import {ApplicationCommandOptionType, ApplicationCommandSubCommandData, ChatInputCommandInteraction} from "discord.js" import {SubcommandData} from "../types" class CharacterCreateCommandData extends SubcommandData { readonly definition: ApplicationCommandSubCommandData = { name: "create", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand, description: "Begins the process of creating a new character.", options: [ { name: "name", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "The character's name.", required: false, }, { name: "title", type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, description: "A title for your character, optionally starting or ending with an ellipsis (...).", required: false, }, ], } async execute(b: ChatInputCommandInteraction) { await b.deferReply({ephemeral: true}) await b.reply("Okaaaay, I'll make you a character ❤\n\nRight after this nap...") } } export const commandCharacterCreate = new CharacterCreateCommandData()