import {adminId, SubcommandData} from "../types.js" import { ActivityType, ApplicationCommandOptionType, ApplicationCommandSubCommandData, ChatInputCommandInteraction, } from "discord.js" import {wrappedRestart} from "../../ipc/restart.js" import {spawn} from "child_process" import {defaultPresence} from "../../defaultPresence.js" import {resolve as resolvePath} from "path" class RebuildCommand extends SubcommandData { readonly definition: ApplicationCommandSubCommandData = { name: "rebuild", description: "Rebuilds and restarts the bot.", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, } async execute(b: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise { const user = b.user || b.member if (!!user && === adminId) { await b.reply("Mmm... let's see... this goes here...") const self = b.client.user self.setPresence({ status: "online", afk: false, activities: [ { type: ActivityType.Watching, name: "Compilers at Work", }, ], }) try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const result = spawn(resolvePath("./node_modules/.bin/tsc"), { cwd: process.cwd(), stdio: "inherit", detached: true, shell: true, }) result.on("error", (ex) => { reject(ex) }) result.on("exit", (code) => { if (code !== 0) { reject(`Bad exit code ${code}`) } else { resolve() } }) }) } catch (ex) { console.log(ex) self.setPresence(defaultPresence) await b.followUp("Oops... I think it's broke...") return } self.setPresence({ status: "idle", afk: true, activities: [ { type: ActivityType.Listening, name: "Born-Again Bot Girl", }, ], }) await b.followUp("Phewwww... now I'll just... take a quick nap after all that hard work...") await wrappedRestart(b) } else { await b.reply("Heeey... I don't gotta do what you say...") } } } export const commandBotRebuild = new RebuildCommand()