Finish implementing the room actor and its client

Mari 3 years ago
parent abaeb8d609
commit ef9e4c9da1
  1. 34
  2. 36
  3. 42
  4. 12
  5. 34
  6. 19
  7. 1
  8. 5
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  11. 165
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  14. 54
  15. 8
  16. 54
  17. 14
  18. 9

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package action
import (
// ClientHello is the action sent by the client when it first establishes the connection.
type ClientHello struct {
// Version is the protocol version the client is running.
Version int `json:"version"`
// ClientRefresh is the action sent by the client when it needs the full state re-sent.
type ClientRefresh struct {
// IDed contains a pair of ID and Action, as sent by the server.
type IDed struct {
// ID contains the arbitrary ID that was sent by the client, for identifying the action in future messages.
ID int `json:"id"`
// Action contains the action that was actually being sent.
Action Syncable `json:"action"`
func (i IDed) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddInt("id", i.ID)
return encoder.AddObject("action", i.Action)
// ClientSent is an action sent in order to deliver one or more Syncable actions to the server.
type ClientSent struct {
// Actions contains the actions the client wants to apply, in the order they should be applied.
Actions []IDed `json:"nested"`

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package action
import (
// CellColor is the action sent when a cell of the map has been colored a different color.
type CellColor struct {
// At is the location of the cell in storage coordinates.
At state.StorageCoordinates `json:"at"`
// Color is the color the cell has been changed to.
Color state.HexColor `json:"color"`
func (c CellColor) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
err := encoder.AddObject("at", c.At)
encoder.AddString("color", c.Color.String())
return err
// Apply sets the target cell's color, or returns ErrNoOp if it can't.
func (c CellColor) Apply(s *state.Synced) error {
if c.Color.A < 0xF {
return ErrNoTransparentColors
cell, err := s.Map.LineCells.GetCellAt(c.At)
if err != nil {
return err
if cell.Color == c.Color {
return ErrNoOp
cell.Color = c.Color
return nil

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package action
import "hexmap-server/state"
// ServerHello is the action sent to establish the current state of the server when a new client connects.
type ServerHello struct {
// Version is the protocol version the server is running.
Version int `json:"version"`
// State is the complete state of the server as of when the client joined.
State state.Synced `json:"state"`
// ServerRefresh is the action sent to reestablish the current state of the server in response to ClientRefresh.
type ServerRefresh struct {
// State is the complete state of the server as of when the corresponding ClientRefresh was processed.
State state.Synced `json:"state"`
// ServerOK is the action sent when one or more client actions have been accepted and applied.
type ServerOK struct {
// IDs contains the IDs of the actions which were accepted and applied, in the order they were accepted and applied.
// This is the same as the order they were received, though other actions may have been between these that were
// rejected.
IDs []int `json:"ids"`
// ServerFailed is the action sent when one or more client actions have been rejected.
type ServerFailed struct {
// IDs contains the IDs of the actions which were rejected, in the order they were rejected.
// This is the same as the order they were received, though other actions may have been between these that were
// accepted and applied.
IDs []int `json:"ids"`
// Error contains the error text sent from the server about why these actions failed.
Error string `json:"error"`
// ServerSent is the action sent when one or more client actions from other clients have been accepted and applied.
// The client's own actions will never be included in this action.
type ServerSent struct {
// Actions contains the actions that are now being applied.
Actions []Syncable `json:"actions"`

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
package syncable
package action
import (
var ErrorNoOp error = errors.New("action's effects were already applied, or it's an empty action")
var ErrNoOp error = errors.New("action's effects were already applied, or it's an empty action")
// Action is the interface for actions that can be shared.
type Action interface {
// Syncable is the interface for action that can be shared.
type Syncable interface {
// Apply causes the action's effects to be applied to s, mutating it in place.
// All syncable.Actions must conform to the standard that if an action can't be correctly applied, or if it would
// have no effect, it returns an error without changing s.
// If an action can be correctly applied but would have no effect, it should return ErrorNoOp.
// If an action can be correctly applied but would have no effect, it should return ErrNoOp.
// If an action is correctly applied and has an effect, it should return nil.
Apply(s *state.Synced) error

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package action
import (
// ErrNoTransparentColors is returned when a user tries to set their active color or a cell color to transparent.
// Transparent here is defined as having an alpha component of less than 15 (0xF).
var ErrNoTransparentColors error = errors.New("transparent colors not allowed")
// UserActiveColor is the action sent when the user's current color, the one being painted with, changes.
type UserActiveColor struct {
// Color is the color that is now active.
Color state.HexColor `json:"color"`
func (c UserActiveColor) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("color", c.Color.String())
return nil
// Apply sets the user's active color, or returns ErrNoOp if it can't.
func (c UserActiveColor) Apply(s *state.Synced) error {
if c.Color.A < 0xF {
return ErrNoTransparentColors
if s.User.ActiveColor == c.Color {
return ErrNoOp
s.User.ActiveColor = c.Color
return nil

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package client
import "hexmap-server/actions/syncable"
type Hello struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
type Refresh struct {
type SentAction struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Action syncable.Action `json:"action"`
type SentActions struct {
Nested []SentAction `json:"nested"`

