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package room
import (
// act is the meat and potatoes of the room - it's responsible for actually running the room.
// It will gracefully remove all clients before shutting down.
func (r *room) act() {
defer r.gracefulShutdown()
r.logger.Info("Room starting up, listening for incoming actions")
for {
raw := <-r.incomingChannel
client := raw.ClientID()
msgLogger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", client))
msgLogger.Debug("Message received, handling", zap.Object("message", raw))
switch msg := raw.(type) {
case JoinRequest:
r.addClient(, msg.returnChannel, msg.broadcast, msg.privateChannel)
r.acknowledgeJoin(, msg.wantCurrentState)
case RefreshRequest:
case ApplyRequest:
msgLogger.Debug("Received action to apply from client", zap.Int("actionId", msg.action.ID))
result := r.applyAction(msg.action.Action)
if result != nil {
r.broadcastAction(client, msg.action.ID, msg.action.Action)
r.acknowledgeAction(client, msg.action.ID, result)
case LeaveRequest:
// So long, then. We can close immediately here; they promised not to send any more messages after this
// unless we were shutting down, which we're not.
case StopRequest:
// As requested, we shut down. Our deferred gracefulShutdown will catch us as we fall.
msgLogger.Info("Received StopRequest from client, shutting down")
case ShutdownResponse:
// Uh... thank... you. I'm not... Never mind. I guess this means you're leaving?
msgLogger.Error("Received unexpected ShutdownResponse from client while not shutting down")
msgLogger.Warn("Ignoring unhandled message", zap.Object("message", msg))
msgLogger.Debug("Message handled, resuming listening")
// addClient records a client's presence in the client map.
func (r *room) addClient(id xid.ID, returnChannel chan<- Message, broadcast bool, privateChannel bool) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Adding client")
if client, ok := r.clients[id]; ok {
if client.outgoingChannel == returnChannel {
if broadcast == client.broadcast && privateChannel == client.privateChannel {
logger.Warn("Already have client when adding client")
} else {
logger.Error("Already have client but with different settings when adding client")
} else {
logger.Error("Already have a different client with the same id when adding client")
r.clients[id] = internalClient{
id: id,
outgoingChannel: returnChannel,
broadcast: broadcast,
privateChannel: privateChannel,
// stateCopy creates and returns a fresh copy of the current state.
// This avoids concurrent modification of the state while clients are reading it.
func (r *room) stateCopy() *state.Synced {
s := r.currentState.Copy()
return &s
// acknowledgeJoin composes and sends a JoinResponse to the given client.
func (r *room) acknowledgeJoin(id xid.ID, includeState bool) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging join")
var s *state.Synced = nil
if includeState {
logger.Debug("Preparing state copy for client")
s = r.stateCopy()
logger.Debug("Sending JoinResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- JoinResponse{
currentState: s,
// sendRefresh composes and sends a RefreshResponse to the given client.
func (r *room) sendRefresh(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when sending refresh")
var s *state.Synced = nil
logger.Debug("Preparing state copy for client")
s = r.stateCopy()
logger.Debug("Sending RefreshResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- RefreshResponse{
currentState: s,
// applyAction applies an action to the state and returns the result of it.
func (r *room) applyAction(action action.Action) error {
r.logger.Debug("Applying action", zap.Object("action", action))
return action.Apply(&r.currentState)
// broadcastAction sends an action to everyone other than the original client which requested it.
func (r *room) broadcastAction(originalClientID xid.ID, originalActionID int, action action.Action) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("originalClient", originalClientID), zap.Int("actionID", originalActionID), zap.Object("action", action))
broadcast := ActionBroadcast{
originalClientID: originalClientID,
originalActionID: originalActionID,
action: action,
logger.Debug("Broadcasting action to all clients")
for id, client := range r.clients {
if id.Compare(originalClientID) != 0 {
logger.Debug("Sending ActionBroadcast to client", zap.Stringer("client", id))
client.outgoingChannel <- broadcast
// acknowledgeAction sends a response to the original client which requested an action.
func (r *room) acknowledgeAction(id xid.ID, actionID int, error error) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("id", id), zap.Int("actionId", actionID), zap.Error(error))
logger.Debug("Responding to client with the status of its action")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging action")
logger.Debug("Sending ApplyResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- ApplyResponse{
id: id,
actionID: actionID,
result: error,
// acknowledgeLeave causes the room to signal to the client that it has received and acknowledged the client's LeaveRequest,
// and will not send any further messages.
func (r *room) acknowledgeLeave(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Acknowledging client's leave request")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging leave request")
logger.Debug("Sending LeaveResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- LeaveResponse{id:}
// closeClient causes the room to remove the client with the given id from its clients.
