@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
FabulaDSL { |
CodeSegment = (Block | CompleteOperation | EmptyLines)* |
identifier (an identifier) = identifierStart identifierContinue+ |
identifierStart = "_" | "$" | letter |
identifierContinue = identifierStart | digit |
newline = "\n" |
EmptyLines = operationTerminator+ |
nonNewlineSpace = ~newline space |
spaces := (nonNewlineSpace|blockComment)* |
target = "@" |
source = "&" |
null = "-" |
colon = ":" |
operand (an operand) = identifier | target | source |
comma = "," |
Operands (operands) = nonemptyListOf<operand, comma> |
experienceResource = caseInsensitive<"XP">|caseInsensitive<"EXP"> |
meteredResource (the name of a metered resource) = caseInsensitive<"HP">|caseInsensitive<"MP">|caseInsensitive<"IP">|caseInsensitive<"ZP">|caseInsensitive<"BP">|caseInsensitive<"Turns">|experienceResource |
spResource = caseInsensitive<"FP">|caseInsensitive<"UP">|caseInsensitive<"SP"> |
moneyResource = caseInsensitive<"Zenit">|caseInsensitive<"z"> |
materialsResource = caseInsensitive<"materials">|caseInsensitive<"mats">|caseInsensitive<"m"> |
levelResource = caseInsensitive<"Level">|caseInsensitive<"lv"> |
unmeteredResource (the name of an unmetered resource) = spResource|moneyResource|materialsResource|levelResource|caseInsensitive<"order"> |
resource (the name of a resource) = meteredResource|unmeteredResource |
deltaOperator = "+"|"-" |
integer (an integer) = digit+ |
Delta (a delta) = deltaOperator integer |
element = caseInsensitive<"fire">|caseInsensitive<"water">|caseInsensitive<"poison">|caseInsensitive<"lightning">|caseInsensitive<"earth">|caseInsensitive<"ice">|caseInsensitive<"wind">|caseInsensitive<"light">|caseInsensitive<"dark">|caseInsensitive<"physical"> |
affinity = "??"|"..."|"."|"!!" |
meteredSeparator = ~lineCommentStart ~blockCommentStart "/" |
MeteredValue = integer MaxValue |
MaxValue = meteredSeparator integer |
DeltaOperation = Operands space resource colon Delta affinity? element? |
DeltaOperationAlternate = Operands colon Delta affinity? resource? element? |
DeltaOperationAlternate2 = Operands colon resource Delta affinity? element? |
SetMeteredOperation = Operands space meteredResource colon MeteredValue |
SetMeteredOperationAlternate = Operands colon MeteredValue meteredResource |
SetMeteredOperationAlternate2 = Operands colon meteredResource MeteredValue |
SetValueOperation = Operands space resource colon integer |
SetValueOperationAlternate = Operands colon integer resource |
SetValueOperationAlternate2 = Operands colon resource integer |
SetMaxOperation = Operands space meteredResource colon MaxValue |
SetMaxOperationAlternate = Operands colon MaxValue meteredResource |
SetMaxOperationAlternate2 = Operands colon meteredResource MaxValue |
ClearOperation = Operands space resource colon null |
ClearOperationAlternate = Operands colon null resource |
ClearOperationAlternate2 = Operands colon resource null |
StatusDeltaOperation = Operands colon deltaOperator identifier |
notNewlineOrComment = ~newline ~lineCommentStart ~blockCommentStart any |
textToEndOfLine = notNewlineOrComment+ |
SetTargetOperation = target (Operands | null) |
SetSourceOperation = source (Operands | null) |
PrintOperation = ">" textToEndOfLine |
Operation = DeltaOperation | DeltaOperationAlternate | DeltaOperationAlternate2 |
| SetMeteredOperation | SetMeteredOperationAlternate | SetMeteredOperationAlternate2 |
| SetValueOperation | SetValueOperationAlternate | SetValueOperationAlternate2 |
| SetMaxOperation | SetMaxOperationAlternate | SetMaxOperationAlternate2 |
| ClearOperation | ClearOperationAlternate | ClearOperationAlternate2 |
| StatusDeltaOperation |
| SetTargetOperation | SetSourceOperation | PrintOperation |
silentOperator = "~" |
lineCommentStart = "//" |
lineComment = lineCommentStart textToEndOfLine (newline | end) |
blockCommentStart = "/*" |
blockCommentEnd = "*/" |
blockCommentCharacter = ~blockCommentEnd any |
blockCommentText = blockCommentCharacter* |
blockComment = blockCommentStart blockCommentText blockCommentEnd |
operationTerminator = newline | lineComment |
operationTerminatorOrEnd = operationTerminator | end |
CompleteOperation = silentOperator? Operation operationTerminatorOrEnd |
beginKeyword = caseInsensitive<"begin"> |
endKeyword = caseInsensitive<"end"> |
BlockStart = silentOperator? beginKeyword SetSourceOperation? SetTargetOperation? textToEndOfLine |
BlockEnd = endKeyword textToEndOfLine? |
Block = BlockStart operationTerminator CodeSegment BlockEnd operationTerminatorOrEnd |
} |
Reference in new issue