Scenario generator for vore roleplay and story ideas.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11 lines
445 B

-- Migration number: 0005 2024-01-14T02:47:29.285Z
-- Clapperboard in place of Play Button for Inciting Incident - same color as shuffle in Twemoji, requires two characters
UPDATE rollableTables
SET emoji = CHAR(0x1f3ac)
WHERE rollableTables.emoji = CHAR(0x25b6, 0xfe0f);
-- House in place of Cityscape for Setting - requires two characters
UPDATE rollableTables
SET emoji = CHAR(0x1f3e0)
WHERE rollableTables.emoji = CHAR(0x1f3d9, 0xfe0f);