You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

135 lines
4.8 KiB

import {ApplicationCommandOptionType, ApplicationCommandSubCommandData, ApplicationCommandType} from "discord.js"
import {commandCharacterCreate} from "./create.js"
import {BaseChatInputCommandData, CommandWithSubcommandsData} from "../types.js"
class CharacterCommandData extends CommandWithSubcommandsData {
readonly baseDefinition: BaseChatInputCommandData = {
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput,
description: "Commands to manage your characters.",
readonly subcommands = [
export const commandCharacter = new CharacterCommandData()
const otherSubcommands: ApplicationCommandSubCommandData[] = [
name: "select",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Selects (and activates, if necessary) a character for use with other commands used in this server.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "The character to switch to. If not supplied, shows you the current selected character.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,
name: "activate",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Allows a character to be targeted on the current server.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "The character to activate on this server.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,
name: "deactivate",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Prevents a character from being targeted on the current server. Deselects them if they're selected.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "The character to deactivate on this server.",
name: "edit",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Edits an existing character. Note that characters currently in battle cannot be edited.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "An existing character of yours to edit. Omit to edit the current character.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,
name: "list",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Lists your characters.",
options: [
name: "public",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean,
description: "True to share your character list with the current channel.",
required: false,
name: "show",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Shows the data about one of your characters.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "An existing character of yours to display in this channel. Omit to display the current character.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,
name: "public",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean,
description: "True to share your character list with the current channel.",
required: false,
name: "archive",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Removes a character from all servers and hides it from the default list view.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "An existing unarchived character of yours to add to the archive.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,
name: "unarchive",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
description: "Unarchives a character.",
options: [
name: "character",
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
description: "An existing archived character of yours to take back out of the archive.",
autocomplete: true,
required: false,