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- id: bazel-configurability
image: jobs/google/bazel.png
name: Software Engineer # III
team: Bazel Configurability
company: Google
startDate: 2016-07-15 # vague guess - this was around when I would have
# started getting to work on reviewing configurability
# changes and getting up to speed on this team
endDate: 2019-10-04 # dead on, this was my last day at Google
shortDescription: |
Just buckets of trimming.
description: |
Let's see here.
What did I do on Configurability?
Besides _endless_ amounts of **trimming**?
- id: trimming
description: |
I did _endless_ amounts of **trimming**.
- id: other
description: |
I did other stuff, **too**.
- id: bazel-release
image: jobs/google/bazel-old.png
name: Software Engineer in Test # II
team: Bazel Release Process
company: Google
startDate: 2013-09-15 # rough guess, since I was still working on Wallet in
# Q3 2013, but had fully transitioned to Bazel by
# Q3 2014 - but it hadn't gotten cold yet
endDate: 2017-06-15 # did I truly ever stop working on the release process?
# however, this is around when it stopped being my job
description: "The long version is, I did so much freaking junk on this thing."
shortDescription: "The short version is, a lot."
- id: mentor
description: |
I taught Florian the secrets of releases.
- id: teach
description: |
I taught everyone else how to be sheriff.
- id: bazel-android
image: jobs/google/bazel-old.png
name: Software Engineer # II
team: Bazel Android Support
company: Google
startDate: 2013-09-15 # same as Bazel Release Process
endDate: 2016-11-15 # vague guess - this is around when my focus shifted to
# configurability full-time, since before that I was
# doing configurability as a side job and Android as a
# primary job
description: null
- id: google-tooling
image: jobs/google/google.png
name: Software Engineer in Test # II
team: Internal Tooling
company: Google
startDate: 2013-02-15 # rough guess, since Jon mentioned my work on the tool
# in Q3 2013
# which was after I started the UI work in Summer
# which was after I'd been invited to start working on
# the project around midway through Q1
endDate: 2017-12-18 # dead on, this is the day I got a peer bonus for
# helping with turning this down
description: null
- id: wallet-testing
image: jobs/google/wallet.jpg
name: Software Engineer in Test # II
team: Wallet Web Frontend
company: Google
startDate: 2011-07-18 # dead on, this was my start date
endDate: 2013-09-15 # same as with the Bazel Release Process start date,
# since they're the same day
description: null