import {SetupServer} from "./SetupServer.js"; import {checkAndClearXSRFCookie, generateXSRFCookie, XSRFRoute} from "./CookieHelpers.js"; import {renderError} from "./PugRenderer.js"; import {getBaseUrl} from "./FastifyHelpers.js"; import pug from "pug"; import {BaseServer, BaseServerDeps} from "./BaseServer.js"; import {PullCommand} from "./commands/game/PullCommand.js"; export class GameServer extends BaseServer { readonly setupFactory: () => SetupServer constructor(deps: BaseServerDeps & { setupFactory: () => SetupServer }) { super(deps) this.setupFactory = deps.setupFactory } async _initInternal(): Promise { this.slashcmd.registerCommand(new PullCommand(this.slashcmd, this.gameWebhook)) this.server.get("/game/started", async (req, res) => { const token = generateXSRFCookie(res) res.code(200) res.type("text/html") res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/game/running.pug", { baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req), setupModeUrl: `game/stop?token=${token}`, shutdownUrl: `shutdown?token=${token}`, })) }) this.server.get("/game", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("game/started") }) this.server.get("/game/start", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("started") }) this.server.get("/setup", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("game/started") }) this.server.get("/setup/gameChannel", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("../game/started") }) this.server.get("/setup/adminChannel", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("../game/started") }) this.server.get("/setup/clear", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("../game/started") }) this.server.get("/setup/done", async (req, res) => { res.redirect("../game/started") }) this.server.get("/game/stop", async (req, res) => { if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) { return renderError({ baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req), res, code: 400, error: "Token was incorrect or not set.", context: "stopping the game", buttonText: "Return to Game", buttonUrl: "game/started" }) } res.code(200) res.type("text/html") res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/game/stop.pug", { startedUrl: "setup" })) setImmediate(async () => {"Shutting down the game server and switching to the setup server.") try { await this.server.close() } catch (e) { this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to shut down the game server") } try { await this.setupFactory().initialize() } catch (e) { this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to start up the setup server") }"Successfully switched from the game server to the setup server.") }) }) this.server.get("/shutdown", async (req, res) => { if (!checkAndClearXSRFCookie(req, res)) { return renderError({ baseUrl: getBaseUrl(req), res, code: 400, error: "Token was incorrect or not set.", context: "shutting down the game", buttonText: "Return to Game", buttonUrl: "game/started" }) } res.code(200) res.type("text/html") res.send(pug.renderFile("static/pages/shutdown.pug")) setImmediate(async () => {"Shutting down the game server.") try { await this.server.close() } catch (e) { this.server.log.error(e, "Failed to shut down the game server") }"Shut down. Good night...") }) }) } }