Compare commits


7 Commits

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 12
  5. 7
  6. 6
  7. 15013
  8. 48
  9. 117
  10. 43
  11. 15
  12. 20
  13. 6
  14. 35
  15. 42
  16. 51
  17. 64
  18. 82
  19. 96
  20. 18
  21. 18
  22. 13
  23. 69
  24. 67
  25. 80
  26. 118
  27. 115
  28. 34
  29. 106
  30. 95
  31. 43
  32. 196
  33. 56
  34. 42
  35. 386
  36. 688
  37. 218
  38. 10
  39. 212
  40. 63
  41. 236
  42. 77
  43. 3
  44. 13
  45. 7
  46. 8
  47. 4

.gitignore vendored

@ -38,4 +38,5 @@ Thumbs.db
# ignore yarn.lock

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"flags": {
"gulpfile": "gulpfile.cjs"

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="add-entry" type="NodeJSConfigurationType" application-parameters="add-entry" path-to-js-file="dist/index.js" working-dir="$PROJECT_DIR$">
<method v="2">
<option name="RunConfigurationTask" enabled="true" run_configuration_name="build" run_configuration_type="js.build_tools.npm" />

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="build" type="js.build_tools.npm">
<package-json value="$PROJECT_DIR$/package.json" />
<command value="run" />
<script value="build" />
<node-interpreter value="project" />
<envs />
<method v="2" />

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="update-empathy-guide" type="NodeJSConfigurationType" application-parameters="update-empathy-guide" path-to-js-file="dist/index.js" working-dir="$PROJECT_DIR$">
<method v="2">
<option name="RunConfigurationTask" enabled="true" run_configuration_name="build" run_configuration_type="js.build_tools.npm" />

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
const gulp = require("gulp");
const ts = require("gulp-typescript");
const tsProject = ts.createProject("tsconfig.json");
gulp.task("default", function () {
return tsProject.src().pipe(tsProject()).js.pipe(gulp.dest("dist"));

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,30 +1,54 @@
"name": "typescript-nodejs-template",
"name": "mari-guided-journal",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A simple template for typescript Node.js project",
"description": "The guided journaling software used to track Mari's status.",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "npm run serve",
"build": "npm run build-ts",
"serve": "node dist/index.js",
"watch-node": "nodemon dist/index.js",
"watch": "tsc && concurrently -k -p \"[{name}]\" -n \"TypeScript,Node\" -c \"yellow.bold,cyan.bold,green.bold\" \"npm run watch-ts\" \"npm run watch-node\"",
"build-ts": "tsc",
"watch-ts": "tsc -w"
"start": "npm run --silent app",
"app": "node dist/index.js",
"update-empathy-guide": "npm run --silent app -- update-empathy-guide",
"add-entry": "npm run --silent app -- add-entry",
"build": "gulp",
"prestart": "npm run --silent build",
"debug": "npm run --silent start --inspect"
"type": "module",
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"author": "Mari",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"typescript": "^4.0.3"
"ajv": "^8.6.2",
"capitalize": "^2.0.3",
"chalk": "^2.4.2",
"cli-cursor": "^4.0.0",
"env-paths": "^2.2.1",
"figures": "^3.2.0",
"fuzzy": "^0.1.3",
"inquirer": "^8.1.2",
"js-yaml": "^4.1.0",
"luxon": "^2.0.2",
"make-dir": "^2.1.0",
"pluralize": "^8.0.0",
"rxjs": "^6.6.7",
"wordcount": "^1.1.1",
"yargs": "^17.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.7.5",
"@babel/core": "^7.7.5",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.7.6",
"@types/capitalize": "^2.0.0",
"@types/concurrently": "^5.2.1",
"@types/inquirer": "^7.3.3",
"@types/js-yaml": "^4.0.2",
"@types/luxon": "^2.0.4",
"@types/node-fetch": "^2.5.4",
"@types/pluralize": "^0.0.29",
"@types/yargs": "^17.0.0",
"concurrently": "^5.0.0",
"nodemon": "^2.0.4"
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-typescript": "^6.0.0-alpha.1",
"nodemon": "^2.0.4",
"typescript": "^4.0.3"

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import {Separator} from "../prompts/Inquire.js";
import {inquire} from "../prompts/Inquire.js";
import {summaryPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/SummaryPrompt.js";
import {journalEntryPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/JournalEntryPrompt.js";
import {guidedEmpathyListPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/GuidedEmpathyListPrompt.js";
import {entryMainMenuPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import {CommandModule} from "yargs";
import { registerPrompts } from "../prompts/types/index.js";
import {LocalRepository} from "../repository/LocalRepository.js";
import {conditionPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/ConditionPrompt.js";
import {entryPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/EntryPrompt.js";
import {guidedEmpathyPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/GuidedEmpathyPrompt.js";
import {suicidalityPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/SuicidalityPrompt.js";
import {yamlPrompt} from "../schemata/YAMLPrompt.js";
import {sleepRecordPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/SleepRecordPrompt.js";
export function addEntryCommand(): CommandModule {
return {
command: ["add-entry", "*"],
describe: "Adds a new entry to the journal.",
handler: async () => {
const storage = new LocalRepository()
const empathyGuide = await storage.loadEmpathyGuide()
const condition = conditionPrompt({inquire})
const summary = summaryPrompt({inquire})
const journal = journalEntryPrompt({inquire})
const suicidality = suicidalityPrompt({inquire})
const sleep = sleepRecordPrompt({inquire})
const empathy = guidedEmpathyPrompt({
guideFactory: () => empathyGuide,
show: async (value) => console.log(value),
const empathyList = guidedEmpathyListPrompt({inquire, promptForEmpathy: empathy})
const mainMenuItems = [
// TODO: add ability to amend previous entry
// TODO: add To-Do list items, which can be in four states (Pending, Done, Suspended, Canceled)
// A list item with the same ID as a previous one overrides it, allowing items to be edited or
// marked as done - the current state of the list is written to a separate part of the journal
// file (or a separate file) on save, so that we can easily edit it on future visits, but the
// entry also contains a changelog of entries added, changed, and removed
new Separator(),
// TODO: Modified HierarchicalCheckboxInput to allow for putting more things in the main menu than
// there are letters
// TODO: gratitude journaling
// TODO: thinking about the future - where do you want to be in x years type thing
// TODO: breathing regulation exercises
// TODO: Goals for the day and checking in on how yesterday's goals went
name: typeof entry.needs === "object" ? "Check back in on needs" : "Check in on needs",
// TODO: physical needs: food, water, exercise tracking, possibly with autocompletes for each saved in a file like the empathy guide
value: NEEDS,
key: "n"
name: typeof entry.personas === "object" ? "Check back in on personas" : "Check in on personas",
// TODO: Personas' individual journal entries
value: PERSONA,
key: "p"
{name: typeof entry.rpg === "object" ? "Change RPG stats" : "Add RPG stats", value: RPG, key: "r"},
name: typeof entry.activities === "object" ? "Change record of recent activities" : "Add record of recent activities",
// TODO: Add general activity set with historical activities saved in a file like the empathy guide
key: "a"
name: typeof === "object" ? "Change record of recently played music" : "Add record of recently played music",
// TODO: Add music
value: MUSIC,
key: "m"
name: typeof entry.recoveries === "object" ? "Try more recovery methods" : "Try some recovery methods",
// TODO: Add list of recovery methods
key: "y"
const promptYaml = yamlPrompt({
showError: async (text: string) => console.log(text)
const mainMenu = entryMainMenuPrompt({
choices: mainMenuItems,
const entry = entryPrompt({
promptForCondition: condition,
promptForSummary: summary,
promptForEntryMainMenu: mainMenu,
const writtenEntry = await entry({})
await storage.saveEntry(writtenEntry)
console.log("Entry saved! Good work!")

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import {CommandModule} from "yargs";
import {inquire} from "../prompts/Inquire.js";
import {registerPrompts} from "../prompts/types/index.js";
import {LocalRepository} from "../repository/LocalRepository.js";
import {empathyGroupPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/EmpathyGroupPrompt.js";
import {empathyGroupListPrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/EmpathyGroupListPrompt.js";
import {empathyGuidePrompt} from "../prompts/implementations/EmpathyGuidePrompt.js";
import {yamlPrompt} from "../schemata/YAMLPrompt.js";
export function updateEmpathyGuideCommand(): CommandModule {
return {
command: "update-empathy-guide",
describe: "Makes changes to the empathy guide.",
handler: async (): Promise<void> => {
const storage = new LocalRepository()
const empathyGuide = await storage.loadEmpathyGuide()
const promptYaml = yamlPrompt({
showError: async (text) => console.error(text),
const empathyGroup = empathyGroupPrompt({
const empathyList = empathyGroupListPrompt({
promptForEmpathyGroup: empathyGroup
const newGuide = await empathyGuidePrompt({
promptForEmpathyGroupList: empathyList,
})({default: empathyGuide})
await storage.saveEmpathyGuide(newGuide)
console.log("Empathy guide saved!")

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import {EnumSerializer, OptionalSerializer} from "../schemata/Serialization.js";
export enum Condition {
CRITICAL = "Critical",
POOR = "Poor",
SOSO = "So-so",
GOOD = "Good",
EXCELLENT = "Excellent",
UNSURE = "Unsure",
NUMB = "Numb",
export const CONDITIONS = [Condition.CRITICAL, Condition.POOR, Condition.SOSO, Condition.GOOD, Condition.EXCELLENT, Condition.UNSURE, Condition.NUMB]
export const ConditionSerializer = new EnumSerializer<Condition>(CONDITIONS)
export const OptionalConditionSerializer = new OptionalSerializer(ConditionSerializer)

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
export interface EmpathyGroup {
readonly header: string
readonly items: readonly string[]
export type EmpathyGroupJTD = typeof EmpathyGroupJTD
export const EmpathyGroupJTD = schema({
schema: {
properties: {
header: {type: "string"},
items: {elements: {type: "string"}}
typeHint: null as EmpathyGroup | null,
key: "empathyGroup",
references: [],

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import {EmpathyGroup} from "./EmpathyGroup.js";
export function totalItems(groups: readonly EmpathyGroup[]): number {
return => group.items.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b)

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
import {EmpathyGroup, EmpathyGroupJTD} from "./EmpathyGroup.js";
export interface EmpathyGuide {
readonly feelings?: {
readonly pleasant?: readonly EmpathyGroup[]
readonly unpleasant?: readonly EmpathyGroup[]
readonly needs?: readonly EmpathyGroup[]
export type EmpathyGuideJTD = typeof EmpathyGuideJTD
export const EmpathyGuideJTD = schema({
schema: {
optionalProperties: {
feelings: {
optionalProperties: {
pleasant: {
elements: EmpathyGroupJTD.reference
unpleasant: {
elements: EmpathyGroupJTD.reference
needs: {
elements: EmpathyGroupJTD.reference
typeHint: null as EmpathyGuide | null,
key: "empathyGuide",
references: [EmpathyGroupJTD],

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import {Condition, OptionalConditionSerializer} from "./Condition.js";
import {GuidedEmpathy} from "./GuidedEmpathy.js";
import {OptionalSuicidalitySerializer, Suicidality} from "./Suicidality.js";
import {SleepRecord} from "./SleepRecord.js";
import {DateTime} from "luxon";
import {DateTimeSerializer, ObjectSerializer, OptionalStringSerializer} from "../schemata/Serialization.js";
export interface BaseEntry {
readonly condition?: Condition
readonly summary?: string
readonly journalEntry?: string
readonly guidedEmpathy?: readonly GuidedEmpathy[]
readonly sleepRecords?: readonly SleepRecord[]
// readonly needs?: Needs
// readonly music?: readonly string[]
// readonly rpg?: RPGStats
// readonly personas?: Personas
// readonly activities?: readonly Activity[]
readonly suicidality?: Suicidality
// readonly recoveries?: readonly Recovery[]
export interface Entry extends BaseEntry {
readonly startedAt: DateTime
readonly finishedAt: DateTime
export interface SerializedEntry extends BaseEntry {
readonly startedAt: string
readonly finishedAt: string
export const EntrySerializer = new ObjectSerializer<Entry, SerializedEntry, keyof Entry>({
startedAt: DateTimeSerializer,
finishedAt: DateTimeSerializer,
condition: OptionalConditionSerializer,
summary: OptionalStringSerializer,
journalEntry: OptionalStringSerializer,
guidedEmpathy: OptionalArrayGuidedEmpathySerializer,
sleepRecords: OptionalArraySleepRecordSerializer,
suicidality: OptionalSuicidalitySerializer,
}, ["startedAt", "finishedAt", "condition", "summary", "journalEntry", "guidedEmpathy", "sleepRecords", "suicidality"])

