You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.9 KiB

const peggy = require("peggy")
const loaderUtils = require("loader-utils")
const startRuleFinder = /\s*\/\/\s*peggy-loader:startRule\s*(\S+)\s*\n/g
async function loadPeggy(rawSource) {
const callback = this.async();
const tracks = await import("peggy-tracks")
const rawOpts = loaderUtils.getOptions(this)
const opts = typeof rawOpts === "object" && rawOpts !== null ? rawOpts : {}
const peggyOpts = opts.hasOwnProperty("peggy") && typeof opts.peggy === "object" && opts.peggy !== null ? opts.peggy : {}
const plugins = peggyOpts.hasOwnProperty("plugins") && Array.isArray(peggyOpts.plugins) ? peggyOpts.plugins : []
const tracksOpts = opts.hasOwnProperty("tracks") && typeof opts.tracks === "object" && opts.tracks !== null ? opts.tracks : {start: []}
const start = Array.from({ [Symbol.iterator]() { return rawSource.matchAll(startRuleFinder) } }, ([_, rule]) => rule)
const trackStarts = !opts.hasOwnProperty("tracks") ? [] : typeof tracksOpts.start === "string" ? [tracksOpts.start] : Array.isArray(tracksOpts.start) ? tracksOpts.start : start.length > 0 ? start : [undefined]
const source = rawSource.replaceAll(startRuleFinder, "\n")
const resultSource = peggy.generate(source, {
grammarSource: this.resourcePath,
allowedStartRules: peggyOpts.allowedStartRules || start,
output: "source",
format: "es",
for (const start of trackStarts) {
const diagram = tracks.tracks({
text: source,
this.emitFile(`/tracks/${this.resourcePath}${typeof start === "string" ? "." + start : ""}.svg`, diagram.toStandalone(tracks.defaultCSS))
// const fixedSource = resultSource.replace("export class SyntaxError", "class SyntaxError")
callback(undefined, resultSource)
module.exports = loadPeggy