// This should only be used after a shutdown handshake between this client and the room has taken place.
func (r *room) closeClient(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Closing client")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("Attempted to close a client that didn't exist")
if client.privateChannel {
logger.Debug("Closing outgoingChannel, as client has a privateChannel")
delete(r.clients, id)
// gracefulShutdown causes the room to shut down cleanly, making sure that all clients have been removed.
func (r *room) gracefulShutdown() {
defer r.finalShutdown()
if len(r.clients) == 0 {
// Nothing to do, we've already won.
r.logger.Debug("No remaining clients, so just shutting down")
for len(r.clients) > 0 {
raw := <-r.incomingChannel
client := raw.ClientID()
msgLogger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", client))
msgLogger.Debug("Post-shutdown message received, handling", zap.Object("message", raw))
switch msg := raw.(type) {
case JoinRequest:
// Don't you hate it when someone comes to the desk right as you're getting ready to pack up?
// Can't ignore them - they have our channel, and they might be sending things to it. We have to add them
// and then immediately send them a ShutdownRequest and wait for them to answer it.
msgLogger.Debug("Received join request from client while shutting down")
r.addClient(, msg.returnChannel, msg.broadcast, msg.privateChannel)
case RefreshRequest:
// Ugh, seriously, now? Fine. You can have this - you might be our friend the persistence actor.
case LeaveRequest:
// We sent them a shutdown already, so unfortunately, we can't close them immediately. We have to wait for
// them to tell us they've heard that we're shutting down.
msgLogger.Debug("Received leave request from client while shutting down")
case StopRequest:
// Yes. We're doing that. Check your inbox, I already sent you the shutdown.
msgLogger.Debug("Received stop request from client while shutting down")
case ShutdownResponse:
// The only way we would be getting one of these is if the client knows it doesn't have to send us anything
// else. Therefore, we can remove them now.
// Similarly, we know that they'll receive the LeaveResponse they need and shut down.
// Like us, even if it sent a LeaveRequest before realizing we were shutting down, it would have gotten our
// ShutdownRequest and sent this before it could read the LeaveResponse, but it will wait for the
// LeaveResponse regardless.
msgLogger.Debug("Received shutdown confirmation from client")
msgLogger.Debug("Ignoring irrelevant message from client while shutting down", zap.Object("message", raw))
msgLogger.Debug("Message handled, resuming listening and waiting to be safe to shut down", zap.Int("clientsLeft", len(r.clients)))
r.logger.Debug("All clients have acknowledged the ShutdownRequest, now shutting down")
// requestShutdown produces a ShutdownRequest and sends it to all clients to indicate that the room is shutting down.
func (r *room) requestShutdown() {
r.logger.Debug("Alerting clients that shutdown is in progress", zap.Int("clientsLeft", len(r.clients)))
for id := range r.clients {
// requestShutdownFrom produces a ShutdownRequest and sends it to the client with id to indicate that the room is
// shutting down.
func (r *room) requestShutdownFrom(id xid.ID) {
clientField := zap.Stringer("client", id)
r.logger.Debug("Alerting client that shutdown is in progress", clientField)
shutdown := ShutdownRequest{
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
r.logger.Error("No such client when requesting shutdown from client", clientField)
client.outgoingChannel <- shutdown
// finalShutdown causes the room to do any final cleanup not involving its clients before stopping.
// Use gracefulShutdown instead, which calls this once it's safe to do so.
func (r *room) finalShutdown() {
r.logger.Debug("Closing incoming channel")
r.logger.Info("Shut down")