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package scenes
import korlibs.event.*
import korlibs.korge.input.*
import korlibs.korge.scene.*
import korlibs.korge.view.*
import korlibs.time.*
import model.*
import views.*
import kotlin.math.*
class BattleScene : Scene() {
private val battle = Battle(HistoryEntry.Load(
timestamp = TimeSpan.ZERO,
battlers = listOf(
id = Battler.Id(0),
name = "Us",
composure = 150.0,
health = 150.0,
maxHealth = 200.0,
energy = 0.0,
stamina = 150.0,
maxStamina = 300.0,
shaken = false,
shakenTimes = 0,
composurePausedUntil = TimeSpan.ZERO,
energyPausedUntil = TimeSpan.ZERO,
id = Battler.Id(1),
name = "Them",
composure = 150.0,
health = 150.0,
maxHealth = 200.0,
energy = 0.0,
stamina = 150.0,
maxStamina = 300.0,
shaken = false,
shakenTimes = 0,
composurePausedUntil = TimeSpan.ZERO,
energyPausedUntil = TimeSpan.ZERO,
pendingEffects = listOf()
override suspend fun SContainer.sceneInit() {
val usView = BattlerView(battle.battlers[0])
usView.xy(sceneWidth - (usView.width + 5), sceneHeight - (usView.height + 5))
val themView = BattlerView(battle.battlers[1])
themView.xy(5, 5)
var time = TimeSpan.ZERO
var fractional = 0.0
addUpdater {
val step = it.milliseconds + fractional
val whole = floor(step)
fractional = step - whole
time += TimeSpan(whole)
keys {
justDown(Key.R) {
time = TimeSpan.ZERO
fractional = 0.0
justDown(Key.F) {
time += TimeSpan(10_000.0)
justDown(Key.V) {
timestamp = time,
target = Battler.Id(1),
hits = 5,
firstHitDelay = TimeSpan(500.0),
subsequentHitDelay = TimeSpan(100.0),
damage = 5.0,
override suspend fun SContainer.sceneMain() {
// @TODO: Main scene code here (after sceneInit)
override suspend fun sceneAfterInit() {