You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package ws
import (
const (
// ReadTimeLimit is the maximum time the server is willing to wait after receiving a message before receiving another one.
ReadTimeLimit = 60 * time.Second
// WriteTimeLimit is the maximum time the server is willing to wait to send a message.
WriteTimeLimit = 10 * time.Second
// ControlTimeLimit is the maximum time the server is willing to wait to send a control message like Ping or Close.
ControlTimeLimit = (WriteTimeLimit * 5) / 10
// PingDelay is the time between pings.
// It must be less than ReadTimeLimit to account for latency and delays on either side.
PingDelay = (ReadTimeLimit * 7) / 10
type HTTPHandler struct {
Upgrader websocket.Upgrader
Logger *zap.Logger
Room *room.Client
func destroyBadProtocolSocket(c *websocket.Conn, logger *zap.Logger) {
err := c.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseProtocolError, "Invalid subprotocols"), time.Now().Add(ControlTimeLimit))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to write close message")
err = c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(ControlTimeLimit))
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to set read deadline")
for {
_, _, err := c.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
if !websocket.IsCloseError(err, websocket.CloseProtocolError) {
logger.Error("Websocket connection shut down ignominiously", zap.Error(err))
func (h *HTTPHandler) ServeHTTP(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
c, err := h.Upgrader.Upgrade(responseWriter, request, http.Header{})
if err != nil {
h.Logger.Error("Failed to upgrade ws connection", zap.Error(err))
if c.Subprotocol() == "" {
h.Logger.Error("No matching subprotocol", zap.String("clientProtocols", request.Header.Get("Sec-Websocket-Protocol")))
go destroyBadProtocolSocket(c, h.Logger)
result := NewConnection(c, h.Logger.Named("Connection"))
exchange(result, h.Logger.Named("Link"), func(o room.NewClientOptions) *room.Client {
return h.Room.NewClient(o)
func exchange(c *Connection, l *zap.Logger, clientMaker func(options room.NewClientOptions) *room.Client) {
wsr := c.ReadChannel()
wsw := c.WriteChannel()
l.Info("Connection established")
closeWith := &SocketClosed{
Code: websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure,
Text: "I don't know what happened. But goodbye!",
defer func() {
l.Info("Shutting down")
// Wait for the websocket connection to shut down.
wsw <- closeWith
if wsr != nil {
for {
msg := <-wsr
switch msg.(type) {
case *SocketClosed:
// State 1: Waiting for a hello.
// Anything else is death.
cmd := <-wsr
switch typedCmd := cmd.(type) {
case *ClientHello:
if typedCmd.Version != ProtocolVersion {
l.Warn("Bad Hello version")
// Disgusting. I can't even look at you.
closeWith = &SocketClosed{
Code: websocket.CloseProtocolError,
Text: "Wrong protocol version",
l.Info("Got Hello")
l.Warn("Got NON-hello")
closeWith = &SocketClosed{
Code: websocket.CloseProtocolError,
Text: "You don't even say hello?",
l.Info("Waiting for room.")
// State 2: Waiting for the room to notice us.
rm := clientMaker(room.NewClientOptions{
AcceptBroadcasts: true,
RequestStartingState: true,
rmr := rm.IncomingChannel()
rmw := rm.OutgoingChannel()
var leaveWith room.ClientMessage = nil
defer func() {
l.Info("Leaving room")
if leaveWith == nil {
leaveWith = rm.Leave()
rmw <- leaveWith
if _, ok := leaveWith.(*room.ShutdownResponse); ok {
// The room was already shutting down.
for {
msg := <-rmr
switch msg.(type) {
case *room.LeaveResponse:
case *room.ShutdownRequest:
rmw <- rm.AcknowledgeShutdown()
l.Info("Waiting for JoinResponse")
msg := <-rmr
switch typedMsg := msg.(type) {
case *room.JoinResponse:
l.Info("Got JoinResponse")
wsw <- &ServerHello{
Version: ProtocolVersion,
State: typedMsg.CurrentState(),
case *room.ShutdownRequest:
l.Info("Got ShutdownRequest")
// Room was shutting down when we joined, oops!
closeWith = &SocketClosed{
Code: websocket.CloseGoingAway,
Text: "Shutting down right as you joined. Sorry!",
l.Info("Got non-JoinResponse/ShutdownRequest")
// Uh. That's concerning. We don't have anything to send our client.
// Let's just give up.
l.Info("Waiting for messages")
for {
select {
case cmd := <-wsr:
switch typedCmd := cmd.(type) {
case *ClientHello:
l.Info("Got unnecessary ClientHello")
// Huh???
closeWith = &SocketClosed{
Code: websocket.CloseProtocolError,
Text: "Enough hellos. Goodbye.",
case *ClientRefresh:
l.Info("Got ClientRefresh")
rmw <- rm.Refresh()
case *ClientAct:
l.Info("Got ClientAct")
for _, act := range typedCmd.Actions {
rmw <- rm.Apply(act)
case *SocketClosed:
l.Info("Got SocketClosed", zap.Object("close", typedCmd))
closeWith = typedCmd
case *ClientMalformed:
l.Warn("Got ClientMalformed")
case msg := <-rmr:
switch typedMsg := msg.(type) {
case *room.JoinResponse:
// Huh????
l.Info("Got unnecesary JoinResponse")
case *room.RefreshResponse:
l.Info("Got RefreshResponse")
wsw <- &ServerRefresh{
State: typedMsg.CurrentState(),
case *room.ApplyResponse:
l.Info("Got ApplyResponse")
if typedMsg.Success() {
wsw <- &ServerOK{
IDs: []uint32{typedMsg.ActionID()},
} else {
wsw <- &ServerFailed{
IDs: []uint32{typedMsg.ActionID()},
Error: typedMsg.Failure().Error(),
case *room.ActionBroadcast:
l.Info("Got ActionBroadcast")
wsw <- &ServerAct{
Actions: action.ServerSlice{typedMsg.Action()},
case *room.LeaveResponse:
l.Info("Got odd LeaveResponse")
// Oh. u_u I wasn't- okay.
case *room.ShutdownRequest:
// Oh. Oh! Okay! Sorry!
l.Info("Got ShutdownRequest")
leaveWith = rm.AcknowledgeShutdown()
// A Connection corresponds to a pair of actors.
type Connection struct {
r reader
w writer
func NewConnection(conn *websocket.Conn, logger *zap.Logger) *Connection {
readChan := make(chan time.Time)
out := &Connection{
r: reader{
conn: conn,
channel: make(chan ClientCommand),
readNotifications: readChan,
logger: logger.Named("reader"),
w: writer{
conn: conn,
channel: make(chan ServerCommand),
readNotifications: readChan,
timer: nil,
nextPingAt: time.Time{},
logger: logger.Named("writer"),
go out.r.act()
go out.w.act()
return out
// ReadChannel returns the channel that can be used to read client messages from the connection.
// After receiving SocketClosed, the reader will close its channel.
func (c *Connection) ReadChannel() <-chan ClientCommand {
// WriteChannel returns the channel that can be used to send server messages on the connection.
// After sending SocketClosed, the writer will close its channel; do not send any further messages on the channel.
func (c *Connection) WriteChannel() chan<- ServerCommand {