Gacha game centered around vore.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

19 lines
866 B

extends ../../template/template
block title
| Admin Setup
block content
if isReset
b You've already set the admin channel up, but you can set it up again differently!
| Don't worry, nothing is overwritten until you finish the Discord authentication in the link.
| On the upcoming page, you'll need to choose the server you're going to control this game from (it can be, but
| doesn't have to be, the same server the game itself is in), as well as the channel in that server that will be
| used for logging informational messages and accepting administrative commands. This channel - or at least use of
| application commands within it - must be limited to access by game admins only.
| Click the link to choose an admin channel.
block link
a(href=authUrl) Connect Admin Channel