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../utils/Arrays.js";
import {
} from "./Persona.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import capitalize from "capitalize";
import {
} from "../schemata/Serialization.js";
export interface GuidedEmpathy {
readonly feelings?: readonly string[]
readonly needs?: readonly string[]
readonly events?: readonly string[]
readonly requests?: readonly string[]
export const GuidedEmpathySerializer = new ObjectSerializer<GuidedEmpathy, GuidedEmpathy, keyof GuidedEmpathy>({
feelings: OptionalArrayStringSerializer,
needs: OptionalArrayStringSerializer,
events: OptionalArrayStringSerializer,
requests: OptionalArrayStringSerializer,
}, ["feelings", "needs", "events", "requests"])
export const ArrayGuidedEmpathySerializer = new ArraySerializer(GuidedEmpathySerializer)
export const OptionalArrayGuidedEmpathySerializer = new OptionalSerializer(ArrayGuidedEmpathySerializer)
export function isPopulatedGuidedEmpathy(empathy: GuidedEmpathy | undefined): boolean {
return !!empathy && (isPopulatedArray(empathy.feelings)
|| isPopulatedArray(empathy.needs)
|| isPopulatedArray(
|| isPopulatedArray(empathy.requests))
export function guidedEmpathyToString(empathy: GuidedEmpathy, persona: Persona | undefined): string {
return (`${(capitalize(personaName(persona), true))} ${personaVerb(persona, "feel", "feels")}: ${empathy.feelings?.join(", ") || chalk.dim("(???)")}...\n`
+ `Because ${personaPronoun(persona)} ${personaVerb(persona, "need", "needs")}: ${empathy.needs?.join(", ") || chalk.dim("(???)")}...\n`
+ `And ${personaPronounPossessive(persona)} needs were affected when: ${"; ") || chalk.dim("(???)")}...\n`
+ `So to get good outcomes for ${personaPronounObject(persona)} in the future, can we try: ${empathy.requests?.join("; ") || chalk.dim("(???)")}?`)
export function guidedEmpathyToStringShort(empathy: GuidedEmpathy): string {
return `Feeling ${empathy.feelings?.join(", ") || chalk.dim("(none)")} // Because ${empathy.needs?.join(", ") || chalk.dim("(none)")} // When ${"; ") || chalk.dim("(none)")} // So ${empathy.requests?.join("; ") || chalk.dim("(none)")}`

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import {Entry, EntryJTD} from "./Entry.js";
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
/* export interface PersonaState {
readonly persona: Persona
readonly condition: Condition
readonly summary?: string
readonly journalEntry?: string
readonly guidedEmpathy?: readonly GuidedEmpathy[]
} */
/* export interface RPGStats {
readonly hpp?: number
readonly mpp?: number
readonly tpp?: number
readonly hope?: number
readonly determination?: number
} */
/* export interface Personas {
readonly active?: Persona
readonly states?: readonly PersonaState[]
} */
/* export interface Needs {
readonly food?: string
readonly water?: string
readonly sleep?: string
readonly hygiene?: string
} */
/* export interface Recovery {
readonly name: string
} */
/* export interface Activity {
readonly name: string
} */
/* export interface RecoveryMethod {
readonly name: string
readonly description: string
} */
// readonly activities?: readonly string[]
readonly empathyGuide?: EmpathyGuide
// readonly recoveryMethods?: readonly RecoveryMethod[]
export interface Journal {
readonly entries?: readonly Entry[]
export type JournalJTD = typeof JournalJTD
export const JournalJTD = schema({
schema: {
optionalProperties: {
entries: { elements: EntryJTD.reference },
typeHint: null as Journal|null,
key: "journal",
references: [EntryJTD, ...EntryJTD.requiredReferences]

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
export enum Persona {
HEART = "Heart",
SUCCUBUS = "Succubus",
CHILD = "Child",
NURSE = "Nurse",
SORCERESS = "Sorceress",
LADY = "Lady",
SHADOW = "Shadow",
export const PERSONAS: Persona[] = [Persona.HEART, Persona.SUCCUBUS, Persona.CHILD, Persona.NURSE, Persona.SORCERESS, Persona.LADY, Persona.SHADOW]
export type PersonaJTD = typeof PersonaJTD
export const PersonaJTD = schema({
schema: {
key: "persona",
references: [],
export interface PersonaPrompt {
readonly persona?: Persona
export function personaPronoun(persona: Persona | undefined): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return "you"
return "she"
export function personaPronounPossessive(persona: Persona | undefined): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return "your"
return "her"
export function personaPronounObject(persona: Persona | undefined): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return "you"
return "her"
export function personaName(persona: Persona | undefined): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return "you"
case Persona.HEART:
return "Reya Heart"
return persona + " Reya"
export function personaPossessive(persona: Persona | undefined): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return "your"
case Persona.HEART:
return "Reya Heart's"
return persona + " Reya's"
export function personaVerb(persona: Persona | undefined, secondPerson: string, thirdPerson: string): string {
switch (persona) {
case undefined:
return secondPerson
return thirdPerson

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
export enum SleepQuality {
ACIDIC = "Acidic",
RESTLESS = "Restless",
NIGHTMARISH = "Nightmarish",
TIMESKIP = "Timeskip",
DREAMLESS = "Dreamless",
DREAMY = "Dreamy",
ECSTASY = "Ecstasy",
export const SLEEP_QUALITIES: SleepQuality[] = [SleepQuality.ACIDIC, SleepQuality.RESTLESS, SleepQuality.NIGHTMARISH, SleepQuality.TIMESKIP, SleepQuality.DREAMLESS, SleepQuality.DREAMY, SleepQuality.ECSTASY]
export type SleepQualityJTD = typeof SleepQualityJTD
export const SleepQualityJTD = schema({
schema: {
key: "sleepQuality",
references: [],
export enum WakeQuality {
AGONIZED = "Agonized",
EXHAUSTED = "Exhausted",
DROWSY = "Drowsy",
RESTED = "Rested",
ENERGIZED = "Energized",
export const WAKE_QUALITIES: WakeQuality[] = [WakeQuality.AGONIZED, WakeQuality.EXHAUSTED, WakeQuality.DROWSY, WakeQuality.RESTED, WakeQuality.ENERGIZED]
export type WakeQualityJTD = typeof WakeQualityJTD
export const WakeQualityJTD = schema({
schema: {
key: "wakeQuality",
references: [],
export interface SleepRecord {
readonly sleepAt?: Date
readonly sleepQuality?: SleepQuality
readonly interruptions?: number
readonly wakeAt?: Date
readonly wakeQuality?: WakeQuality
readonly dreams?: string
export type SleepRecordJTD = typeof SleepRecordJTD
export const SleepRecordJTD = schema({
schema: {
optionalProperties: {
sleepAt: { type: "timestamp" },
sleepQuality: SleepQualityJTD.reference,
interruptions: { type: "uint32" },
wakeAt: { type: "timestamp" },
wakeQuality: WakeQualityJTD.reference,
dreams: { type: "string" },
typeHint: null as SleepRecord|null,
key: "sleepRecord",
references: [SleepQualityJTD, WakeQualityJTD],
export type SleepRecordListJTD = typeof SleepRecordListJTD
export const SleepRecordListJTD = schema({
schema: {
elements: SleepRecordJTD.reference
typeHint: null as (readonly SleepRecord[])|null,
key: "sleepRecords",
references: [SleepRecordJTD, ...SleepRecordJTD.requiredReferences],
const TimeFormat = Intl.DateTimeFormat([], {
dateStyle: undefined,
timeStyle: undefined,
year: undefined,
month: undefined,
day: undefined,
weekday: undefined,
hour: "numeric",
minute: "2-digit",
second: undefined,
fractionalSecondDigits: undefined,
timeZone: undefined,
hour12: true,
hourCycle: "h12",
export function sleepRecordToString(record: SleepRecord) {
const sleepAt = record.sleepAt === undefined ? null : TimeFormat.format(record.sleepAt)
const wakeAt = record.wakeAt === undefined ? null : TimeFormat.format(record.wakeAt)
return `${sleepAt ?? "?:??"} (${record.sleepQuality ?? "???"}) -${record.interruptions ?? "?"}-> ${wakeAt ?? "?:??"} (${record.wakeQuality ?? "???"})${typeof record.dreams === "string" ? " with dream journal" : ""}`

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import {schema} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
import {EnumSerializer, OptionalSerializer} from "../schemata/Serialization.js";
import {Condition, CONDITIONS} from "./Condition.js";
export enum Suicidality {
NONE = "None",
PASSIVE = "Passive",
INTRUSIVE = "Intrusive",
ACTIVE = "Active",
RESIGNED = "Resigned",
PLANNING = "Planning",
PLANNED = "Planned",
DANGER = "Danger",
export const SUICIDALITIES: Suicidality[] = [Suicidality.NONE, Suicidality.PASSIVE, Suicidality.INTRUSIVE, Suicidality.ACTIVE, Suicidality.RESIGNED, Suicidality.PLANNING, Suicidality.PLANNED, Suicidality.DANGER]
export const SuicidalitySerializer = new EnumSerializer<Suicidality>(SUICIDALITIES)
export const OptionalSuicidalitySerializer = new OptionalSerializer(SuicidalitySerializer)

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
function init(firstName: string, lastName: string) {
return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
import {addEntryCommand} from "./commands/AddEntry.js";
import {updateEmpathyGuideCommand} from "./commands/UpdateEmpathyGuide.js";
import {Argv, default as yargs} from "yargs"
console.log(init('Hello', 'world'));
const Yargs = yargs as unknown as {(): Argv}
.catch((err: unknown) => {

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import {QuestionMap} from "inquirer";
import inquirer from "inquirer";
export const prompt = inquirer.prompt;
export const registerPrompt = inquirer.registerPrompt;
export const Separator = inquirer.Separator;
export type InquireFunction<QuestionT extends QuestionMap[keyof QuestionMap], AnswerT extends QuestionT["default"]> = (question: QuestionT) => Promise<AnswerT>
export type ShowFunction = (text: string) => Promise<void>
export async function inquire<QuestionT extends QuestionMap[keyof QuestionMap], AnswerT extends QuestionT["default"]>(question: QuestionT): Promise<AnswerT> {
const result = await prompt([{...question, name: "answer"}])
return result.answer

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import {ListQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {personaPossessive, PersonaPrompt} from "../../datatypes/Persona.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import {asDefault, identity} from "../../utils/Objects.js";
import {InquireFunction, Separator} from "../Inquire.js";
import {Condition} from "../../datatypes/Condition.js";
export interface ConditionPromptOptions extends Partial<Omit<ListQuestion, "name" | "type" | "choices">>, PersonaPrompt {
export interface ConditionPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<ListQuestion, Condition>
export function conditionPrompt(deps: ConditionPromptDependencies): {
(options: ConditionPromptOptions): Promise<Condition>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"condition">,
} {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "condition",
name: (input) => typeof input === "string" ? `Change condition ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(input)})`)}` : `Add condition`,
key: "c",
injected: (options) => promptForCondition(options, deps),
toOptions: asDefault,
toProperty: identity,
export async function promptForCondition(options: ConditionPromptOptions = {}, {inquire}: ConditionPromptDependencies): Promise<Condition> {
return await inquire({
type: "list",
message: `How's ${personaPossessive(options.persona)} current condition?`,
choices: [
value: Condition.CRITICAL,
name: `Critical ${chalk.dim("(very uncomfortable/very unpleasant feelings/completely out of control)")}`
value: Condition.POOR,
name: `Poor ${chalk.dim("(uncomfortable/unpleasant feelings/losing control)")}`
value: Condition.SOSO,
name: `So-so ${chalk.dim("(OK/neutral mood/mixed feelings/close to losing control)")}`
value: Condition.GOOD,
name: `Good ${chalk.dim("(comfortable/pleasant feelings/mostly in control)")}`
value: Condition.EXCELLENT,
name: `Excellent ${chalk.dim("(very comfortable/very pleasant feelings/secure/in control)")}`
new Separator(),
value: Condition.NUMB,
name: `Numb ${chalk.dim("(depressive void state/crystallizing/petrifying/encased in ice)")}`
value: Condition.UNSURE,
name: `Unsure ${chalk.dim("(strong mixed feelings/low connection to self)")}`
default: 2,
pageSize: 999,

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import {EmpathyGroup} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGroup.js";
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../../utils/Arrays.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import pluralize from "pluralize";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EmpathyGroupPromptOptions} from "./EmpathyGroupPrompt.js";
import {ListQuestion} from "inquirer";
export interface EmpathyGroupListPromptOptions {
readonly default?: readonly EmpathyGroup[]
readonly listName: string
export interface EmpathyGroupListPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<ListQuestion, number>
readonly promptForEmpathyGroup: (opts: EmpathyGroupPromptOptions) => Promise<EmpathyGroup | null>
export function empathyGroupListPrompt(deps: EmpathyGroupListPromptDependencies): (opts: EmpathyGroupListPromptOptions) => Promise<readonly EmpathyGroup[]> {
return (opts) => promptForEmpathyGroupList(opts, deps)
export async function promptForEmpathyGroupList(opts: EmpathyGroupListPromptOptions, deps: EmpathyGroupListPromptDependencies): Promise<readonly EmpathyGroup[]> {
const {default: value = [], listName} = opts
const {inquire, promptForEmpathyGroup} = deps
const option = isPopulatedArray(value) ? await inquire({
type: "list",
message: `Which group of ${listName} would you like to edit?`,
default: value.length + 1,
choices: [, index) => ({
value: index,
name: `${group.header} ${isPopulatedArray(group.items) ? chalk.dim(`(currently ${pluralize("item", group.items.length, true)})`) : ""}`
{value: -1, name: chalk.dim("(Add New Group)")},
{value: -2, name: "Done"}
}) : -1
switch (option) {
case -1:
const newGroup = await promptForEmpathyGroup({listName})
if (newGroup === null) {
if (isPopulatedArray(value)) {
return promptForEmpathyGroupList(opts, deps)
} else {
return []
return promptForEmpathyGroupList({...opts, default: [...value, newGroup]}, deps)
case -2:
return value
const updatedGroup = await promptForEmpathyGroup({default: value[option], listName})
if (value.length > 1 || updatedGroup !== null) {
return promptForEmpathyGroupList({
default: [
...value.slice(0, option),
...updatedGroup === null ? [] : [updatedGroup],
...value.slice(option + 1)
}, deps)
} else {
return []

