import {ApplicationCommandDataResolvable, ApplicationCommandOptionType, ApplicationCommandType} from 'discord.js' const commands: ApplicationCommandDataResolvable[] = [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, description: "Commands to manage your characters.", options: [ { name: "create", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Creates a new character. Activates them on the current server.", options: [ { name: "template", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "Optionally, an existing character of yours to use as a template.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, { name: "select", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Selects a character for use with other commands used in this server. Activates them on the current server.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The character to switch to. If not supplied, shows you the current selected character.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, { name: "activate", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Allows a character to be targeted on the current server.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The character to activate on this server.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ] }, { name: "deactivate", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Prevents a character from being targeted on the current server. Deselects them if they're selected.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The character to deactivate on this server." } ] }, { name: "edit", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Edits an existing character. Note that characters currently in battle cannot be edited.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "An existing character of yours to edit. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, { name: "list", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Lists your characters.", options: [ { name: "public", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, description: "True to share your character list with the current channel.", required: false, } ], }, { name: "show", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Shows the data about one of your characters.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "An existing character of yours to display in the current channel. Omit to display the current character.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, { name: "public", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, description: "True to share your character list with the current channel.", required: false, } ], }, { name: "archive", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Removes a character from all servers and hides it from the default list view. Note that characters currently in battle cannot be archived.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "An existing unarchived character of yours to add to the archive.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, { name: "unarchive", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Unarchives a character. If used in a server, the character will automatically be added to that server.", options: [ { name: "character", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "An existing archived character of yours to take back out of the archive.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, ], }, { name: "team", type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, description: "Affects teams in battle.", options: [ { name: "join", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Leaves the current team, if any, and requests to join the same team as another player. Joins the battle if not already participating." }, { name: "leave", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Leaves the current team, if any, and strikes it out alone." }, ], }, { name: "challenge", type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, description: "Challenges another character to a battle.", options: [ { name: "", } ] }, { name: "battle", type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, description: "Takes actions in battle.", options: [ { name: "menu", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Opens the battle menu to select an action for this turn.", }, { name: "skill", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Uses a skill.", options: [ { name: "name", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The name of the skill to use. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, { name: "target", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The target to use the skill on, if there are multiple options. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ], }, { name: "item", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Uses an item.", options: [ { name: "name", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The name of the item to use. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, { name: "target", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The target to use the item on, if there are multiple options. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ] }, { name: "vore", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Devours your opponent. Requires your opponent to be at low Confidence.", options: [ { name: "style", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The style of devouring to use. Omit to see a list.", autocomplete: true, required: false, }, ] }, { name: "rest", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Takes a breather, recovering your Confidence and Energy at a faster-than-normal rate for this turn." }, { name: "escape", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Tries to escape from a battle or stomach. Requires your opponent to be at low Confidence." }, { name: "surrender", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Lets your opponent do as they will with you by your Confidence or Health to 0." }, { name: "prey", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, description: "Commands for when you have a full belly.", options: [ { name: "release", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Releases your prey from your stomach." }, { name: "squish", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Squishes your prey, ending the combat. Can only be performed when the prey is at or below 0% Health." }, ], }, ], }, { name: "safety", type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, description: "Safety commands for protecting consent and user data.", options: [ { name: "decline", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Declines a challenge for reasons of consent.", }, { name: "exit", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, description: "Exits battle(s) and reverts its/their effects on you for reasons of consent. To flee, use /battle escape.", }, { name: "block", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, description: "Prevents a user from challenging you.", }, { name: "kick", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, description: "Kicks a user from a battle and prevents them from rejoining for reasons of consent.", }, { name: "ban", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup, description: "Prevents a user from participating in battles in the current server, and kicks them from any they're in.", }, { name: "delete", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "PERMANENTLY deletes a character, aborting any battles they were part of. To hide characters without deleting them, use /character archive.", }, { name: "wipe", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "PERMANENTLY deletes all data about you in the system, aborting any battles you were part of and erasing you from the system's knowledge.", }, ], } ] function main() { console.log("we're up and runnin'") } export {} main()