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# /create with Cloudflare Workers
A [slash-create]( template, using [Cloudflare Workers](
[![Deploy to Cloudflare Workers](](
## Getting Started
### Cloning the repo
You can either use degit to locally clone this repo without git, or [create a new repo from this template]( and clone that.
npx degit Snazzah/slash-create-worker
After that, make sure to install dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install
# yarn
### Installing and setting up Wrangler
> Make sure to [sign up for a Cloudflare Workers account]( in a browser before continuing.
Install wrangler with npm or yarn:
npm install -D wrangler@latest
# yarn global add wrangler@latest
Read more about [installing wrangler](
Afterwards, run `wrangler login` to login to your Cloudflare account with OAuth:
wrangler login
Copy `wrangler.example.toml` into `wrangler.toml`. Make sure to fill in your account ID in the config and update the name of the worker. You can find your account ID [here]( towards the right side.
### Filling in secrets
You can enter in environment secrets with `wrangler secret put`, here are the keys that are required to run this:
npx wrangler secret put DISCORD_APP_ID
npx wrangler secret put DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY
npx wrangler secret put DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN
### Development
To run this locally, copy `.env.example` to `.dev.vars` and fill in the variables, then you can run `npm run dev` (or `yarn dev`) to start a local dev environment and use something like ngrok to tunnel it to a URL.
To sync commands in the development environment, copy `.env.example` to `development.env` and fill in the variables, then run `npm run sync:dev` (or `yarn sync:dev`).
> Note: When you create a command, make sure to include it in the array of commands in `./src/commands/index.ts`.
### Production
To sync to production, copy `.env.example` to `.env` and fill in the variables, then run `npm run sync`. To publish code to a worker, run `npm run deploy`.