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import capitalize from "capitalize";
import {YamlPromptFunction} from "../../schemata/YAMLPrompt.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EmpathyGroup, EmpathyGroupJTD} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGroup.js";
import {EditorQuestion, ExpandQuestion, InputQuestion, MultiTextInputQuestion} from "inquirer";
export interface EmpathyGroupPromptOptions {
default?: EmpathyGroup
listName: string
export interface EmpathyGroupPromptDependencies {
inquire: InquireFunction<ExpandQuestion, typeof PROMPT|typeof AUTO|typeof YAML> & InquireFunction<InputQuestion, string> & InquireFunction<MultiTextInputQuestion, string[]> & InquireFunction<EditorQuestion, string>
promptYaml: YamlPromptFunction
export function empathyGroupPrompt(deps: EmpathyGroupPromptDependencies): (opts: EmpathyGroupPromptOptions) => Promise<EmpathyGroup | null> {
return (opts) => promptForEmpathyGroup(opts, deps)
const PROMPT = "Prompt"
const AUTO = "Auto"
const YAML = "YAML"
export async function promptForEmpathyGroup(opts: EmpathyGroupPromptOptions, deps: EmpathyGroupPromptDependencies): Promise<EmpathyGroup | null> {
const {listName, default: {header = undefined, items = []} = {}} = opts
const {inquire, promptYaml} = deps
const mode = await inquire({
type: "expand",
message: `How would you like to ${header ? "edit" : "create"} this ${listName} group?`,
choices: [
{key: "p", name: "Be prompted and use the interactive process", value: PROMPT},
{key: "t", name: "Auto-process a plain-text list pasted from another source", value: AUTO},
{key: "y", name: `Directly ${header ? "edit" : "write"} YAML`, value: YAML},
switch (mode) {
case AUTO:
const text: string = await inquire({
type: "editor",
message: "Enter the header on the first line, and each item on separate lines:",
default: (header ? [header, ...items] : ["", ...items]).join("\n")
const trimmed = text.trim()
if (trimmed === "") {
return null
const [parsedHeader, ...parsedItems] = trimmed.split("\n").map((line) => line.trim()).filter((line) => line !== "")
return {
header: capitalize.words(parsedHeader, false),
items: => item.toLocaleLowerCase())
case YAML:
return await promptYaml({
schema: EmpathyGroupJTD,
currentValue: opts.default,
name: `this ${listName} group`,
}) || null
case PROMPT:
const newHeader = await inquire({
type: "input",
message: `What should this ${listName} group be called?${typeof header === "string" ? chalk.dim(" (leave blank to delete this group)") : ""}`,
default: header,
if (newHeader === "") {
return null
const newItems = await inquire({
type: "multitext",
message: `What ${listName} should the ${newHeader} group contain?`,
default: items,
return {
header: newHeader,
items: newItems,

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../../utils/Arrays.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import pluralize from "pluralize";
import {totalItems} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGroupList.js";
import {ExpandQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {YamlPromptFunction} from "../../schemata/YAMLPrompt.js";
import {InquireFunction, Separator} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EmpathyGroupListPromptOptions} from "./EmpathyGroupListPrompt.js";
import {EmpathyGroup} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGroup.js";
import {EmpathyGuide, EmpathyGuideJTD} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGuide.js";
export interface EmpathyGuidePromptOptions {
readonly default?: EmpathyGuide
export interface EmpathyGuidePromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<ExpandQuestion, typeof PLEASANT | typeof UNPLEASANT | typeof NEEDS | typeof INSPECT | typeof SAVE>
readonly promptForEmpathyGroupList: (opts: EmpathyGroupListPromptOptions) => Promise<readonly EmpathyGroup[]>
readonly promptYaml: YamlPromptFunction
export function empathyGuidePrompt(deps: EmpathyGuidePromptDependencies): (opts: EmpathyGuidePromptOptions) => Promise<EmpathyGuide> {
return (opts) => promptForEmpathyGuide(opts, deps)
const PLEASANT = "Pleasant"
const UNPLEASANT = "Unpleasant"
const NEEDS = "Needs"
const INSPECT = "Inspect"
const SAVE = "Save"
export async function promptForEmpathyGuide(opts: EmpathyGuidePromptOptions, deps: EmpathyGuidePromptDependencies): Promise<EmpathyGuide> {
const {default: value} = opts
const {inquire, promptForEmpathyGroupList, promptYaml} = deps
const result = await inquire({
type: "expand",
message: "What would you like to modify?",
pageSize: 999,
choices: [
key: "p",
name: `Pleasant (met needs) feelings${isPopulatedArray(value?.feelings?.pleasant) ? chalk.dim(` (currently ${pluralize("group", value?.feelings?.pleasant?.length || 0, true)} totaling ${pluralize("item", totalItems(value?.feelings?.pleasant || []), true)})`) : ""}`,
value: PLEASANT,
key: "u",
name: `Unpleasant (unmet needs) feelings${isPopulatedArray(value?.feelings?.unpleasant) ? chalk.dim(` (currently ${pluralize("group", value?.feelings?.unpleasant?.length || 0, true)} totaling ${pluralize("item", totalItems(value?.feelings?.unpleasant || []), true)})`) : ""}`,
key: "n",
name: `Needs${isPopulatedArray(value?.needs) ? chalk.dim(` (currently ${pluralize("group", value?.needs?.length || 0, true)} totaling ${pluralize("item", totalItems(value?.needs || []), true)})`) : ""}`,
value: NEEDS,
new Separator(),
key: "i",
name: "Inspect and modify the current empathy guide in the editor",
value: INSPECT,
key: "s",
name: "Save the empathy guide",
value: SAVE
new Separator(),
switch (result) {
const newPleasant = await promptForEmpathyGroupList({
default: value?.feelings?.pleasant,
listName: "pleasant (met needs) feelings"
return promptForEmpathyGuide({
default: {
feelings: {
...value?.feelings || {},
pleasant: newPleasant,
}, deps)
const newUnpleasant = await promptForEmpathyGroupList({
default: value?.feelings?.unpleasant,
listName: "unpleasant (unmet needs) feelings"
return promptForEmpathyGuide({
default: {
feelings: {
...value?.feelings || {},
unpleasant: newUnpleasant,
}, deps)
case NEEDS:
const newNeeds = await promptForEmpathyGroupList({default: value?.needs, listName: "needs"})
return promptForEmpathyGuide({
default: {
needs: newNeeds
}, deps)
case SAVE:
return value || {}
return promptForEmpathyGuide({
default: await promptYaml({
schema: EmpathyGuideJTD,
currentValue: value,
name: "the current empathy guide",
}, deps)

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {ExpandChoiceOptions, ExpandQuestion, SeparatorOptions} from "inquirer";
import inquirer from "inquirer";
import {merge} from "../../utils/Merge.js";
import {Entry, EntryJTD} from "../../datatypes/Entry.js";
import {YamlPromptFunction} from "../../schemata/YAMLPrompt.js";
const Separator = inquirer.Separator
const VIEW = ".View"
const DONE = ".Done"
type EntryMainMenuChoiceKey = string & keyof EntryMainMenuOptions
export interface EntryMainMenuChoice<PropertyT extends EntryMainMenuChoiceKey> {
readonly type: "mainMenu"
readonly property: PropertyT
choice(input: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]): ExpandChoiceOptions & { value: PropertyT }
onSelected(input: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]): Promise<EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]>
function getChoice<PropertyT extends string & keyof EntryMainMenuOptions>(choice: EntryMainMenuChoice<PropertyT>, entry: EntryMainMenuOptions): ExpandChoiceOptions & {value: PropertyT} {
return choice.choice(entry[])
async function onSelected<PropertyT extends string & keyof EntryMainMenuOptions>(choice: EntryMainMenuChoice<PropertyT>, entry: EntryMainMenuOptions): Promise<Partial<EntryMainMenuOptions>> {
return {
[]: await choice.onSelected(entry[])
export function makeEntryMainMenuChoice<PropertyT extends string & keyof EntryMainMenuOptions, OptionsT, OutputT>({property, key, name, short, injected, toOptions, toProperty}: {
property: PropertyT,
key: string,
name: string|((value: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]) => string),
short?: string|((value: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]) => string),
injected: (options: OptionsT) => Promise<OutputT>,
toOptions: (input: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]) => OptionsT,
toProperty: (output: OutputT) => EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]
}): {
(options: OptionsT): Promise<OutputT>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<PropertyT>
} {
return Object.assign(injected, {
"mainMenu": {
type: "mainMenu" as const,
choice(input: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]) {
return {
name: typeof name === "string" ? name : name(input),
short: typeof short === "string" ? short : typeof short === "function" ? short(input) : typeof name === "string" ? name : name(input),
value: property as PropertyT,
async onSelected(input: EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]): Promise<EntryMainMenuOptions[PropertyT]> {
const output = await injected(toOptions(input))
return toProperty(output)
export interface EntryMainMenuOptions extends Omit<Entry, "finishedAt"> {}
export interface EntryMainMenuDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<ExpandQuestion, typeof DONE | typeof VIEW | EntryMainMenuChoiceKey>
readonly choices: readonly (EntryMainMenuChoice<EntryMainMenuChoiceKey>|SeparatorOptions)[]
readonly promptYaml: YamlPromptFunction
export function entryMainMenuPrompt(deps: EntryMainMenuDependencies): (options: EntryMainMenuOptions) => Promise<Entry> {
return (options) => promptForEntryMainMenu(options, deps)
export async function promptForEntryMainMenu(entry: EntryMainMenuOptions, deps: EntryMainMenuDependencies): Promise<Entry> {
const {
} = deps
const result = await inquire({
type: "expand",
message: "Anything else you want to add?",
pageSize: 999,
choices: [ => choice.type === "separator" ? choice : getChoice(choice, entry)),
new Separator(),
{name: "View and edit this entry as yaml", value: VIEW, key: "v"},
{name: "Save and upload this entry", value: DONE, key: "q"},
new Separator(),
function continueWith(update: Partial<EntryMainMenuOptions>): Promise<Entry> {
const data = merge(update, entry)
return promptForEntryMainMenu(data, deps)
if (result === DONE) {
return {
finishedAt: new Date(),
} else if (result === VIEW) {
const updated = await promptYaml({
schema: EntryJTD,
currentValue: {...entry, finishedAt: new Date()},
name: "the current entry",
const withoutFinishedAt = {...updated, finishedAt: undefined}
return continueWith(withoutFinishedAt)
} else {
const selectedChoice = choices.find((choice) => choice.type === "mainMenu" && === result) as EntryMainMenuChoice<string & keyof EntryMainMenuOptions>
return continueWith(await onSelected(selectedChoice, entry))

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import {ConditionPromptOptions} from "./ConditionPrompt.js";
import {Condition} from "../../datatypes/Condition.js";
import {SummaryPromptOptions} from "./SummaryPrompt.js";
import {EntryMainMenuOptions} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import {Entry} from "../../datatypes/Entry.js";
interface EntryPromptOptions {
interface EntryPromptDependencies {
promptForCondition: (options: ConditionPromptOptions) => Promise<Condition>
promptForSummary: (options: SummaryPromptOptions) => Promise<string | null>
promptForEntryMainMenu: (options: EntryMainMenuOptions) => Promise<Entry>
export function entryPrompt(deps: EntryPromptDependencies): (options: EntryPromptOptions) => Promise<Entry> {
return (options) => promptForEntry(options, deps)
export async function promptForEntry(options: EntryPromptOptions, dependencies: EntryPromptDependencies): Promise<Entry> {
const {
} = dependencies
const startedAt = new Date()
const condition = await promptForCondition({})
const summary = await promptForSummary({})
if (summary === null) {
return promptForEntryMainMenu({startedAt, condition})
} else {
return promptForEntryMainMenu({startedAt, condition, summary})

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import {PersonaPrompt} from "../../datatypes/Persona.js";
import {guidedEmpathyToStringShort, GuidedEmpathy} from "../../datatypes/GuidedEmpathy.js";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import pluralize from "pluralize";
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../../utils/Arrays.js";
import {ListChoiceOptions, ListQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {asDefault} from "../../utils/Objects.js";
import {GuidedEmpathyPromptOptions} from "./GuidedEmpathyPrompt.js";
export interface GuidedEmpathyListPromptOptions extends PersonaPrompt {
readonly default?: readonly GuidedEmpathy[]
export interface GuidedEmpathyListPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<ListQuestion, number>
readonly promptForEmpathy: (input: GuidedEmpathyPromptOptions) => Promise<GuidedEmpathy|null>
export function guidedEmpathyListPrompt(deps: GuidedEmpathyListPromptDependencies): {
(options: GuidedEmpathyListPromptOptions): Promise<readonly GuidedEmpathy[]>; mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"guidedEmpathy"> } {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "guidedEmpathy",
name: (input) => typeof input === "object" ? `Continue guided empathy ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(`${pluralize("entry", input.length, true)}`)})`)}` : "Do some guided empathy",
key: "e",
injected: (options) => promptForGuidedEmpathyList(options, deps),
toOptions: asDefault,
toProperty: (input) => input.length === 0 ? undefined : input,
export async function promptForGuidedEmpathyList(options: GuidedEmpathyListPromptOptions, deps: GuidedEmpathyListPromptDependencies): Promise<readonly GuidedEmpathy[]> {
const {inquire, promptForEmpathy} = deps
if (!isPopulatedArray(options.default)) {
const empathy = await promptForEmpathy(typeof options.persona === "string" ? {persona: options.persona} : {})
if (empathy === null) {
return []
} else {
return promptForGuidedEmpathyList({
default: [empathy],
}, deps)
} else {
const result = await inquire({
type: "list",
message: "Want to change an existing entry or add a new one?",
default: options.default.length,
choices: [, index): ListChoiceOptions => ({
name: guidedEmpathyToStringShort(item),
value: index,
short: guidedEmpathyToStringShort(item)
name: "Add New Entry",
value: -1,
short: "Add New Entry"
name: "Done",
value: -2,
short: "Done"
if (result === -1) {
const empathy = await promptForEmpathy(typeof options.persona === "string" ? {persona: options.persona} : {})
if (empathy === null) {
if (!isPopulatedArray(options.default)) {
return []
} else {
return promptForGuidedEmpathyList({
default: options.default,
}, deps)
} else {
return promptForGuidedEmpathyList({
default: [...options.default, empathy],
}, deps)
} else if (result === -2) {
return options.default
} else {
const empathy = await promptForEmpathy(typeof options.persona === "string" ? {persona: options.persona, default: options.default[result]} : {default: options.default[result]})
if (empathy === null) {
if (options.default.length === 1) {
return []
} else {
return promptForGuidedEmpathyList({
default: [...options.default.slice(0, result), ...options.default.slice(result + 1)]
}, deps)
} else {
return promptForGuidedEmpathyList({
default: [...options.default.slice(0, result), empathy, ...options.default.slice(result + 1)]
}, deps)

