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import {ScriptFile} from "./ScriptValue.js";
import {ScriptExpression} from "./ScriptExpression";
export interface Options {
/** Whether this is a script or an expression. Required. */
readonly startRule: "ScriptFile"|"TopLevelExpression"
/** The file (or other source) the text is being parsed from. Required.*/
readonly grammarSource: string
export interface Position {
readonly offset: number
readonly line: number
readonly column: number
export interface Location {
readonly source: string
readonly start: Position
readonly end: Position
export function parse(text: string, options: Options & {readonly startRule: "TopLevelExpression"}): ScriptExpression
export function parse(text: string, options: Options & {readonly startRule: "ScriptFile"}): ScriptFile
export class SyntaxError extends Error {
readonly name: "SyntaxError"
readonly message: string
readonly expected: (readonly string[])|null
readonly found: string|null
readonly location: Location
constructor(message: string, expected: (readonly string[])|null, found: string|null, location: Location)
format(mappings: readonly {readonly source: string, readonly text: string}[]): string