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import {
checkValidMaxStamina, damageEnergy, damageStamina,
energyToString, isValidCurrentEnergy,
isValidMaxStamina, recoverEnergy, recoverStamina, setCurrentEnergy, setCurrentStamina, setMaxStamina
} from "./Energy";
import {assertion, AssertionConfig} from "../testing/Assertions";
let originalConfig: AssertionConfig.Type
beforeEach(() => {
originalConfig = assertion.config
assertion.config = AssertionConfig.Throw
afterEach(() => {
assertion.config = originalConfig
const InvalidEnergy: Energy = {maxStamina: 0, currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}
describe("energyToString", () => {
const values: [Energy, string][] = [
[{currentEnergy: 10, currentStamina: 20, maxStamina: 30}, "{Energy 10/20/30}"],
[{currentEnergy: 30, currentStamina: 30, maxStamina: 30}, "{Energy 30/30/30}"],
[{currentEnergy: 100, currentStamina: 5000, maxStamina: 9999}, "{Energy 100/5000/9999}"],
values.forEach(([energy, expected]) => {
test(`for ${JSON.stringify(energy)} returns "${expected}"`, () => {
describe("isValidEnergy", () => {
const validValues: Energy[] = [
{currentEnergy: 0, currentStamina: 0, maxStamina: 1},
{currentEnergy: 99999, currentStamina: 99999, maxStamina: 99999},
{currentEnergy: 10, currentStamina: 20, maxStamina: 30},
{currentEnergy: 10, currentStamina: 30, maxStamina: 30},
{currentEnergy: 10, currentStamina: 10, maxStamina: 30},
validValues.forEach((energy) => {
test(`for ${energyToString(energy)} returns true`, () => {
const invalidValues: Energy[] = [
{currentEnergy: 0, currentStamina: 0, maxStamina: 0},
{currentEnergy: 5, currentStamina: 3, maxStamina: 3},
{currentEnergy: 5, currentStamina: 5, maxStamina: 3},
{currentEnergy: 99999, currentStamina: 99999, maxStamina: 100000},
invalidValues.forEach((energy) => {
test(`for ${energyToString(energy)} returns false`, () => {
describe("isValidMaxStamina", () => {
const validValues: number[] = [1, 2, 1000, 99999]
validValues.forEach((maxEnergy) => {
test(`for ${maxEnergy} returns true`, () => {
const invalidValues: number[] = [0, -1, 100000, 0.5, NaN]
invalidValues.forEach((maxEnergy) => {
test(`for ${maxEnergy} returns false`, () => {
describe("isValidCurrentEnergy", () => {
const validValues: [number,number][] = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 1000], [99999, 99999]]
validValues.forEach(([value, max]) => {
test(`for ${value}/${max} returns true`, () => {
expect(isValidCurrentEnergy(value, max)).toBe(true)
const invalidValues: [number,number][] = [[0, -1], [-1, -1], [0.5, 70], [NaN, 20]]
invalidValues.forEach(([value, max]) => {
test(`for ${value}/${max} returns false`, () => {
expect(isValidCurrentEnergy(value, max)).toBe(false)
describe("checkValidEnergy", () => {
test(`returns the input on success`, () => {
const energy = {currentEnergy: 99999, currentStamina: 99999, maxStamina: 99999}
test(`throws on failure`, () => {
expect(() => checkValidEnergy({currentEnergy: 99999, currentStamina: 99999, maxStamina: 100000})).toThrow()
describe("checkValidMaxStamina", function () {
test(`returns the input on success`, () => {
test("throws on failure", () => {
expect(() => checkValidMaxStamina(NaN)).toThrow()
describe("checkValidCurrentEnergy", function () {
test(`returns the input on success`, () => {
expect(checkValidCurrentEnergy(25, 50)).toStrictEqual(25)
test("throws on failure", () => {
expect(() => checkValidCurrentEnergy(100, 50)).toThrow()
describe("setMaxStamina", function () {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 0],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, max]) => {
test(`throws for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${max}`, () => {
expect(() => setMaxStamina(energy, max)).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 100, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 10, {maxStamina: 10, currentStamina: 10, currentEnergy: 10}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 50, {maxStamina: 50}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 20, {maxStamina: 20, currentStamina: 20}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 10, {maxStamina: 10, currentStamina: 10}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 1, {maxStamina: 1, currentStamina: 1, currentEnergy: 1}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 150, {maxStamina: 150}],
values.forEach(([energy, max, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${max} = ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(setMaxStamina(energy, max)).toStrictEqual(expected)
describe("damageStamina", () => {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, damage]) => {
test(`for ${damage} on ${energyToString(energy)} throws`, () => {
expect(() => damageStamina(energy, damage, {damageEnergy: false})).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, {damageEnergy: boolean}, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {damageEnergy: true}, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {damageEnergy: false}, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 61, currentEnergy: 41}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 61}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 60, currentEnergy: 40}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 60}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 59, currentEnergy: 39}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 59, currentEnergy: 59}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 60, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 20, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 61, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 19, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 80, {damageEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 80, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 81, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 100, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 101, {damageEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