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import {
} from "../../datatypes/Persona.js";
import {InquireFunction, ShowFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EmpathyGuide} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGuide.js";
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../../utils/Arrays.js";
import {Separator} from "../Inquire.js";
import {EmpathyGroup} from "../../datatypes/EmpathyGroup.js";
import {GuidedEmpathy, guidedEmpathyToString, isPopulatedGuidedEmpathy} from "../../datatypes/GuidedEmpathy.js";
import {HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice, HierarchicalCheckboxParentChoice, HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion, MultiTextInputQuestion } from "inquirer";
export interface GuidedEmpathyPromptOptions extends PersonaPrompt {
readonly default?: GuidedEmpathy
export interface GuidedEmpathyPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion, readonly string[]> & InquireFunction<MultiTextInputQuestion, readonly string[]>
readonly guideFactory: () => EmpathyGuide,
readonly show: ShowFunction,
export function guidedEmpathyPrompt(deps: GuidedEmpathyPromptDependencies): (options: GuidedEmpathyPromptOptions) => Promise<GuidedEmpathy | null> {
return (options) => promptForGuidedEmpathy(options, deps)
function toChoices(item: EmpathyGroup): HierarchicalCheckboxParentChoice | HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice {
const children = item.items
if (isPopulatedArray(children)) {
return {
name: item.header,
children: => ({
name: child,
value: child,
})) as [HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice, ...HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice[]],
showChildren: true,
} else {
return {
name: item.header,
value: null
export async function promptForGuidedEmpathy(options: GuidedEmpathyPromptOptions, deps: GuidedEmpathyPromptDependencies): Promise<GuidedEmpathy | null> {
const {inquire, guideFactory, show} = deps
const guide = guideFactory()
const {default: value = {}, persona} = options
if (isPopulatedGuidedEmpathy(value)) {
await show(guidedEmpathyToString(value, persona))
const feelings = await inquire({
type: "hierarchical-checkbox",
message: `What ${personaVerb(persona, "are", "is")} ${personaName(persona)} feeling?`,
default: value.feelings,
choices: [ || [],
...isPopulatedArray(guide.feelings?.pleasant) && isPopulatedArray(guide.feelings?.unpleasant) ? [new Separator()] : [], || [],
const needs = await inquire({
type: "hierarchical-checkbox",
message: `What ${personaVerb(persona, "do", "does")} ${personaName(persona)} need that causes ${personaPronounObject(persona)} to feel that way?`,
default: value.needs,
choices: [ || [],
const events = await inquire({
type: "multitext",
message: `What happened that interacted with ${personaPronounPossessive(persona)} needs?`,
const requests = await inquire({
type: "multitext",
message: `What would help get the best outcomes for ${personaPronounObject(persona)} in the future?`,
default: value.requests,
const result: GuidedEmpathy = {
if (isPopulatedGuidedEmpathy(result)) {
return result
} else {
return null

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import {EditorQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {personaPossessive, PersonaPrompt} from "../../datatypes/Persona.js";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import pluralize from "pluralize";
import wordcount from "wordcount";
import {asDefault} from "../../utils/Objects.js";
export interface JournalEntryPromptOptions extends Partial<Omit<EditorQuestion, "name" | "type">>, PersonaPrompt {}
export interface JournalEntryPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<EditorQuestion, string>
export function journalEntryPrompt(deps: JournalEntryPromptDependencies): {
(options: JournalEntryPromptOptions): Promise<string|null>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"journalEntry">,
} {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "journalEntry",
name: (input) => typeof input === "string" ? `Change journal entry ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(`${pluralize("word", wordcount(input), true)} long`)})`)}` : "Add journal entry",
key: "j",
injected: (options) => promptForJournalEntry(options, deps),
toOptions: asDefault,
toProperty: (input) => input === null ? undefined : input,
export async function promptForJournalEntry(options: JournalEntryPromptOptions, {inquire}: JournalEntryPromptDependencies): Promise<string | null> {
const {persona} = options
const result = await inquire({
type: "editor",
message: typeof options.default === "string" ? `Edit ${personaPossessive(persona)} journal entry:` : `Type up ${personaPossessive(persona)} journal entry:`,
const trimmed = result.trimEnd()
if (trimmed === "") {
return null
} else {
return trimmed

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
import {
} from "inquirer";
import {Separator} from "../Inquire.js";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {SleepQuality, SleepRecord, sleepRecordToString, WakeQuality} from "../../datatypes/SleepRecord.js";
import {DateTime} from "luxon";
import chalk from "chalk";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
export interface SleepRecordPromptOptions extends Partial<Omit<EditorQuestion, "name"|"type"|"default"> & Omit<DateQuestion, "name"|"type"|"default"> & Omit<ListQuestion, "name"|"type"|"default"> & Omit<NumberQuestion, "name"|"type"|"default">>{
default?: SleepRecord,
export interface SleepRecordPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<EditorQuestion, string> & InquireFunction<DateQuestion, Date|null> & InquireFunction<ListQuestion & {default: SleepQuality|undefined}, SleepQuality|undefined> & InquireFunction<ListQuestion & {default: WakeQuality|undefined}, WakeQuality|undefined> & InquireFunction<NumberQuestion, number>
export function sleepRecordPrompt(deps: SleepRecordPromptDependencies): {
(options: SleepRecordPromptOptions): Promise<SleepRecord|null>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"sleepRecords">,
} {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "sleepRecords",
name: (input) => typeof input !== "object" || input.length === 0 ? `Add sleep record` : `Change sleep record ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(sleepRecordToString(input[0]))})`)}`,
key: "z",
injected: (options) => promptForSleepRecord(options, deps),
toOptions: (value) => typeof value !== "object" || value.length === 0 ? {} : {default: value[0]},
toProperty: (value) => value === null ? undefined : [value],
export async function promptForSleepRecord(options: SleepRecordPromptOptions, {inquire}: SleepRecordPromptDependencies): Promise<SleepRecord | null> {
const oldBedTime = options.default?.sleepAt
const newBedTime = await inquire({
type: "date",
message: "About when did you get to sleep?",
clearable: true,
startCleared: false,
default: oldBedTime ?? DateTime.local().set({hour: 23, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0}).minus({days: 1}).toJSDate(),
format: {
year: undefined,
weekday: "short",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
second: undefined,
fractionalSecondDigits: undefined,
timeZoneName: "short",
startingDatePart: "hour",
deltas: {
weekday: 1,
hour: [1, 5, 10],
minute: [15, 5, 1],
default: 0
const oldSleepQuality = options.default?.sleepQuality
const newSleepQuality = await inquire({
type: "list",
message: `How'd you sleep?`,
choices: [
value: SleepQuality.ACIDIC,
name: `Acidic ${chalk.dim("(extremely poor/extremely restless/heavy acid reflux)")}`
value: SleepQuality.RESTLESS,
name: `Restless ${chalk.dim("(very poor/very restless/fever dreamy)")}`
value: SleepQuality.NIGHTMARISH,
name: `Nightmarish ${chalk.dim("(poor/restless/plagued with nightmares)")}`
value: SleepQuality.TIMESKIP,
name: `Timeskip ${chalk.dim("(neutral/passage of time not recognized)")}`
value: SleepQuality.DREAMLESS,
name: `Dreamless ${chalk.dim("(good/peaceful/no dreams had or remembered)")}`
value: SleepQuality.DREAMY,
name: `Dreamy ${chalk.dim("(very good/peaceful/neutral to somewhat pleasant dreams)")}`
value: SleepQuality.ECSTASY,
name: `Ecstasy ${chalk.dim("(extremely good/very peaceful/very pleasant dreams)")}`
new Separator(),
value: undefined,
name: `Uncertain`
default: oldSleepQuality ?? SleepQuality.TIMESKIP,
pageSize: 999,
const oldInterruptions = options.default?.interruptions
const newInterruptionsRaw = await inquire({
type: "number",
message: "How many times did you end up waking up during the sleep?",
default: oldInterruptions ?? -1,
const newInterruptions = newInterruptionsRaw < 0 ? undefined : Math.round(newInterruptionsRaw)
const oldWakeTime = options.default?.wakeAt
const newWakeTime = await inquire({
type: "date",
message: "Around when did you get up?",
clearable: true,
startCleared: false,
default: oldWakeTime ?? DateTime.local().set({hour: 7, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0}).toJSDate(),
format: {
year: undefined,
weekday: "short",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
second: undefined,
fractionalSecondDigits: undefined,
timeZoneName: "short",
startingDatePart: "hour",
deltas: {
hour: [1, 5, 10],
minute: [15, 5, 1],
default: 0
const oldWakeQuality = options.default?.wakeQuality
const newWakeQuality = await inquire({
type: "list",
message: `How'd you feel when you got up?`,
choices: [
value: WakeQuality.AGONIZED,
name: `Agonized ${chalk.dim("(in physical pain/barely able or unable to get out of bed)")}`
value: WakeQuality.EXHAUSTED,
name: `Exhausted ${chalk.dim("(very tired/not wanting to get out of bed)")}`
value: WakeQuality.DROWSY,
name: `Drowsy ${chalk.dim("(a bit sleepy but willing to get out of bed)")}`
value: WakeQuality.RESTED,
name: `Rested ${chalk.dim("(well rested and ready to get going)")}`
value: WakeQuality.ENERGIZED,
name: `Energized ${chalk.dim("(thoroughly recharged and eager to get up and running)")}`
new Separator(),
value: undefined,
name: `Uncertain`
default: oldWakeQuality ?? WakeQuality.DROWSY,
pageSize: 999,
const oldDreamJournal = options.default?.dreams
const newDreamJournalRaw = (await inquire({
type: "editor",
message: typeof oldDreamJournal === "string" ? `Edit dream journal for this sleep session:` : `Type up dream journal for this sleep session:`,
default: oldDreamJournal,
const newDreamJournal = newDreamJournalRaw === "" ? undefined : newDreamJournalRaw
const result: SleepRecord = {
dreams: newDreamJournal,
interruptions: newInterruptions,
sleepAt: newBedTime ?? undefined,
sleepQuality: newSleepQuality,
wakeAt: newWakeTime ?? undefined,
wakeQuality: newWakeQuality,
return (
Object.keys(result).map((key: keyof SleepRecord) => result[key]).some(value => (value !== undefined))
? result
: null)

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import {ListQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import {asDefault, identity} from "../../utils/Objects.js";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {Suicidality} from "../../datatypes/Suicidality.js";
export interface SuicidalityPromptOptions extends Partial<Omit<ListQuestion, "name" | "type" | "choices">> {
export interface SuicidalityPromptDependencies {
inquire: InquireFunction<ListQuestion, Suicidality>
export function suicidalityPrompt(deps: SuicidalityPromptDependencies): {
(options: SuicidalityPromptOptions): Promise<Suicidality>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"suicidality">,
} {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "suicidality",
name: (input) => typeof input === "string" ? `Change record of suicidal thoughts ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(input)})`)}` : "Add record of suicidal thoughts",
key: "x",
injected: (options) => promptForSuicidality(options, deps),
toOptions: asDefault,
toProperty: identity,
export async function promptForSuicidality(options: SuicidalityPromptOptions, {inquire}: SuicidalityPromptDependencies): Promise<Suicidality> {
return await inquire({
type: "list",
message: "What stage are your suicidal thoughts at?",
choices: [
{value: Suicidality.NONE, name: `None ${chalk.dim("(no or only rare thoughts present)")}`},
value: Suicidality.PASSIVE,
name: `Passive ${chalk.dim("(faint call of the void, but without intention)")}`
value: Suicidality.INTRUSIVE,
name: `Intrusive ${chalk.dim("(intrusive thoughts with intention, not actively engaged with)")}`
{value: Suicidality.ACTIVE, name: `Active ${chalk.dim("(actively engaging with thoughts)")}`},
value: Suicidality.RESIGNED,
name: `Resigned ${chalk.dim("(given in to despair, but nothing further than that)")}`
{value: Suicidality.PLANNING, name: `Planning ${chalk.dim("(actively making plans to attempt)")}`},
{value: Suicidality.PLANNED, name: `Planned ${chalk.dim("(prepared a plan to attempt)")}`},
{value: Suicidality.DANGER, name: `Danger ${chalk.dim("(on the precipice of attempting)")}`},
default: 0,
pageSize: 999,

