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Things to clean up

  • Keybind launchers for IDEs, some file explorer, which start the apps on the correct workspace and switch to that workspace.
  • Configure Barista bar
    • Include mail notifier (count of unread/read messages in INBOX)
    • Include calendar notifier (next event name+time, events today/tomorrow)
    • Include yubikey notifier (U2F waiting to trigger)
  • Configure Rofi more intimately as a multi-launcher
  • Use Rofi for the confirmation dialogue for exiting
  • Use dunstify for a notification after reloading the i3 config
  • Include the mozc and dunst configs and rofi configs in here
  • Install+configure (or is it configure+install?) xst and make it the new i3 terminal
  • Wrap the lock process in a wrapper which pauses dunst and then unpauses it
  • Replace i3 shell scripts with Go binaries - or maybe just one Go binary with many options, busybox-style?
  • Set up picom as compositor for i3, and embed its config here
  • Set up individual desktop entries for the two firefox profiles with their -P and --class settings.
  • Theme Rofi, dunst, i3, and xst - maybe use user scripts below?
  • Add battery warning for low battery, and persistent battery warning for critical battery
  • Add shutdown and reboot options to the main rofi menu - maybe use user scripts below?
  • Upgrade rofi to the latest - v 1.6.1 - from source
  • Add user scripts to rofi to make it prettier and more useful: https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/wiki/User-scripts or https://github.com/topics/rofi
  • Set up a desktop background
  • Theme zsh's prompt with the same colors
  • Add the playerctl utility for the play/pause button
  • Take stock of requirements and set up an install script
  • Add temperature and memory and load monitor which provides notifications (including picking a process likely to be responsible) when any or several are critical
  • Add food/drink/etc. reminders when still haven't eaten at some time past meal time