You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import {
type CharacterStatusOptions,
type GameCharacterData,
type LoadedCharacterData
} from './base.js';
import { ApplicationCommandType, type CommandContext, CommandOptionType, type SlashCreator } from 'slash-create';
import {type GameParty, saveParty} from '../character.js';
export class PartyCommand extends AbstractCharacterStatusCommand {
constructor(creator: SlashCreator, opts: CharacterStatusOptions) {
super(creator, {
name: 'party',
description: 'Gets or sets the current party list.',
type: ApplicationCommandType.CHAT_INPUT,
guildIDs: process.env.DEVELOPMENT_GUILD_ID,
options: [
name: 'characters',
description: 'The name of the character(s) to become the current party. If not set, shows the party instead.',
required: false
type: CommandOptionType.BOOLEAN,
name: 'replace',
'If true, the party is being entirely replaced, so show the character list instead of the delta.',
required: false
async process(
ctx: CommandContext,
{ characters, party }: { characters: Map<string, readonly GameCharacterData[]>; party: GameParty }
): Promise<
| readonly [string, LoadedCharacterData[]]
| readonly [string, LoadedCharacterData]
| readonly LoadedCharacterData[]
| LoadedCharacterData
| string
> {
const replace: boolean | undefined = ctx.options.replace;
const oldPartyMemberNames = party.activeParty;
const newPartyMemberData = characters.get('characters');
if (!newPartyMemberData || newPartyMemberData.length === 0) {
return [
`The current active party is:\n **${oldPartyMemberNames.join('**\n **')}**`,
(await this.loadCharacters(oldPartyMemberNames)).flatMap((c) => (c.success ? [c] : []))
const newPartyMemberNames = =>
await saveParty(this.dataDir, {,
activeParty: newPartyMemberNames,
const oldPartySet = new Set(oldPartyMemberNames);
const newPartySet = new Set(newPartyMemberNames);
const leftSet = new Set<string>();
for (const member of oldPartySet) {
if (!newPartySet.has(member)) {
const joinedSet = new Set<string>();
for (const member of newPartySet) {
if (!oldPartySet.has(member)) {
const deltas = [
...Array.from(joinedSet).map((c) => `**${c}** joined the party.`),
...Array.from(leftSet).map((c) => `**${c}** left the party.`)
if (replace || deltas.length === 0 || (replace === false && deltas.length > newPartyMemberNames.length)) {
return [
`The active party is now:\n **${ =>'**\n **')}**`,
newPartyMemberData.flatMap((c) => (c.success ? [c] : []))
} else {
return [deltas.join('\n'), newPartyMemberData.flatMap((c) => (c.success ? [c] : []))];