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import {InputQuestion} from "inquirer";
import {InquireFunction} from "../Inquire.js";
import {personaName, personaPossessive, PersonaPrompt, personaVerb} from "../../datatypes/Persona.js";
import {EntryMainMenuChoice, makeEntryMainMenuChoice} from "./EntryMainMenuPrompt.js";
import chalk from "chalk";
import pluralize from "pluralize";
import wordcount from "wordcount";
import {asDefault} from "../../utils/Objects.js";
export interface SummaryPromptOptions extends Partial<Omit<InputQuestion, "name" | "type">>, PersonaPrompt {}
export interface SummaryPromptDependencies {
readonly inquire: InquireFunction<InputQuestion, string>
export function summaryPrompt(deps: SummaryPromptDependencies): {
(options: SummaryPromptOptions): Promise<string|null>,
mainMenu: EntryMainMenuChoice<"summary">,
} {
return makeEntryMainMenuChoice({
property: "summary",
name: (input) => typeof input === "string" ? `Change summary ${chalk.dim(`(currently ${chalk.greenBright(`${pluralize("word", wordcount(input), true)} long`)})`)}` : "Add summary",
key: "s",
injected: (options) => promptForSummary(options, deps),
toOptions: asDefault,
toProperty: (input) => input === null ? undefined : input,
export async function promptForSummary(options: SummaryPromptOptions, {inquire}: SummaryPromptDependencies): Promise<string | null> {
const {persona} = options
const result = await inquire({
type: "input",
message: typeof options.default === "string" ? `What's ${personaPossessive(persona)} new summary?` : `Can you summarize how ${personaName(persona)} ${personaVerb(persona, "feel", "feels")}?`,
if (result === "") {
return null
} else {
return result

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
* Adapted from
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Havermale
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import chalk from "chalk";
import {DateTime, DurationObjectUnits} from "luxon";
import inquirer, {Answers, DateQuestion, Question} from "inquirer";
import {Interface as ReadLineInterface, Key} from "readline";
import Prompt from "inquirer/lib/prompts/base.js";
import observe from "inquirer/lib/utils/events.js";
import {map, takeUntil} from "rxjs/operators/index.js";
import cliCursor from "cli-cursor"
import SuccessfulPromptStateData = inquirer.prompts.SuccessfulPromptStateData;
import FailedPromptStateData = inquirer.prompts.FailedPromptStateData;
declare module "inquirer" {
export interface DateQuestionOptions<AnswerT extends Answers> {
* Transforms the value to display to the user.
* @param date
* The currently selected date in string format.
* @param answers
* The answers provided by the users.
* @param flags
* Additional information about the value.
* @returns
* The value to display to the user.
date: string,
answers: AnswerT,
flags: { isDirty?: boolean; isCleared?: boolean; isFinal?: boolean },
): string | Promise<string>;
* A Boolean value indicating whether the prompt is clearable.
* If `true`, pressing `backspace` or `delete` will replace the current value with `null`.
clearable?: boolean;
* A Boolean value indicating whether the prompt should start cleared even though a default is provided.
* If `true`, the value will start off null, but clearing it will change to the default date.
startCleared?: boolean;
* A specific locale to use when formatting the date.
* If no locale is provided, it will default to the user's current locale.
* @see the {@link|Intl.DateTimeFormat} docs for more info.
locale?: string;
* A set of options for customizing the date format.
* @see the {@link|Intl.DateTimeFormat} docs for more info.
format?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
/** The date part that should be highlighted when the prompt is shown. */
startingDatePart?: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes
/** The amount by which each value should change. If null, the value will not be selectable. */
deltas?: {
[key in Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes|"default"]?: number|[number]|[number,number]|[number,number,number]|[number,number,number,number]|0
export interface DateQuestion<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers> extends Question<AnswerT>, DateQuestionOptions<AnswerT> {
/** @inheritDoc */
type: "date"
/** If the default is not provided or null, the value will be the present date at the time that the prompt is shown. */
default?: Date|null
export interface QuestionMap {
["date"]: DateQuestion
* A lookup object that maps each date part type to the corresponding field of a duration.
const offsetLookup: Partial<Record<Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes, keyof DurationObjectUnits>> = {
year: "years",
month: "months",
day: "days",
hour: "hours",
minute: "minutes",
second: "seconds",
weekday: "days",
* Returns the index of the _last_ element in the array where predicate is true, and -1 otherwise.
function findLastIndex<T>(array: T[], predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: T[]) => boolean) {
let l = array.length;
while (l--) {
if (predicate(array[l], l, array)) return l;
return -1;
* Represents a date prompt.
export class DateInput<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers, QuestionT extends DateQuestion<AnswerT> = DateQuestion> extends Prompt<QuestionT> {
date: DateTime
readonly transformer: DateQuestion["transformer"]
readonly clearable: boolean
readonly format: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions
readonly deltas: NonNullable<DateQuestion["deltas"]>
done: ((state: unknown) => void)|null = null
isDirty: boolean
isCleared: boolean
cursorIndex: number
firstEditableIndex: number
lastEditableIndex: number
constructor(questions: QuestionT, rl: ReadLineInterface, answers: AnswerT) {
super(questions, rl, answers);
// Set the format object based on the user's specified options:
const { transformer, clearable, startCleared, locale, format = {}, default: date, deltas, startingDatePart } = this.opt;
this.transformer = transformer
this.deltas = deltas ?? {}
this.clearable = clearable ?? false
this.format = {
year: "numeric",
month: "numeric",
day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "numeric",
// Set the date object with either the default value or the current date: = DateTime.fromJSDate(date ?? new Date());
if (typeof locale === "string") { =
// Clear the default value option (so it won't be printed by the Prompt class):
this.opt.default = null;
this.isDirty = false;
this.isCleared = startCleared ?? false;
// Set the first and last indices of the editable date parts:
this.firstEditableIndex = this.dateParts.findIndex((part) => this.isDatePartEditable(part.type));
this.lastEditableIndex = findLastIndex(this.dateParts, (part) => this.isDatePartEditable(part.type));
// Set the cursor index to the first editable part:
this.cursorIndex = !!startingDatePart && this.isDatePartEditable(startingDatePart) ? this.dateParts.findIndex((part) => part.type === startingDatePart) : this.firstEditableIndex;
// Called by parent class:
_run(cb: DateInput["done"]) {
this.done = cb;
// Observe events:
const events = observe(this.rl);
const submit = events.line.pipe(map(() => (this.isCleared ? null :;
const validation = this.handleSubmitEvents(submit);
// Init the prompt:
return this;
* Renders the prompt.
* @param {string} [error]
render(error?: string) {
let message = this.getQuestion(); // The question portion of the output, including any prefix and suffix
const { isDirty, isCleared } = this;
const isFinal = this.status === "answered";
if (!isCleared) {
const dateString = this.dateParts
.map(({ value }, index) =>
? chalk.cyan(value)
: index === this.cursorIndex
? chalk.inverse(value)
: !isDirty
? chalk.dim(value)
: value,
// Apply the transformer function if one was provided:
message += this.opt.transformer
? this.opt.transformer(dateString, this.answers as AnswerT, { isDirty, isCleared, isFinal })
: dateString;
// Display info on how to clear if the prompt is clearable:
if (this.opt.clearable && !isFinal) {
message += chalk.dim(" (<delete> to clear) ");
const bottomContent = error ?">> ") + error : "";
// Render the final message:
this.screen.render(message, bottomContent);
* The end event handler.
onEnd({ value }: SuccessfulPromptStateData<Date|null>) {
this.status = "answered";
// Re-render prompt
if (this.done !== null) {
* The error event handler.
onError({ isValid }: FailedPromptStateData) {
this.render(isValid || undefined);
* The array of date part objects according to the user's specified format.
get dateParts() {
* The currently selected date part.
get currentDatePart() {
return this.dateParts[this.cursorIndex];
isDatePartEditable(part: Intl.DateTimeFormatPartTypes): boolean {
return offsetLookup.hasOwnProperty(part) && ((this.deltas[part] ?? this.deltas["default"] ?? 1) !== 0)
* A Boolean value indicating whether the currently selected date part is editable.
get isCurrentDatePartEditable() {
return this.isDatePartEditable(this.currentDatePart.type);
* Moves the cursor index to the right.
incrementCursorIndex() {
if (this.cursorIndex < this.lastEditableIndex) {
* Moves the cursor index to the left.
decrementCursorIndex() {
if (this.cursorIndex > this.firstEditableIndex) {
* Shifts the currently selected date part to the specified offset value.
* The default value is `0`.
* @param {number} offset
shiftDatePartValue(offset = 0) {
const { type } = this.currentDatePart;
const duration: DurationObjectUnits = {}
const offsetProperty = offsetLookup[type]
if (offset !== 0 && typeof offsetProperty === "string") {
duration[offsetProperty] = offset
// Set the input as "dirty" now that the initial date is being changed:
this.isDirty = true; =
* Increments the currently selected date part by one.
incrementDatePartValueBy(value = 1) {
* Decrements the currently selected date part by one.
decrementDatePartValueBy(value = 1) {
this.shiftDatePartValue(-1 * value);
* The keypress event handler.
onKeypress({ key }: {key: Key}) {
// Reset cleared state if any other key is pressed:
if (this.isCleared) {
this.isCleared = false;
this.isDirty = true;
// Calculate the amount to increment/decrement by based on modifiers:
const deltas = this.deltas[this.currentDatePart.type] ?? this.deltas["default"] ?? [1, 10, 100]
const amount = ((): number => {
if (typeof deltas === "number") {
return deltas
} else {
switch (deltas.length) {
case 1:
return deltas[0]
case 2:
return (key.shift || key.meta) ? deltas[1] : deltas[0]
case 3:
return (key.shift || key.meta) ? (key.shift && key.meta) ? deltas[2] : deltas[1] : deltas[0]
case 4:
return key.shift ? key.meta ? deltas[3] : deltas[1] : key.meta ? deltas[2] : deltas[0]
switch ( {
case "right":
do {
} while (!this.isCurrentDatePartEditable); // increments the cursor index until it hits an editable value
case "left":
do {
} while (!this.isCurrentDatePartEditable); // decrements the cursor index until it hits an editable value
case "up":
case "down":
case "delete":
case "backspace":
if (this.clearable) this.isCleared = true;

