Gacha game centered around vore.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
2.7 KiB

import {CommandContext, CommandOptionType, SlashCommand, SlashCreator} from "slash-create";
import {Snowflake} from "discord-api-types";
import {Pool} from "pg";
import {sendErrorMessage} from "../../queries/ErrorCodes.js";
interface PullResult {
summonedunitinstanceid: number,
summonedunitid: number,
summonedunitname: string,
summonedunitsubtitle: string,
summonedunittierid: string,
summonedunittiername: string,
summoncost: number,
resultingcurrency: number,
firsttimepull: boolean,
wasalreadysummoned: boolean,
type PartialResult = Omit<PullResult, "summonedunitinstanceid" | "firsttimepull" | "wasalreadysummoned">
function formatPullResult(r: PullResult): string {
return `${r.wasalreadysummoned ? "deepened your bond with" :
r.firsttimepull ? "forged a **new bond** with" : "summoned forth"} ***${r.summonedunitname}***, ` +
`**${r.summonedunitsubtitle}**! _(${r.summonedunittiername})_`
export class PullCommand extends SlashCommand {
readonly pool: Pool
constructor(creator: SlashCreator, {pool, gameGuildIds}: {
pool: Pool,
gameGuildIds: Snowflake[]
}) {
super(creator, {
name: "pull",
guildIDs: gameGuildIds,
description: "Pulls one or more new heroines from the ether.",
options: [
name: "count",
description: "The number of heroines to pull.",
required: false,
max_value: 10,
min_value: 1,
type: CommandOptionType.NUMBER,
this.pool = pool
async run(ctx: CommandContext): Promise<any> {
try {
const count: number =
typeof ctx.options.count === "number"
&& ctx.options.count >= 1
&& ctx.options.count <= 10 ? Math.floor(ctx.options.count) : 1
const dbResult: PartialResult[] = (await this.pool.query({
text: `SELECT *
FROM Command_Pull($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`,
values: [ctx.channelID, ctx.guildID,, ctx.user.username, ctx.user.discriminator, count],
const textResult: string[] = => ({
summonedunitinstanceid: 0,
firsttimepull: false,
wasalreadysummoned: false
return ctx.send({
content: `_${ctx.user.mention}_, you ${textResult.join("\n And you also ")}`,
ephemeral: false,
} catch (e) {
await sendErrorMessage(ctx, e)