values.forEach(([energy, damage, options, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${damage} on ${energyToString(energy)} with damageEnergy ${options.damageEnergy ? "on" : "off"} equals ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(damageStamina(energy, damage, options)).toEqual(expected)
describe("recoverStamina", () => {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, recovery]) => {
test(`for ${recovery} on ${energyToString(energy)} throws`, () => {
expect(() => recoverStamina(energy, recovery, {recoverEnergy: false})).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, {recoverEnergy: boolean}, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {recoverEnergy: true}, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {recoverEnergy: false}, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {recoverEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 99, currentEnergy: 79}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {recoverEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 99}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {recoverEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 80}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {recoverEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 100}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {recoverEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 80}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {recoverEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 100}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 101, {recoverEnergy: true}, {currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 80}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 101, {recoverEnergy: false}, {currentStamina: 100}],
values.forEach(([energy, recovery, options, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${recovery} on ${energyToString(energy)} with recoverEnergy ${options.recoverEnergy ? "on" : "off"} equals ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(recoverStamina(energy, recovery, options)).toEqual(expected)
describe("setCurrentStamina", function () {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
[{maxStamina: 105, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 106],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, value]) => {
test(`throws for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${value}`, () => {
expect(() => setCurrentStamina(energy, value)).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 100, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 10, {currentStamina: 10, currentEnergy: 10}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 100, {currentStamina: 100}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 10, {currentStamina: 10}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 9, {currentStamina: 9, currentEnergy: 9}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 0, {currentStamina: 0, currentEnergy: 0}],
values.forEach(([energy, value, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${value} = ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(setCurrentStamina(energy, value)).toStrictEqual(expected)
describe("damageEnergy", () => {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, damage]) => {
test(`for ${damage} on ${energyToString(energy)} throws`, () => {
expect(() => damageEnergy(energy, damage)).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {currentEnergy: 41}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {currentEnergy: 40}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {currentEnergy: 39}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 60, {currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 61, {currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 80, {currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 81, {currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 100, {currentEnergy: 0}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 101, {currentEnergy: 0}],
values.forEach(([energy, damage, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${damage} on ${energyToString(energy)} equals ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(damageEnergy(energy, damage)).toEqual(expected)
describe("recoverEnergy", () => {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, recovery]) => {
test(`for ${recovery} on ${energyToString(energy)} throws`, () => {
expect(() => recoverEnergy(energy, recovery)).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 0, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 19, {currentEnergy: 79}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 20, {currentEnergy: 80}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 21, {currentEnergy: 80}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 101, {currentEnergy: 80}],
values.forEach(([energy, recovery, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${recovery} on ${energyToString(energy)} equals ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(recoverEnergy(energy, recovery)).toEqual(expected)
describe("setCurrentEnergy", function () {
const invalidValues: [Energy, number][] = [
[InvalidEnergy, 90],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, -1],
[{maxStamina: 105, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 106],
[{maxStamina: 105, currentStamina: 80, currentEnergy: 60}, 81],
invalidValues.forEach(([energy, value]) => {
test(`throws for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${value}`, () => {
expect(() => setCurrentEnergy(energy, value)).toThrow()
const values: [Energy, number, Partial<Energy>][] = [
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 100, {}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 100, currentEnergy: 100}, 10, {currentEnergy: 10}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 9, {currentEnergy: 9}],
[{maxStamina: 100, currentStamina: 50, currentEnergy: 10}, 0, {currentEnergy: 0}],
values.forEach(([energy, value, expectedChanges]) => {
const expected = {, ...expectedChanges}
test(`for ${energyToString(energy)} -> ${value} = ${energyToString(expected)}`, () => {
expect(setCurrentEnergy(energy, value)).toStrictEqual(expected)