@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
import Prompt from "inquirer/lib/prompts/base.js";
import observe from "inquirer/lib/utils/events.js";
import {
} from "inquirer";
import {Separator} from "../Inquire.js";
import {Interface as ReadLineInterface} from "readline";
import {filter} from "rxjs/operators/index.js"
import chalk from "chalk";
import {Subject} from "rxjs";
import figures from "figures";
import Paginator from "inquirer/lib/utils/paginator.js";
import {isPopulatedArray} from "../../utils/Arrays.js";
import {FilterOptions} from "fuzzy";
import fuzzy from "fuzzy";
import ScreenManager from "inquirer/lib/utils/screen-manager.js";
const fuzzyFilter = fuzzy.filter;
interface ExtendedReadLine extends ReadLineInterface {
line: string
cursor: number
declare module "inquirer" {
export interface HierarchicalCheckboxChoiceBase extends ChoiceOptions {
readonly value?: string|null
readonly children?: readonly HierarchicalCheckboxChoice[]
readonly showChildren?: boolean
export interface HierarchicalCheckboxParentChoice extends HierarchicalCheckboxChoiceBase {
readonly showChildren?: boolean
readonly value?: null
readonly children: readonly [HierarchicalCheckboxChoice, ...HierarchicalCheckboxChoice[]]
export interface HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice extends HierarchicalCheckboxChoiceBase {
readonly value: string|null
readonly children?: readonly []
readonly showChildren?: false
export type HierarchicalCheckboxChoice = HierarchicalCheckboxParentChoice|HierarchicalCheckboxChildChoice
export interface HierarchicalCheckboxQuestionOptions {
readonly choices: readonly (HierarchicalCheckboxChoice|SeparatorOptions)[]
readonly pageSize?: number
export interface HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers> extends Question<AnswerT>, HierarchicalCheckboxQuestionOptions {
/** @inheritDoc */
type: "hierarchical-checkbox"
default?: readonly string[]
export interface QuestionMap {
["hierarchical-checkbox"]: HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion
interface ExtendedPaginatorConstructor {
new(manager: ScreenManager, options: {isInfinite:boolean}): ExtendedPaginator
interface ExtendedPaginator extends Paginator {
paginate(content: string, selectedIndex: number, pageSize?: number): string;
interface NormalizedChoiceBase {
readonly name: string
readonly value: string|null
readonly short: string|null
readonly children?: readonly NormalizedChoice[]
interface NormalizedParentChoice extends NormalizedChoiceBase {
readonly name: string
readonly value: null
readonly short: null
readonly children: readonly [NormalizedChoice, ...NormalizedChoice[]]
readonly showChildren: boolean
interface NormalizedLeafChoice extends NormalizedChoiceBase {
readonly name: string
readonly value: string
readonly short: string
readonly children?: readonly []
interface NormalizedDisabledChoice extends NormalizedChoiceBase {
readonly name: string
readonly value: null
readonly short: null
readonly children?: readonly []
type NormalizedChoice = NormalizedParentChoice|NormalizedLeafChoice|NormalizedDisabledChoice
function isParentChoice(c: NormalizedChoice): c is NormalizedParentChoice {
return isPopulatedArray(c.children)
function isLeafChoice(c: NormalizedChoice): c is NormalizedLeafChoice {
return c.value !== null
function isDisabledChoice(c: NormalizedChoice): c is NormalizedDisabledChoice {
return c.value === null && !isPopulatedArray(c.children)
function normalizeChoice(choice: HierarchicalCheckboxChoice|SeparatorOptions, valueMap: ValueMap): NormalizedChoice {
if (choice.type === "separator") {
return {
name: choice.line || new Separator().line,
value: null,
short: null,
children: [],
const { name = chalk.dim("undefined") } = choice
const children = isPopulatedArray(choice.children) ? => normalizeChoice(choice, valueMap)) : [];
if (isPopulatedArray(children)) {
const { showChildren = true } = choice
return {
value: null,
short: null,
} else {
const { name: originalName = null } = choice
const { value = originalName } = choice
if (value === null) {
// Disabled choice, no need for a short value
return {
value: null,
short: null,
children: [],
} else {
// Selectable leaf choice
const { short = name } = choice
const result: NormalizedLeafChoice = {
children: []
addValueToMap(result, valueMap)
return result
interface BaseBreadcrumb {
readonly parent: Breadcrumb|null
readonly index: number|null
readonly children: readonly NormalizedChoice[]
readonly searchable: readonly (NormalizedLeafChoice|NormalizedParentChoice)[]
interface RootBreadcrumb extends BaseBreadcrumb {
readonly parent: null
readonly index: null
readonly selectable: readonly number[]
interface ChildBreadcrumb extends BaseBreadcrumb {
readonly parent: Breadcrumb
readonly index: number
readonly selectable: readonly number[]
interface FilterBreadcrumb extends BaseBreadcrumb {
readonly parent: Breadcrumb
readonly index: null
readonly filter: string
readonly adjustingFilter: boolean
type Breadcrumb = RootBreadcrumb|ChildBreadcrumb|FilterBreadcrumb
function isRootBreadcrumb(b: Breadcrumb): b is RootBreadcrumb {
return b.parent === null && b.index === null
function isFilterBreadcrumb(b: Breadcrumb): b is FilterBreadcrumb {
return b.parent !== null && b.index === null
interface ValueMap {
[value: string]: NormalizedLeafChoice|[NormalizedLeafChoice, NormalizedLeafChoice, ...NormalizedLeafChoice[]]
interface ValidValueMap extends ValueMap {
[value: string]: NormalizedLeafChoice
interface InvalidValueMap extends ValueMap {
[value: string]: [NormalizedLeafChoice, NormalizedLeafChoice, ...NormalizedLeafChoice[]]
function addValueToMap(choice: NormalizedLeafChoice, map: ValueMap) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(choice.value)) {
const existing = map[choice.value]
if (Array.isArray(existing) && !existing.some((item) => === && item.short === choice.short)) {
map[choice.value] = [choice, ...existing]
} else if (!Array.isArray(existing) && !( === && existing.short === choice.short)) {
map[choice.value] = [choice, existing]
} else {
// It's a duplicate, but one that's the same as something already in the books.
} else {
map[choice.value] = choice
function splitValues(map: ValueMap): {valid: ValidValueMap, invalid: InvalidValueMap} {
const valid: ValidValueMap = {}
const invalid: InvalidValueMap = {}
Object.keys(map).forEach((value) => {
const item = map[value]
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
invalid[value] = item
} else {
valid[value] = item
return { valid, invalid }
function getSearchableList(base: readonly NormalizedChoice[]): (NormalizedLeafChoice|NormalizedParentChoice)[] {
const result = base.flatMap((choice) => {
if (isParentChoice(choice)) {
return [choice, ...getSearchableList(choice.children)]
} else if (isLeafChoice(choice)) {
return [choice]
} else {
return []
result.sort((a: NormalizedLeafChoice|NormalizedParentChoice, b: NormalizedLeafChoice|NormalizedParentChoice): number =>
return result.filter((value, index) => result.findIndex((match) => === && match.value === value.value) === index)
function getSelectableList(base: readonly NormalizedChoice[]): number[] {
return, index) => index).filter((choice) => !isDisabledChoice(base[choice]))
const [searchHighlightPrefix, searchHighlightSuffix] = chalk.yellowBright.bold("Placeholder").split("Placeholder") as [string, string]
export class HierarchicalCheckboxInput<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers, QuestionT extends HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion<AnswerT> = HierarchicalCheckboxQuestion> extends Prompt<QuestionT> {
constructor(question: QuestionT, readline: ExtendedReadLine, answers: AnswerT) {
super(question, readline, answers);
const valueMap: ValueMap = {}
const rootChoices = => normalizeChoice(choice, valueMap))
this.location = {
parent: null,
index: null,
children: rootChoices,
selectable: getSelectableList(rootChoices),
searchable: getSearchableList(rootChoices)
const { valid, invalid } = splitValues(valueMap)
this.valueMap = valid
this.invalidValues = invalid
this.value = question.default?.slice() || []
this.activeIndex = 0
_run(callback: Exclude<HierarchicalCheckboxInput["done"], null>, error?: (err: Error) => void) {
const invalidChoices = Object.keys(this.invalidValues);
const invalidValues = this.value.filter((value) => !this.valueMap.hasOwnProperty(value));
if (isPopulatedArray(invalidChoices)) {
if (error) {
error(Error(`Duplicate values: ${invalidChoices.join()}`))
} else if (isPopulatedArray(invalidValues)) {
if (error) {
error(Error(`Unknown values: ${invalidValues.join()}`))
this.rl.on("history", (history) => {
history.splice(0, history.length)
const events = observe(this.rl);
this.status = "touched"
this.done = callback
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => {
return !== "up" && !== "down" && !== "tab" && !== "backspace" && !== "space" && !( === "x" && event.key.ctrl === true)
})).subscribe(() => this.onOtherKey())
events.normalizedUpKey.subscribe(() => this.onUpKey())
events.normalizedDownKey.subscribe(() => this.onDownKey())
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => === "tab")).subscribe(() => this.onTab())
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => === "backspace")).subscribe(() => this.onBack())
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => === "space")).subscribe(() => this.onSpacebar())
events.line.subscribe(() => this.onLine())
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => === "x" && event.key.ctrl === true)).subscribe(() => this.onClear())
const onSubmit = this.handleSubmitEvents(this.submitter)
onSubmit.success.subscribe((result) => this.onValidated(result.value))
onSubmit.error.subscribe((result) => this.onValidationError(result.isValid))
private readonly valueMap: ValidValueMap
private readonly invalidValues: InvalidValueMap
private readonly value: string[]
private done: ((state: unknown) => void)|null
private location: Breadcrumb
private activeIndex: number
private unlistedValues: string[]
private submitter: Subject<string[]> = new Subject<string[]>()
private paginator: ExtendedPaginator = new (Paginator as ExtendedPaginatorConstructor)(this.screen, {isInfinite: true});
private scheduledRender: NodeJS.Immediate|null = null
private get readline(): ExtendedReadLine {
return this.rl
private get activeChoice(): NormalizedChoice|null {
if (this.activeIndex >= this.totalLength) {
return null
if (this.isUnlistedActive()) {
return this.valueMap[this.unlistedValues[this.activeUnlistedIndex()]] || null
} else {
return this.location.children[this.activeChildIndex()] || null
private render(error?: string) {
this.scheduledRender = null
const outputs: string[] = [this.getQuestion()]
const bottomOutputs: string[] = []
const isRoot = isRootBreadcrumb(this.location)
const isFilter = isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)
const hasFilter = isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && this.location.filter !== ""
const isAdjustingFilter = isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && this.location.adjustingFilter
const isParent = this.activeChoice && isParentChoice(this.activeChoice)
const isLeaf = this.activeChoice && isLeafChoice(this.activeChoice)
if (this.status === "answered") {
outputs.push( => `${chalk.cyan(this.valueMap[s].short)}`).join(", "))
} else {
if (typeof error === "string") {
bottomOutputs.push(`${figures.warning} ${error}`)
} else {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
outputs.push(isAdjustingFilter ? chalk.cyan("Searching: ") : chalk.dim("Searching: "))
bottomOutputs.push( => this.valueMap[s].short).join(", ") || chalk.dim("(nothing selected)"))
if (isAdjustingFilter) {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Type to search, ${hasFilter ? "" : `${chalk.yellow("<backspace>")} to stop searching, `}`
+ `${chalk.yellow("<tab>")} to switch to the search results, `
+ `${chalk.yellow("<Ctrl>+x")} to stop searching, ${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to select the current option and finish the search.`))
} else {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Use arrow keys to move, ${isRoot ? "" : isFilter ? hasFilter ? "" : `${chalk.yellow("<backspace>")} to stop searching, ` : `${chalk.yellow("<backspace>")} to ascend, `}`
+ (isFilter ? `${chalk.yellow("<tab>")} to switch to the search box, ` : `${chalk.yellow("<tab>")} to search this view, `)
+ `${isParent ? `${chalk.yellow("<space>")} to descend, ` : isLeaf ? `${chalk.yellow("<space>")} to toggle, ` : ""}`
+ `${isFilter ? `${chalk.yellow("<Ctrl>+x")} to stop searching, ` : isPopulatedArray(this.value) ? `${chalk.yellow("<Ctrl>+x")} to clear selection, ` : ""}${isFilter ? `${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to select the current option and finish the search.` : `${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to submit.`}`))
this.screen.render(outputs.join(""), bottomOutputs.join("\n"))
private renderList(): string {
const outputs: string[] = []
const isAdjustingFilter = isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && this.location.adjustingFilter
outputs.push(, index):string => {
const isSelected = index === this.activeChildIndex()
const isActive = isLeafChoice(entry) && this.value.includes(entry.value)
const isDisabled = isDisabledChoice(entry)
const isParent = isParentChoice(entry)
const showChildren = isParentChoice(entry) && entry.showChildren
return `${isSelected ? chalk.cyan(figures.pointer) : " "} ${isDisabled ? " " : isParent ? figures.arrowRight : isActive ? chalk.greenBright(figures.checkboxCircleOn) : figures.checkboxCircleOff} ${isSelected && !isAdjustingFilter ? (isActive ? chalk.blueBright( : chalk.cyan( : (isActive ? :}${isParentChoice(entry) && showChildren ? `${chalk.dim(` (${ =>", ")})`)}` : ""}`
if (!isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && isPopulatedArray(this.unlistedValues)) {
outputs.push(" " + new Separator().line)
outputs.push(, index): string => {
const isSelected = index === this.activeUnlistedIndex()
const isActive = this.value.includes(value)
const entry = this.valueMap[value]
return `${isSelected ? chalk.cyan(figures.pointer) : " "} ${isActive ? chalk.greenBright(figures.checkboxCircleOn) : figures.checkboxCircleOff} ${isSelected ? (isActive ? chalk.blueBright( : chalk.cyan( : (isActive ? :}`
outputs.push(" " + new Separator().line)
// @ts-ignore
return this.paginator.paginate(outputs.join("\n"), this.activeIndex, this.opt.pageSize)
private isUnlistedActive() {
return !isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && this.activeUnlistedIndex() >= 0
private activeUnlistedIndex() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) || (this.activeIndex < this.location.selectable.length)) {
return -1;
} else {
return this.activeIndex - this.location.selectable.length;
private activeChildIndex() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
return this.activeIndex
} else {
if (this.isUnlistedActive()) {
return -1
} else {
return this.location.selectable[this.activeIndex];
private onUpKey() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
if (this.location.adjustingFilter) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: false
if (this.activeIndex > 0) {
} else {
this.activeIndex = this.totalLength
private onDownKey() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
if (this.location.adjustingFilter) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: false
if (this.activeIndex < this.totalLength - 1) {
} else {
this.activeIndex = -1
private onTab() {
if (!isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
this.readline.line = ""
this.readline.cursor = 0
} else if (this.location.adjustingFilter) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: false
this.readline.line = this.location.filter
this.readline.cursor = this.location.filter.length
} else {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: true
this.readline.line = this.location.filter
this.readline.cursor = this.location.filter.length
private onBack() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
if (!this.location.adjustingFilter && (this.location.filter !== this.readline.line || this.readline.cursor !== this.location.filter.length)) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: true
if (this.location.filter !== "") {
const oldLocation = this.location
if (isRootBreadcrumb(oldLocation)) {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(oldLocation)) {
this.location = oldLocation.parent
this.activeIndex = 0
} else if (isFilterBreadcrumb(oldLocation.parent)) {
this.location = oldLocation.parent.parent
this.activeIndex = 0
} else {
this.location = oldLocation.parent
this.activeIndex = oldLocation.index
private onSpacebar() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location) && this.location.adjustingFilter) {
const currentChoice = this.activeChoice
if (currentChoice === null) {
} else if (isLeafChoice(currentChoice)) {
const index = this.value.indexOf(currentChoice.value)
if (index === -1) {
} else {
this.value.splice(index, 1)
} else if (isParentChoice(currentChoice)) {
this.location = {
parent: this.location,
index: this.activeIndex,
children: currentChoice.children,
selectable: getSelectableList(currentChoice.children),
searchable: getSearchableList(currentChoice.children),
this.activeIndex = 0
} else {
// disabled choice, do nothing
private updateUnlistedValues() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
this.unlistedValues = []
} else {
this.unlistedValues = this.value.filter((value) => !this.location.children.some((choice) => choice.value === value))
private updateFilter() {
if (!isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
this.location = {
parent: this.location,
index: null,
filter: "",
adjustingFilter: true,
children: this.location.searchable,
searchable: this.location.searchable,
this.activeIndex = 0
if (this.location.adjustingFilter && this.readline.line !== this.location.filter) {
this.location = {
filter: this.readline.line,
children: this.readline.line === "" ? this.location.searchable : fuzzyFilter(this.readline.line, this.location.searchable.slice(), {
pre: searchHighlightPrefix,
post: searchHighlightSuffix,
extract(input: NormalizedLeafChoice | NormalizedParentChoice): string {
} as FilterOptions<NormalizedParentChoice | NormalizedLeafChoice>).map((result) => ({
name: result.string,
this.activeIndex = 0
private onLine() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
if (!isPopulatedArray(this.location.children)) {
if (this.location.adjustingFilter) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: false,
// Activate the selected item.
const newLocation = this.location
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(newLocation)) {
this.location = this.location.parent
} else {
private onClear() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
this.location = this.location.parent
this.activeIndex = 0
this.value.splice(0, this.value.length)
private scheduleRender() {
if (this.scheduledRender === null) {
this.scheduledRender = setImmediate(() => this.render())
private changeIndex(by: number) {
this.activeIndex += by
if (this.activeIndex < 0) {
this.activeIndex = 0
} else if (this.activeIndex >= this.totalLength) {
this.activeIndex = this.totalLength - 1
private get totalLength() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
return this.location.children.length;
} else {
return this.location.selectable.length + this.unlistedValues.length;
private onValidationError(isValid: false|string) {
this.render(typeof isValid === "string" ? :"Invalid input"))
private onValidated(value: string[]) {
this.value.splice(0, this.value.length, ...value)
this.status = "answered"
if (this.done !== null) {
private onOtherKey() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
if (!this.location.adjustingFilter && (this.location.filter !== this.readline.line || this.readline.cursor !== this.location.filter.length)) {
this.location = {
adjustingFilter: true
} else if (this.readline.line !== "") {
private updatePrompt() {
if (isFilterBreadcrumb(this.location)) {
this.readline.setPrompt("Searching: ")
} else {

