--- filter: awards: - python-readability contacts: all education: - rpi experience: bazel-configurability: - description - auto-trimming - trimming-prototype - tagged-trimming-rollout bazel-release: - redesign - mentor bazel-android: [] google-tooling: - dartui wallet-testing: - integration-suite misc: - description - blog - anki skills: code: - javascript - typescript - dart - html5 - python - java - kotlin - ruby - php libraries: - angular - react - jquery - eleventy - rails - node tools: - git - linux engineering: - adaptability - communication - design - documentation - testing languages: - english - japanese --- In 8 years at Google I've taken on huge design challenges and built prototypes and tools to make them approachable. And front-end work is a particular passion of mine. The flowering potential of the web has always fascinated me, especially as browsers' capabilities grow. My desire in software engineering has always been to use my experience with a particular problem together with my technical skill to help people get through the problems I struggled with. I want to give the job-seekers of the world a comfortable, easy-to-understand experience as they search for their dream job!