@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ module hexmap-server
go 1.16
require v1.3.0 // indirect
require ( v1.3.0 v1.18.1

@ -1,2 +1,50 @@ v1.1.0 h1:Q92kusRqC1XV2MjkWETPvjJVqKetz1OzxZB7mHJLju8= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J11/hYXuz8f4ySSvYwY0FKfm+ezbsZBKZxNJlLklBHA= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v0.1.0 h1:L/CwN0zerZDmRFUapSPitk6f+Q3+0za1rQkzVuMiMFI= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:pFQYn66WHrOpPYNljwOMqo10TkYh1fy3cYio2l3bCsQ= v0.1.0 h1:45sCR5RtlFHMR4UwH9sdQ5TC8v0qDQCHnXt+kaKSTVE= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI= v0.8.1 h1:iURUrRGxPUNPdy5/HRSm+Yj6okJ6UtLINN0Q9M4+h3I= v0.8.1/go.mod h1:bwawxfHBFNV+L2hUp1rHADufV3IMtnDRdf1r5NINEl0= v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v1.3.0 h1:6NjYksEUlhurdVehpc7S7dk6DAmcKv8V9gG0FsVN2U4= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:trrq9SKmegXys3aeAKXMUTdJsYXVwGY3RLcfgqegfbg= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4= v1.7.0 h1:nwc3DEeHmmLAfoZucVR881uASk0Mfjw8xYJ99tb5CcY= v1.7.0/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= v1.7.0 h1:ADUqmZGgLDDfbSL9ZmPxKTybcoEYHgpYfELNoN+7hsw= v1.7.0/go.mod h1:fEN4uk6kAWBTFdckzkM89CLk9XfWZrxpCo0nPH17wJc= v1.1.10 h1:z+mqJhf6ss6BSfSM671tgKyZBFPTTJM+HLxnhPC3wu0= v1.1.10/go.mod h1:8a7PlsEVH3e/a/GLqe5IIrQx6GzcnRmZEufDUTk4A7A= v1.6.0 h1:y6IPFStTAIT5Ytl7/XYmHvzXQ7S3g/IeZW9hyZ5thw4= v1.6.0/go.mod h1:cdWPpRnG4AhwMwsgIHip0KRBQjJy5kYEpYjJxpXp9iU= v1.18.1 h1:CSUJ2mjFszzEWt4CdKISEuChVIXGBn3lAPwkRGyVrc4= v1.18.1/go.mod h1:xg/QME4nWcxGxrpdeYfq7UvYrLh66cuVKdrbD1XF/NI= v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w= v0.0.0-20190930215403-16217165b5de h1:5hukYrvBGR8/eNkX5mdUezrA6JiaEZDtJb9Ei+1LlBs= v0.0.0-20190930215403-16217165b5de/go.mod h1:6SW0HCj/g11FgYtHlgUYUwCkIfeOF89ocIRzGO/8vkc= v0.0.0-20190311183353-d8887717615a/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg= v0.0.0-20190620200207-3b0461eec859/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s= v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM= v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd/go.mod h1:LCzVGOaR6xXOjkQ3onu1FJEFr0SW1gC7cKk1uF8kGRs= v0.0.0-20191108193012-7d206e10da11 h1:Yq9t9jnGoR+dBuitxdo9l6Q7xh/zOyNnYUtDKaQ3x0E= v0.0.0-20191108193012-7d206e10da11/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo= v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127 h1:qIbj1fsPNlZgppZ+VLlY7N33q108Sa+fhmuc+sWQYwY= v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= v2.2.8 h1:obN1ZagJSUGI0Ek/LBmuj4SNLPfIny3KsKFopxRdj10= v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b h1:h8qDotaEPuJATrMmW04NCwg7v22aHH28wwpauUhK9Oo= v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
package room
import (
// act is the meat and potatoes of the room - it's responsible for actually running the room.
// It will gracefully remove all clients before shutting down.
func (r *room) act() {
defer r.gracefulShutdown()
r.logger.Info("Room starting up, listening for incoming actions")
for {
raw := <-r.incomingChannel
client := raw.ClientID()
msgLogger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", client))
msgLogger.Debug("Message received, handling", zap.Object("message", raw))
switch msg := raw.(type) {
case JoinRequest:
r.addClient(, msg.returnChannel, msg.broadcast, msg.privateChannel)
r.acknowledgeJoin(, msg.wantCurrentState)
case RefreshRequest:
case ApplyRequest:
msgLogger.Debug("Received action to apply from client", zap.Int("actionId", msg.action.ID))
result := r.applyAction(msg.action.Action)
if result != nil {
r.broadcastAction(client, msg.action.ID, msg.action.Action)
r.acknowledgeAction(client, msg.action.ID, result)
case LeaveRequest:
// So long, then. We can close immediately here; they promised not to send any more messages after this
// unless we were shutting down, which we're not.
case StopRequest:
// As requested, we shut down. Our deferred gracefulShutdown will catch us as we fall.
msgLogger.Info("Received StopRequest from client, shutting down")
case ShutdownResponse:
// Uh... thank... you. I'm not... Never mind. I guess this means you're leaving?
msgLogger.Error("Received unexpected ShutdownResponse from client while not shutting down")
msgLogger.Warn("Ignoring unhandled message", zap.Object("message", msg))
msgLogger.Debug("Message handled, resuming listening")
// addClient records a client's presence in the client map.
func (r *room) addClient(id xid.ID, returnChannel chan<- Message, broadcast bool, privateChannel bool) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Adding client")
if client, ok := r.clients[id]; ok {
if client.outgoingChannel == returnChannel {
if broadcast == client.broadcast && privateChannel == client.privateChannel {
logger.Warn("Already have client when adding client")
} else {
logger.Error("Already have client but with different settings when adding client")
} else {
logger.Error("Already have a different client with the same id when adding client")
r.clients[id] = internalClient{
id: id,
outgoingChannel: returnChannel,
