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[{awards [python-readability]} {contacts [email us-phone address resume github]} {education [rpi]} {experience [{bazel-configurability [description auto-trimming jvm-bug]} {bazel-release [redesign]} {bazel-android []} {google-tooling [description dartui maintenance]} {wallet-testing []} {misc [description blog anki]}]} {skills [{code [javascript html5 python java kotlin ruby golang rust bash]} {libraries [sqlite postgresql appengine]} {tools [git linux gradle docker]} {engineering [adaptability communication design documentation testing]} {languages [english japanese]}]}]

Though I have been always interested in the growing capabilities of the ubiquitous browsers and mobile devices, the unique challenges involved in designing clean and elegant and secure APIs on the backend for those browsers and mobile devices to call on play a significant role.

And in modern times, with the fascinating world of machine learning growing and a plague of clickbait and worse vying for viewers and making legitimate news sources that much harder to identify, I'd like to do my part to make sure the real news bubbles to the top and leave the fake stuff with the dregs!