminCommandGuildIds(): Promise<Snowflake[]> {
return (await this.client.discordChannel.findMany({
where: {
acceptAdminCommands: true,
guildId: {
not: null
distinct: ["guildId"],
select: {
guildId: true,
})).map((item) => item.guildId as string)
// We know that the guild ID is not null because of the where condition.
async canUseAdminCommandsInChannel(channelId: Snowflake): Promise<boolean> {
return ((await this.client.discordChannel.findUnique({
where: {
discordId: channelId,
select: {
acceptAdminCommands: true,
rejectOnNotFound: false,
})) ?? {acceptAdminCommands: false}
async canUseAdminCommandsInGuild(guildId: Snowflake): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this.client.discordChannel.findFirst({
where: {
guildId: guildId,
acceptAdminCommands: true,
select: {
discordId: true,
})) !== null
async isGameReady() {
return false;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import pkg from "@prisma/client";
export const {
Prisma: PrismaNS,
} = pkg
export type PrismaClient = InstanceType<typeof PrismaClient>;
export type {Prisma, DiscordUser, User, DiscordChannel} from "@prisma/client";

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import {DiscordUser, Prisma, PrismaClient} from "./Prisma.js";
import {Snowflake} from "discord-api-types";
import cuid from "cuid";
const userRegistrationSelect = {
id: true,
name: true,
discordUser: true,
gender: true,
joinedAt: true,
} as const
export type UserRegistrationData = Prisma.UserGetPayload<{ select: typeof userRegistrationSelect }>
const genderListSelect = {
id: true,
name: true,
} as const
export type GenderListData = Prisma.GenderGetPayload<{ select: typeof genderListSelect }>
export class UserManager {
readonly client: PrismaClient
constructor(client: PrismaClient) {
this.client = client
async registerOrUpdateDiscordUser({
}: { discordId: Snowflake, username: string, discriminator: string }): Promise<DiscordUser> {
return (await this.client.discordUser.upsert({
where: {
create: {
userId: null,
update: {
user: {
update: {
lastActive: new Date()
include: {
user: true,
async registerOrReregisterUserFromDiscord({
}: { discordId: Snowflake, username: string, discriminator: string, name: string, genderId: string }): Promise<{
user: UserRegistrationData, created: boolean
}> {
const userId = cuid()
const user = (await this.client.discordUser.upsert({
where: {
update: {
user: {
upsert: {
update: {
gender: {
connect: {
id: genderId,
lastActive: new Date()
create: {
id: userId,
gender: {
connect: {
id: genderId,
create: {
user: {
create: {
id: userId,
gender: {
connect: {
id: genderId,
select: {
user: {
select: userRegistrationSelect
if (user === null) {
throw Error("...Somehow, there wasn't a user to return?!")
return {
created: === userId,
async getGenders(): Promise<GenderListData[]> {
return this.client.gender.findMany({
select: genderListSelect

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import {PrismaClient} from "../queries/Prisma.js";
async function main() {
const client = new PrismaClient()
await client.$connect()
await client.gender.upsert({
where: {
id: "f"
create: {
id: "f",
name: "Female"
update: {
name: "Female"
await client.gender.upsert({
where: {
id: "m"
create: {
id: "m",
name: "Male"
update: {
name: "Male"
await client.gender.upsert({
where: {
id: "x"
create: {
id: "x",
name: "Non-binary"
update: {
name: "Non-binary"

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import {Prisma, PrismaClient} from "../queries/Prisma.js";
import {APIWebhook} from "discord-api-types";
import {readFile} from "fs/promises";
type DiscordChannelPermissions = Prisma.DiscordChannelGetPayload<{
select: {
broadcastGame: true,
sendLogs: true,
acceptGameCommands: true,
acceptAdminCommands: true,
async function loadHookIntoDatabase(client: PrismaClient, hook: APIWebhook, permissions: DiscordChannelPermissions): Promise<void> {
await client.discordChannel.upsert({
where: {discordId: hook.channel_id},
update: {
token: hook.token,
create: {
discordId: hook.channel_id,
guildId: hook.guild_id ?? null,
token: hook.token,
name: "???",
priority: 0,
async function main() {
const client = new PrismaClient()
await client.$connect()
const gameHook: APIWebhook = JSON.parse(await readFile("runtime/webhooks/game.json", {encoding: "utf-8"}))
await loadHookIntoDatabase(client, gameHook, {
acceptAdminCommands: false,
acceptGameCommands: true,
sendLogs: false,
broadcastGame: true,
const adminHook: APIWebhook = JSON.parse(await readFile("runtime/webhooks/admin.json", {encoding: "utf-8"}))
await loadHookIntoDatabase(client, adminHook, {
acceptAdminCommands: true,
acceptGameCommands: false,
sendLogs: true,
broadcastGame: false,

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"strictNullChecks": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"module": "esnext",
"module": "ESNext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