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
import Prompt from "inquirer/lib/prompts/base.js";
import observe from "inquirer/lib/utils/events.js";
import {Answers, MultiTextInputQuestion, Question} from "inquirer";
import {Interface as ReadLineInterface} from "readline";
import {filter} from "rxjs/operators/index.js"
import chalk from "chalk";
import {Subject} from "rxjs";
import figures from "figures";
import Paginator from "inquirer/lib/utils/paginator.js";
interface ExtendedReadLine extends ReadLineInterface {
line: string
cursor: number
declare module "inquirer" {
export interface MultiTextInputQuestionOptions {
pageSize?: number
export interface MultiTextInputQuestion<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers> extends Question<AnswerT>, MultiTextInputQuestionOptions {
/** @inheritDoc */
type: "multitext"
default?: readonly string[]
export interface QuestionMap {
["multitext"]: MultiTextInputQuestion
export class MultiTextInput<AnswerT extends Answers = Answers, QuestionT extends MultiTextInputQuestion<AnswerT> = MultiTextInputQuestion> extends Prompt<QuestionT> {
constructor(question: QuestionT, readline: ExtendedReadLine, answers: AnswerT) {
super(question, readline, answers);
this.value = question.default?.slice() || []
this.activeIndex = this.value.length
_run(callback: MultiTextInput["done"]) {
this.status = "touched"
this.done = callback
const events = observe(this.rl);
this.rl.on("history", (history) => {
history.splice(0, history.length)
events.normalizedUpKey.subscribe(() => this.onUpKey())
events.normalizedDownKey.subscribe(() => this.onDownKey())
events.line.subscribe((line) => this.onLine(line))
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => {
return === "r" && event.key.ctrl === true
})).subscribe(() => this.onReset())
events.keypress.pipe(filter((event) => {
return === "x" && event.key.ctrl === true
})).subscribe(() => this.onClear())
events.keypress.subscribe(() => this.scheduleRender())
const onSubmit = this.handleSubmitEvents(this.submitter)
onSubmit.success.subscribe((result) => this.onValidated(result.value))
onSubmit.error.subscribe((result) => this.onValidationError(result.isValid))
private done: (state: unknown) => void|null
private activeIndex: number
private readonly value: string[]
private submitter: Subject<string[]> = new Subject<string[]>()
// @ts-ignore
private paginator: Paginator = new Paginator(this.screen, {isInfinite: false});
private scheduledRender: NodeJS.Immediate|null = null
private get readline(): ExtendedReadLine {
return this.rl
private get isNew(): boolean {
return this.activeIndex === this.value.length
private get activeValue(): string {
return this.isNew ? "" : this.value[this.activeIndex]
private set activeValue(newValue: string) {
if (this.isNew) {
} else {
this.value[this.activeIndex] = newValue
private render(error?: string) {
this.scheduledRender = null
const outputs: string[] = [this.getQuestion()]
const bottomOutputs: string[] = []
if (this.status === "answered") {
outputs.push( => chalk.cyan(`${s}`)).join(", "))
} else {
if (typeof error === "string") {
bottomOutputs.push(`${figures.warning} ${error}`)
} else if (this.readline.line === "") {
if (this.isNew) {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Begin typing to add a new entry. Press ${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to submit these entries, ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+x")} to delete all entries, or ${chalk.yellow("<up>")}/${chalk.yellow("<down>")} to change existing entries.`))
} else {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Press ${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} or ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+x")} to delete this entry or ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+r")} to revert.`))
} else {
if (this.isNew) {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Press ${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to add this entry or ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+r")} or ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+x")} to clear it.`))
} else if (this.activeValue !== this.readline.line) {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Press ${chalk.yellow("<enter>")} to save this entry, ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+r")} to revert it, or ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+x")} to delete it.`))
} else {
bottomOutputs.push(chalk.dim(`Begin typing to change this entry or press ${chalk.yellow("<ctrl>+x")} to delete it. Press ${chalk.yellow("<up>")}/${chalk.yellow("<down>")} to change other entries.`))
this.screen.render(outputs.join(""), bottomOutputs.join("\n"))
private renderList(): string {
const outputs: string[] = []
outputs.push(, index):string => {
const isSelected = index === this.activeIndex
return `${isSelected ? chalk.cyan(figures.pointer) : " "} ${isSelected ? chalk.cyan(entry) : entry}`
outputs.push(`${this.isNew ? chalk.cyan(figures.pointer) : " "} ${this.isNew ? chalk.cyan.dim("(New Entry)") : chalk.dim("(New Entry)")}`)
// @ts-ignore
return this.paginator.paginate(outputs.join("\n"), this.activeIndex, this.opt.pageSize)
private onUpKey() {
if (this.readline.line !== this.activeValue) {
if (this.activeIndex > 0) {
private onDownKey() {
if (this.readline.line !== this.activeValue) {
if (this.activeIndex < this.value.length) {
private onLine(line: string) {
if (line === "") {
if (this.isNew) {
} else {
this.value.splice(this.activeIndex, 1)
} else {
this.activeValue = line
private onReset() {
private onClear() {
if (!this.isNew) {
this.value.splice(this.activeIndex, 1)
} else if (this.readline.line !== "") {
this.readline.line = ""
} else {
this.value.splice(0, this.value.length)
this.activeIndex = 0
private scheduleRender() {
if (this.scheduledRender === null) {
this.scheduledRender = setImmediate(() => this.render())
private changeIndex(by: number) {
this.activeIndex += by
if (this.activeIndex < 0) {
this.activeIndex = 0
} else if (this.activeIndex > this.value.length) {
this.activeIndex = this.value.length
this.readline.line = this.activeValue
this.readline.cursor = this.activeValue.length
private onValidationError(isValid: false|string) {
this.render(typeof isValid === "string" ? :"Invalid input"))
private onValidated(value: string[]) {
this.value.splice(0, this.value.length, ...value)
this.status = "answered"

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import {registerPrompt} from "../Inquire.js";
import {MultiTextInput} from "./MultiTextInput.js";
import {HierarchicalCheckboxInput} from "./HierarchicalCheckboxInput.js";
import {DateInput} from "./DateInput.js";
export function registerPrompts() {
registerPrompt("multitext", MultiTextInput)
registerPrompt("hierarchical-checkbox", HierarchicalCheckboxInput)
registerPrompt("date", DateInput)

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import {EmpathyGuide, EmpathyGuideJTD} from "../datatypes/EmpathyGuide.js";
import {Entry} from "../datatypes/Entry.js";
import {
AnyReferenceList, Value
} from "../schemata/SchemaData.js";
import {rm, open, FileHandle} from "fs/promises";
import {join, dirname} from "path";
import {dump, load} from "js-yaml";
import envPaths from "env-paths";
import makeDir from "make-dir";
import {Journal, JournalJTD} from "../datatypes/Journal.js";
export type AutosaveFile = Record<string, unknown>
export type AutosaveFileJTD = typeof AutosaveFileJTD
export const AutosaveFileJTD = schema({
schema: {
values: {}
typeHint: null as AutosaveFile|null,
key: "autosaveFile",
references: []
export interface LocalRepositoryDependencies {
rm: typeof rm
open: typeof open
makeDir: typeof makeDir
export class LocalRepository {
private readonly paths: envPaths.Paths
constructor() {
this.paths = envPaths("guided-journal")
private getJournalFilePath(): string {
return join(, "journal.yaml")
private getEmpathyGuideFilePath(): string {
return join(this.paths.config, "empathyGuide.yaml")
private getAutosaveFilePath(autosaveNamespace: string): string {
return join(, "autosave", `${autosaveNamespace}.yaml`)
async loadEmpathyGuide(): Promise<EmpathyGuide> {
const path = this.getEmpathyGuideFilePath()
let handle: FileHandle
try {
handle = await open(path, "a+")
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === "object" && e.hasOwnProperty("code") && typeof e.code === "string" && e.code === "ENOENT") {
return {} // no empathy guide exists, so return a blank one
throw e
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const saved = load(fileYaml)
if (!EmpathyGuideJTD.validate(saved)) {
throw Error(`Empathy guide file was corrupted`)
return saved
} finally {
await handle.close()
async saveEmpathyGuide(empathyGuide: EmpathyGuide): Promise<void> {
const path = this.getEmpathyGuideFilePath()
await makeDir(dirname(path))
const handle = await open(path, "w")
try {
await handle.writeFile(dump(empathyGuide), {encoding: "utf-8"})
} finally {
await handle.close()
async getEntries(): Promise<Journal> {
const path = this.getJournalFilePath()
let handle: FileHandle
try {
handle = await open(path, "r")
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === "object" && e.hasOwnProperty("code") && typeof e.code === "string" && e.code === "ENOENT") {
// file does not exist :(
return {entries: []} // no entries saved
throw e
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const saved = load(fileYaml)
if (!JournalJTD.validate(saved)) {
throw Error(`Journal file was corrupted`)
return saved
} finally {
await handle.close()
async saveEntry(entry: Entry): Promise<void> {
const path = this.getJournalFilePath()
await makeDir(dirname(path))
const handle = await open(path, "a+")
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const original = fileYaml !== "" ? load(fileYaml) : {}
if (!JournalJTD.validate(original)) {
throw Error(`Journal file was corrupted`)
const appended = {entries: [...original.entries || [], entry]}
await handle.truncate(0)
await handle.writeFile(dump(appended), {encoding: "utf-8"})
} finally {
await handle.close()
// TODO: Enable autosave for all commands
async loadAutosaveObjects<TypesT extends AnyReferenceList>(
{autosaveNamespace, schemas}: { autosaveNamespace: string, schemas: TypesT }): Promise<{
validated: Partial<ReferencedTypes<TypesT>>,
unvalidated: Partial<Record<keyof ReferencedTypes<TypesT>, string>>
}> {
const path = this.getAutosaveFilePath(autosaveNamespace)
let handle: FileHandle
try {
handle = await open(path, "r")
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === "object" && e.hasOwnProperty("code") && typeof e.code === "string" && e.code === "ENOENT") {
// file does not exist :(
return {validated: {}, unvalidated: {}} // nothing was autosaved
throw e
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const autosaved = load(fileYaml)
if (!AutosaveFileJTD.validate(autosaved)) {
throw Error(`Autosave file ${autosaveNamespace} was too corrupted to make sense of`)
const validated: Partial<ReferencedTypes<TypesT>> = {}
const unvalidated: Partial<Record<keyof ReferencedTypes<TypesT>, string>> = {}
schemas.forEach((schema: ReferencedSchema<TypesT>) => {
if (autosaved.hasOwnProperty(schema.key)) {
const value = autosaved[schema.key]
if (!schema.validate(value)) {
unvalidated[schema.key as keyof ReferencedTypes<TypesT>] = value
} else {
validated[schema.key as keyof ReferencedTypes<TypesT>] = value as Value<ReferencedSchema<TypesT>>
return {validated, unvalidated}
} finally {
await handle.close()
async saveAutosaveObject<T>({schema, value, autosaveNamespace}: {autosaveNamespace: string, schema: SchemaData<T, string, AnyReferenceList, ReferencedTypes<AnyReferenceList>>, value: T}): Promise<void> {
const path = this.getAutosaveFilePath(autosaveNamespace)
await makeDir(dirname(path))
const handle = await open(path, "a+")
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const original = load(fileYaml)
if (!AutosaveFileJTD.validate(original)) {
throw Error(`Autosave file ${autosaveNamespace} was corrupted`)
original[schema.key] = value
await handle.truncate(0)
await handle.writeFile(dump(original), {encoding: "utf-8"})
} finally {
await handle.close()
async clearAutosaveObject({schema, autosaveNamespace}: {autosaveNamespace: string, schema: SchemaData<unknown, string, AnyReferenceList, ReferencedTypes<AnyReferenceList>>}): Promise<void> {
const path = this.getAutosaveFilePath(autosaveNamespace)
await makeDir(dirname(path))
const handle = await open(path, "a+")
try {
const fileYaml = await handle.readFile({encoding: "utf-8"})
const original = load(fileYaml)
if (!AutosaveFileJTD.validate(original)) {
throw Error(`Autosave file ${autosaveNamespace} was corrupted`)
delete original[schema.key]
await handle.truncate(0)
await handle.writeFile(dump(original), {encoding: "utf-8"})
} finally {
await handle.close()
async clearAutosaveObjects(autosaveNamespace: string): Promise<void> {
const path = this.getAutosaveFilePath(autosaveNamespace)
await rm(path, {
force: true

