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{# uses loop variable role #}
{% set hasShortDescription = role.highlight and (not role.description.highlight) and role.description.short %}
<article class="role {% if not role.highlight %} lowlight{% endif %}{% if role.highlight and not role.description.highlight %} minimized{% endif %}">
<div class="header">
{% if role.image %}<img src="/img/{{ role.image }}" class="icon" aria-hidden="true" />{% endif %}
<div class="firstline">
<h3 class="name">
{{ role.name }}&nbsp;
{% if role.highlight and (hasShortDescription or role.achievements | hasLowlights) %}
{% include "components/resume/highlight-icon.njk" %}
{% endif %}
<span class="details">
{% if role.team %}<span class="team">on {{ role.team }}&nbsp;</span>{% endif %}
{% if role.company %}<span class="company">at {{ role.company }}&nbsp;</span>{% endif %}
<span class="date">
{% if role.startDate %}<span class="start">&nbsp;from {{ role.startDate | monthAndYear }}</span>{% endif %}
{% if role.endDate %}<span class="end">&nbsp;until {{ role.endDate | monthAndYear }}</span>{% endif %}
{% if role.description.full %}
<div class="description{% if hasShortDescription %} lowlight{% endif %}">
{{ role.description.full | md | safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if hasShortDescription %}
<div class="description highlight">
{{ role.description.short | md | safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if role.achievements %}
<ul class="achievements">
{% for achievement in role.achievements %}
<li{% if role.highlight and not achievement.highlight %} class="lowlight"{% endif %}>{{achievement.description | md | safe }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}