import { battlerAttribute, BattlerAttributeType, BattlerDeclaration, battlerDeclaration, BattlerStatement, BattlerStatementType, isBattlerAttribute, isBattlerDeclaration } from "./BattlerStatement"; import {TopLevelStatementType} from "./TopLevelStatement"; import {ScriptFile, scriptFile} from "./ScriptFile"; import {parse as parseInternal, SyntaxError} from "./NomScript.peggy"; import {numberValue} from "./ScriptValue"; function parse(text: string): ScriptFile { return parseInternal(text, {start: "ScriptFile", grammarSource: "testData"}) } describe("BattlerDeclaration", () => { describe("constructor", () => { test("sets id property from input", () => { expect(battlerDeclaration("myId", []).id).toEqual("myId") }) }); describe("typecheck", () => { test("returns true on constructor output", () => { expect(isBattlerDeclaration(battlerDeclaration("testId", []))).toBeTruthy() }) test("returns true on hand-crafted instance", () => { expect(isBattlerDeclaration({ type: TopLevelStatementType.BATTLER, id: "someId", contents: [] })).toBeTruthy() }) }); describe("parsing", () => { function success(name: string, text: string, ...result: BattlerDeclaration[]) { test(`succeeds for ${name}`, () => { expect(parse(text)).toEqual(scriptFile(result)) }) } success("basic empty instance", "battler nomi\nend battler", battlerDeclaration("nomi", [])) success("comment after opening", "battler nomi // of the nomi crew\nend battler", battlerDeclaration("nomi", [])) success("comments and empty lines inside the block", "battler nomi\n\n// hungry gal...\n\nend battler", battlerDeclaration("nomi", [])) success("nonempty instance", "battler nomi\nhealth 20\nconfidence 90\nend battler", battlerDeclaration("nomi", [ battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.HEALTH, numberValue(20)), battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.CONFIDENCE, numberValue(90))])) function failure(name: string, text: string) { test(`fails for ${name}`, () => { expect(() => parse(text)).toThrow(SyntaxError) }) } failure("opening statement only", "battler open") failure("ending statement only", "end battler") failure("multi identifier", "battler cool girl\nend battler") failure("containing top level statement", "battler genius\nscript version 3\nend battler") failure("containing other battler declaration", "battler coolio\nbattler even_cooler\nend battler\nend battler") }); }); describe("BattlerAttribute", () => { describe("constructor", () => { test("forwards the elements to the fields", () => { const attr = battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.HEALTH, numberValue(20)) expect(attr.attribute).toEqual(BattlerAttributeType.HEALTH) expect(attr.value).toEqual(numberValue(20)) }) }) describe("typecheck", () => { test("returns true on constructor input", () => { expect(isBattlerAttribute(battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.HEALTH, numberValue(20)))).toBeTruthy() }) test("returns true on hand-crafted instance", () => { expect(isBattlerAttribute({ type: BattlerStatementType.ATTRIBUTE, attribute: BattlerAttributeType.STAMINA, value: numberValue(20) })).toBeTruthy() }) }) describe("parsing", () => { function success(name: string, text: string, ...result: readonly BattlerStatement[]) { test(`succeeds for ${name}`, () => { expect(parse(`battler battler\n${text}\nend battler`)).toEqual(scriptFile([battlerDeclaration("battler", result)])) }) } success("basic empty instance", "health 20", battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.HEALTH, numberValue(20))) success("comment between the attribute and the number", "stamina/* 200 */99", battlerAttribute(BattlerAttributeType.STAMINA, numberValue(99))) function failure(name: string, text: string) { test(`fails for ${name}`, () => { expect(() => parse(text)).toThrow(SyntaxError) }) } failure("no value after the attribute", "stamina // 99") }) });