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import AJV, {ValidateFunction, JTDSchemaType} from "ajv/dist/jtd.js";
const ajv = new AJV();
interface BaseSchemaData<RepresentedT, ReferenceT extends string> {
value?: RepresentedT,
schema: unknown,
key: ReferenceT,
definition: { [key in ReferenceT]: unknown }
reference: { "ref": ReferenceT }
validate: ValidateFunction<RepresentedT>
requiredReferences: AnyReferenceList
export interface SchemaData<RepresentedT, ReferenceT extends string, ReferencesT extends AnyReferenceList, DefinitionsT extends ReferencedTypes<ReferencesT>> extends BaseSchemaData<RepresentedT, ReferenceT> {
value?: RepresentedT,
schema: JTDSchemaType<RepresentedT, DefinitionsT>,
key: ReferenceT,
definition: { [key in ReferenceT]: JTDSchemaType<RepresentedT, DefinitionsT> }
reference: { "ref": ReferenceT },
validate: ValidateFunction<RepresentedT>
requiredReferences: ReferencesT
export type AnySchemaDataFor<RepresentedT> = BaseSchemaData<RepresentedT, string>
export type AnySchemaData = AnySchemaDataFor<unknown>
export type AnyReferenceList = AnySchemaData[]
export type AnyDefinitions = Record<string, unknown>
export type Schema<DataT extends AnySchemaData> = Exclude<DataT["schema"], undefined>
export type Value<DataT extends AnySchemaData> = Exclude<DataT["value"], undefined>
export type Definition<DataT extends AnySchemaData> = Exclude<DataT["definition"], undefined>
export type Reference<DataT extends AnySchemaData> = Exclude<DataT["reference"], undefined>
export type ReferenceKey<DataT extends AnySchemaData> = Exclude<DataT["key"], undefined>
export type ReferencedSchemaMap<ReferencesT extends AnyReferenceList> = {
[Property in keyof ReferencesT as ReferencesT[Property] extends AnySchemaData ? ReferenceKey<ReferencesT[Property]> : never]: ReferencesT[Property] extends AnySchemaData ? ReferencesT[Property] : never
export type ReferencedSchema<ReferencesT extends AnyReferenceList> = ReferencedSchemaMap<ReferencesT>[keyof ReferencedSchemaMap<ReferencesT>]
export type ReferencedTypes<ReferencesT extends AnyReferenceList> = {
[Property in keyof ReferencedSchemaMap<ReferencesT>]?: Value<ReferencedSchemaMap<ReferencesT>[Property]>
// TODO: Add a test for a circular definition (i.e., an object that contains a reference to itself, for recursive objects like trees) in both one- and two-object loops
export function schema<
KeyT extends string,
ReferencesT extends AnySchemaData[],
>({schema, key, references}: { schema: JTDSchemaType<RepresentedT, ReferencedTypes<ReferencesT>>, key: KeyT, references: ReferencesT, typeHint?: RepresentedT|null }): SchemaData<RepresentedT, KeyT, ReferencesT, ReferencedTypes<ReferencesT>> {
const definition = {[key]: schema} as Definition<SchemaData<RepresentedT, KeyT, ReferencesT, ReferencedTypes<ReferencesT>>>
const reference = {ref: key}
const definitions = references.reduce<AnyDefinitions>((definitions, reference) => ({...reference.definition, ...definitions}), definition)
const validate = ajv.compile<RepresentedT>({ ...reference, definitions })
return {
requiredReferences: references

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
import {DateTime} from "luxon";
export interface Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT> {
checkType(data: unknown): data is SerializedT
hydrate(data: SerializedT): DeserializedT
dehydrate(data: DeserializedT): SerializedT
export interface LocatedError {
readonly location: string
readonly error: Error|LocatedError
export function isLocatedError(object: unknown): object is LocatedError {
return typeof object === "object" && object !== null && object.hasOwnProperty("location") && object.hasOwnProperty("error")
export function wrapErrorWithLocation(location: string, object: unknown): LocatedError {
if (typeof object === "string") {
return {
error: Error(object)
} else if (object instanceof Error || isLocatedError(object)) {
return {
error: object
} else {
return {
error: Error(`Unknown error: ${object}`)
export class SelfSerializer<T> implements Serializer<T, T> {
readonly checkType: (data: unknown) => data is T;
constructor(checkType: (data: unknown) => data is T) {
this.checkType = checkType
dehydrate(data: T): T {
return data;
hydrate(data: T): T {
return data;
export const StringSerializer = new SelfSerializer((data): data is string => typeof data === "string")
export const DateTimeSerializer: Serializer<DateTime, string> = {
checkType(data: unknown): data is string {
return typeof data === "string"
dehydrate(data: DateTime): string {
return data.toISO();
hydrate(data: string): DateTime {
return DateTime.fromISO(data);
export class EnumSerializer<T extends string|number> implements Serializer<T, T> {
readonly values: readonly T[]
constructor(values: readonly T[]) {
this.values = values
checkType(data: unknown): data is T {
if (!(this.values as unknown[]).includes(data)) {
throw Error("not a valid value for the enum")
return true
dehydrate(data: T): T {
return data;
hydrate(data: T): T {
return data;
export class NullableSerializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT> implements Serializer<DeserializedT | null, SerializedT | null> {
readonly inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>
constructor(inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>) {
this.inner = inner
checkType(data: unknown): data is SerializedT | null {
return data === null || this.inner.checkType(data)
dehydrate(data: DeserializedT | null): SerializedT | null {
if (data === null) {
return null
return this.inner.dehydrate(data);
hydrate(data: SerializedT | null): DeserializedT | null {
if (data === null) {
return null
return this.inner.hydrate(data);
export class OptionalSerializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT> implements Serializer<DeserializedT | undefined, SerializedT | undefined> {
readonly inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>
constructor(inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>) {
this.inner = inner
checkType(data: unknown): data is SerializedT | undefined {
return typeof data === "undefined" || this.inner.checkType(data)
dehydrate(data: DeserializedT | undefined): SerializedT | undefined {
if (typeof data === "undefined") {
return data
return this.inner.dehydrate(data);
hydrate(data: SerializedT | undefined): DeserializedT | undefined {
if (typeof data === "undefined") {
return data
return this.inner.hydrate(data);
export const OptionalStringSerializer = new OptionalSerializer(StringSerializer)
export const OptionalDateTimeSerializer = new OptionalSerializer(DateTimeSerializer)
export type KeySerializers<DeserializedT extends {[key in KeysT]?: unknown}, SerializedT extends {[key in KeysT]?: unknown}, KeysT extends string|number> = {
[key in KeysT]: Serializer<DeserializedT[key], SerializedT[key]>
export class ObjectSerializer<DeserializedT extends {[key in KeysT]?: unknown}, SerializedT extends {[key in KeysT]?: unknown}, KeysT extends string|number> implements Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT> {
readonly inner: KeySerializers<DeserializedT, SerializedT, KeysT>
readonly keys: KeysT[]
constructor(inner: KeySerializers<DeserializedT, SerializedT, KeysT>, keys: KeysT[]) {
this.inner = inner
this.keys = keys
checkType(data: unknown): data is SerializedT {
if (typeof data !== "object" || data === null) {
throw Error("expected an object")
const map: {[key in KeysT]?: unknown} = data
for (const key of this.keys) {
try {
if (!this.inner[key].checkType(map[key])) {
// noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS
throw Error("checkType returned false")
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at key ${key}`, e)
return true
dehydrate(data: DeserializedT): SerializedT {
const result: Partial<SerializedT> = {}
for (const key of this.keys) {
try {
result[key] = this.inner[key].dehydrate(data[key])
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at key ${key}`, e)
return result as SerializedT
hydrate(data: SerializedT): DeserializedT {
const result: Partial<DeserializedT> = {}
for (const key of this.keys) {
try {
result[key] = this.inner[key].hydrate(data[key])
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at key ${key}`, e)
return result as DeserializedT
export class ArraySerializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT> implements Serializer<DeserializedT[], SerializedT[]> {
readonly inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>
constructor(inner: Serializer<DeserializedT, SerializedT>) {
this.inner = inner
checkType(data: unknown): data is SerializedT[] {
return Array.isArray(data) && data.every((value, index) => {
try {
if (!this.inner.checkType(value)) {
// noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS
throw Error("checkType returned false")
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at index ${index}`, e)
dehydrate(data: DeserializedT[]): SerializedT[] {
return, index) => {
try {
return this.inner.dehydrate(value)
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at index ${index}`, e)
hydrate(data: SerializedT[]): DeserializedT[] {
return, index) => {
try {
return this.inner.hydrate(value)
} catch (e) {
throw wrapErrorWithLocation(`at index ${index}`, e)
export const ArrayStringSerializer = new ArraySerializer(StringSerializer)
export const OptionalArrayStringSerializer = new OptionalSerializer(ArrayStringSerializer)

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import {AnySchemaDataFor} from "./SchemaData.js";
import {dump, load} from "js-yaml";
import {InquireFunction, ShowFunction} from "../prompts/Inquire.js";
import {EditorQuestion, ExpandQuestion} from "inquirer";
const RETRY = "Retry"
const ABORT = "Abort"
export interface YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT> {
schema: AnySchemaDataFor<ObjectT>
currentValue: ObjectT|undefined
name: string
export interface YamlPromptSetOptions<ObjectT> extends YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT> {
currentValue: ObjectT
export interface YamlPromptDependencies {
inquire: InquireFunction<EditorQuestion, string> & InquireFunction<ExpandQuestion, typeof RETRY|typeof ABORT>
showError: ShowFunction
export type YamlPromptFunction = (<ObjectT>(opts: YamlPromptSetOptions<ObjectT>) => Promise<ObjectT>) & (<ObjectT>(opts: YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT>) => Promise<ObjectT|undefined>)
export function yamlPrompt(deps: YamlPromptDependencies): YamlPromptFunction {
function injectedYamlPrompt<ObjectT>(opts: YamlPromptSetOptions<ObjectT>): Promise<ObjectT>
function injectedYamlPrompt<ObjectT>(opts: YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT>): Promise<ObjectT|undefined>
function injectedYamlPrompt<ObjectT>(opts: YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT>): Promise<ObjectT|undefined> {
return promptForYaml<ObjectT>(opts, deps)
return injectedYamlPrompt
export async function promptForYaml<ObjectT>({schema, currentValue, name}: YamlPromptSetOptions<ObjectT>, {inquire, showError}: YamlPromptDependencies): Promise<ObjectT>
export async function promptForYaml<ObjectT>({schema, currentValue, name}: YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT>, {inquire, showError}: YamlPromptDependencies): Promise<ObjectT|undefined>
export async function promptForYaml<ObjectT>({schema, currentValue, name}: YamlPromptOptions<ObjectT>, {inquire, showError}: YamlPromptDependencies): Promise<ObjectT|undefined> {
const original = dump(currentValue)
let text = original
while (true) {
const modified = await inquire({
type: "editor",
message: `View and edit ${name}:`,
default: text,
if (original !== modified) {
try {
const result = load(modified)
if (schema.validate(result)) {
return result
} else {
await showError(schema.validate.errors?.map((e) => e.toString()).join("; ") ?? "Failed validation")
} catch (e) {
await showError(e.toString())
const option = await inquire({
type: "expand",
message: "Choose how to proceed:",
choices: [
{key: "r", name: "Retry editing current text", value: RETRY},
{key: "a", name: "Abort editing and reset to original state", value: ABORT}
switch (option) {
case RETRY:
text = modified
case ABORT:
return currentValue
} else {
return currentValue

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export function isPopulatedArray<T>(array: readonly T[]|null|undefined): array is [T, ...T[]] {
return array !== null && array !== undefined && array.length > 0

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
export function merge<Update extends {readonly [key: string]: unknown}, Data extends Update>(update: Update, base: Data): Data {
const data = {
// Purge keys that were intentionally removed...
Object.keys(update).forEach((key: keyof typeof update) => {
if (typeof update[key] === "undefined") {
delete data[key]
return data

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
export function asDefault<InputT>(input: InputT): { default: InputT } {
return {default: input}
export function identity<InputT>(input: InputT): InputT {
return input

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"module": "es6",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
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"moduleResolution": "node",
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"outDir": "dist",
"baseUrl": ".",
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"*": ["node_modules/*", "src/types/*"]
"*": ["node_modules/*", "types/*"]
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"include": ["src/**/*"]

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
declare module "wordcount" {
function wordcount(input: string): number
export = wordcount