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import {BaseAction} from "./BaseAction";
import {AppAction} from "./AppAction";
import {CellColorAction, isCellColorAction} from "./CellAction";
import {SyncedState} from "../state/SyncedState";
import {isUserActiveColorAction, UserActiveColorAction} from "./UserAction";
// TODO: Split into ServerAction and ClientAction files
/** Sent in response to the client's ClientHelloAction when the client has been accepted. */
export interface ServerHelloAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_HELLO
/** The protocol version the server is running on. */
readonly version: number
/** The current state of the server as of when the client connected. */
readonly state: SyncedState
export function isServerHelloAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerHelloAction {
return action.type === SERVER_HELLO
/** Synthesized when the server closes the connection. */
export interface ServerGoodbyeAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_GOODBYE
/** The error code sent with the close message by the server, or -1 if our side crashed.*/
readonly code: number
/** The text of the server's goodbye message, or the exception message if our side crashed. */
readonly reason: string
/** The current time when this close message was received. */
readonly currentTime: Date
export function isServerGoodbyeAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerGoodbyeAction {
return action.type === SERVER_GOODBYE
/** Sent in response to the client's ClientRefreshAction. */
export interface ServerRefreshAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_REFRESH
/** The current state of the server as of when the client's refresh request was processed. */
readonly state: SyncedState
export function isServerRefreshAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerRefreshAction {
return action.type === SERVER_REFRESH
export const SERVER_OK = "SERVER_OK"
/** Sent in response to the client's ClientNestedAction, if it succeeds and is applied to the server map. */
export interface ServerOKAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_OK
* The IDs of the successful actions.
* These will always be sent in sequential order - the order in which the server received and applied them.
* This allows the client to apply that set of actions to its server-state copy and then refresh its local copy.
readonly ids: readonly number[]
export function isServerOKAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerOKAction {
return action.type === SERVER_OK
export interface ActionFailure {
readonly id: number
readonly error: string
/** Sent in response to the client's ClientNestedAction, if it fails and has not been applied to the server map. */
export interface ServerFailedAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_FAILED
readonly failures: readonly ActionFailure[]
export function isServerFailedAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerFailedAction {
return action.type === SERVER_FAILED
export enum SocketState {
/** Synthesized when the websocket begins connecting, i.e., enters the Connecting or Open states.. */
export interface ServerSocketStartupAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_SOCKET_STARTUP
readonly state: SocketState
export function isServerSocketStartupAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerSocketStartupAction {
return action.type === SERVER_SOCKET_STARTUP
export const SERVER_SENT = "SERVER_SENT"
/** Sent by the server when another client has performed an action. Never sent for the client's own actions. */
export interface ServerSentAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof SERVER_SENT
readonly actions: readonly SyncableAction[]
export function isServerSentAction(action: AppAction): action is ServerSentAction {
return action.type === SERVER_SENT
export type SyncableAction = SendableAction
export function isSyncableAction(action: AppAction): action is SyncableAction {
return isSendableAction(action)
export type ServerAction =
ServerHelloAction | ServerGoodbyeAction | ServerRefreshAction |
ServerOKAction | ServerFailedAction |
ServerSocketStartupAction | ServerSentAction
export function isServerAction(action: AppAction) {
return isServerHelloAction(action) || isServerGoodbyeAction(action) || isServerRefreshAction(action)
|| isServerOKAction(action) || isServerFailedAction(action)
|| isServerSocketStartupAction(action) || isServerSentAction(action)
/** Sent when the client connects. */
export interface ClientHelloAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof CLIENT_HELLO
/** The protocol version the client is running on */
readonly version: number
export function isClientHelloAction(action: AppAction): action is ClientHelloAction {
return action.type === CLIENT_HELLO
/** Sent when the user requests a refresh, or if a malformed action comes through. */
export interface ClientRefreshAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof CLIENT_REFRESH
export function isClientRefreshAction(action: AppAction): action is ClientRefreshAction {
return action.type === CLIENT_REFRESH
/** Synthesized when a user action is ready to be sent to the server. */
export interface ClientPendingAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof CLIENT_PENDING
readonly pending: SendableAction
export function isClientPendingAction(action: AppAction): action is ClientPendingAction {
return action.type === CLIENT_PENDING
export interface SentAction {
readonly id: number
readonly action: SendableAction
export const CLIENT_SENT = "CLIENT_SENT"
/** Sent to the server when the user performs an action. */
export interface ClientSentAction extends BaseAction {
readonly type: typeof CLIENT_SENT
readonly nested: readonly SentAction[]
export function isClientSentAction(action: AppAction): action is ClientSentAction {
return action.type === CLIENT_SENT
export type SendableAction = CellColorAction | UserActiveColorAction
export function isSendableAction(action: AppAction): action is SendableAction {
return isCellColorAction(action) || isUserActiveColorAction(action)
export type ClientAction = ClientHelloAction | ClientRefreshAction | ClientPendingAction | ClientSentAction
export function isClientAction(action: AppAction): action is ClientAction {
return isClientHelloAction(action) || isClientRefreshAction(action) || isClientPendingAction(action) || isClientSentAction(action)
export type NetworkAction = ServerAction | ClientAction;
export function isNetworkAction(action: AppAction): action is NetworkAction {
return isServerAction(action) || isClientAction(action)