Built with Eleventy and served from Github (programmablereya/reyasume) via Netlify.

Favicon by @snaximation.

Banner image by @edupatilla.

Printer, Spotlight, Home, Mail, Phone, WWW, Study, Speech Bubble, Computer, Guide, Test, Server, US flag, Japanese flag, and Blocks icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com.

Python logo from the Python logo page.

Java logo from Wikipedia mirror of official logo.

JavaScript logo from logo.js.

TypeScript logo from logo.ts.

HTML5 logo from the official site.

Kotlin logo from the official site.

Go logo from the official site.

Dart logo from the official logo repository.

C# logo by Chris McKee.

Ruby logo by Yukihiro Matsumoto.

VB.NET logo from the open source .NET repository.

PHP logo from the PHP site.

C++ logo by Jeremy Kratz.

Bash logo from the official repository.

Rust logo from the logo page.

React logo from the official site.

Angular logo from the press kit.

Rails logo from the blog.

Node logo from the logo page.

Electron logo from the Wikimedia logo of the official logo.

JQuery logo from VectorLogoZone.

SQLite logo from the Wikimedia mirror of the official logo.

PostgreSQL logo from the PostgreSQL JP site.

Eleventy logo from the Eleventy site.

AppEngine logo from FavPNG.

MongoDB logo from FavPNG.

Firebase logo from the branding site.

Git logo from the Git logo page.

Mercurial logo from the Mercurial logo page.

SVN logo by Tyrus Christiana.

Gradle logo from the Gradle logo page.

Tux image by Larry Ewing.

Docker logo from the Docker media resources.

RPI seal from the logo page.

ITA logo from ITA website.

Regis seal from the page on the history of the seal.

New Bazel logo from the official site.

Old Bazel logo from the website's Github history.

Google Wallet logo from Wikimedia mirror of official logo.

Google G logo from the Google blog.

Agora Games logo recovered from Google Images backup.

Star Analytics logo from the Lightspeed page.