import { parse, SyntaxError } from "./NomScript.peggy"; describe("parse", () => { describe("ScriptFile", () => { test("works with an empty input", () => { expect(() => parse("", {grammarSource: "testData", start: "ScriptFile"})).not.toThrow() }); test("works with empty lines", () => { expect(() => parse("\n\n\n\n\n", {grammarSource: "testData", start: "ScriptFile"})).not.toThrow() }); test("works with lines filled only with whitespace", () => { expect(() => parse("\n\n \n\t\t \t\n\n", {grammarSource: "testData", start: "ScriptFile"})).not.toThrow() }); test("works with lines filled only with comments", () => { expect(() => parse("\n\n /* */ \n// test \n /* */\n", {grammarSource: "testData", start: "ScriptFile"})).not.toThrow() }); test("throws SyntaxError for invalid text", () => { expect(() => parse("!! invalid !!", {grammarSource: "testData", start: "ScriptFile"})).toThrow(SyntaxError) }); }) }); describe("SyntaxError", () => { describe("constructor", () => { test("populates the members accordingly", () => { const location = { source: "source", start: { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1, }, end: { offset: 7, line: 1, column: 8, }, }; const err = new SyntaxError("message", ["expected"], "found", location); expect("SyntaxError"); expect(err.message).toEqual("message"); expect(err.expected).toEqual(["expected"]); expect(err.found).toEqual("found"); expect(err.location).toEqual(location); }); }); describe("format", () => { test("displays a pretty error message for the failure", () => { const location = { source: "source", start: { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1, }, end: { offset: 7, line: 1, column: 8, }, }; const err = new SyntaxError( "message", ["valid", "cool"], "errored", location ); const result = err.format([ { source: "source", text: "errored text" }, { source: "source2", text: "irrelevant" }, ]); expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "Error: message --> source:1:1 | 1 | errored text | ^^^^^^^" `); }); }); });