broadcast: broadcast,
privateChannel: privateChannel,
// stateCopy creates and returns a fresh copy of the current state.
// This avoids concurrent modification of the state while clients are reading it.
func (r *room) stateCopy() *state.Synced {
s := r.currentState.Copy()
return &s
// acknowledgeJoin composes and sends a JoinResponse to the given client.
func (r *room) acknowledgeJoin(id xid.ID, includeState bool) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging join")
var s *state.Synced = nil
if includeState {
logger.Debug("Preparing state copy for client")
s = r.stateCopy()
logger.Debug("Sending JoinResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- JoinResponse{
currentState: s,
// sendRefresh composes and sends a RefreshResponse to the given client.
func (r *room) sendRefresh(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when sending refresh")
var s *state.Synced = nil
logger.Debug("Preparing state copy for client")
s = r.stateCopy()
logger.Debug("Sending RefreshResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- RefreshResponse{
currentState: s,
// applyAction applies an action to the state and returns the result of it.
func (r *room) applyAction(action action.Syncable) error {
r.logger.Debug("Applying action", zap.Object("action", action))
return action.Apply(&r.currentState)
// broadcastAction sends an action to everyone other than the original client which requested it.
func (r *room) broadcastAction(originalClientID xid.ID, originalActionID int, action action.Syncable) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("originalClient", originalClientID), zap.Int("actionID", originalActionID), zap.Object("action", action))
broadcast := ActionBroadcast{
originalClientID: originalClientID,
originalActionID: originalActionID,
action: action,
logger.Debug("Broadcasting action to all clients")
for id, client := range r.clients {
if id.Compare(originalClientID) != 0 {
logger.Debug("Sending ActionBroadcast to client", zap.Stringer("client", id))
client.outgoingChannel <- broadcast
// acknowledgeAction sends a response to the original client which requested an action.
func (r *room) acknowledgeAction(id xid.ID, actionID int, error error) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("id", id), zap.Int("actionId", actionID), zap.Error(error))
logger.Debug("Responding to client with the status of its action")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging action")
logger.Debug("Sending ApplyResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- ApplyResponse{
id: id,
actionID: actionID,
result: error,
// acknowledgeLeave causes the room to signal to the client that it has received and acknowledged the client's LeaveRequest,
// and will not send any further messages.
func (r *room) acknowledgeLeave(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Acknowledging client's leave request")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("No such client when acknowledging leave request")
logger.Debug("Sending LeaveResponse to client")
client.outgoingChannel <- LeaveResponse{id:}
// closeClient causes the room to remove the client with the given id from its clients.
// This should only be used after a shutdown handshake between this client and the room has taken place.
func (r *room) closeClient(id xid.ID) {
logger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", id))
logger.Debug("Closing client")
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
logger.Error("Attempted to close a client that didn't exist")
if client.privateChannel {
logger.Debug("Closing outgoingChannel, as client has a privateChannel")
delete(r.clients, id)
// gracefulShutdown causes the room to shut down cleanly, making sure that all clients have been removed.
func (r *room) gracefulShutdown() {
defer r.finalShutdown()
if len(r.clients) == 0 {
// Nothing to do, we've already won.
r.logger.Debug("No remaining clients, so just shutting down")
for len(r.clients) > 0 {
raw := <-r.incomingChannel
client := raw.ClientID()
msgLogger := r.logger.With(zap.Stringer("client", client))
msgLogger.Debug("Post-shutdown message received, handling", zap.Object("message", raw))
switch msg := raw.(type) {
case JoinRequest:
// Don't you hate it when someone comes to the desk right as you're getting ready to pack up?
// Can't ignore them - they have our channel, and they might be sending things to it. We have to add them
// and then immediately send them a ShutdownRequest and wait for them to answer it.
msgLogger.Debug("Received join request from client while shutting down")
r.addClient(, msg.returnChannel, msg.broadcast, msg.privateChannel)
case RefreshRequest:
// Ugh, seriously, now? Fine. You can have this - you might be our friend the persistence actor.
case LeaveRequest:
// We sent them a shutdown already, so unfortunately, we can't close them immediately. We have to wait for
// them to tell us they've heard that we're shutting down.
msgLogger.Debug("Received leave request from client while shutting down")
case StopRequest:
// Yes. We're doing that. Check your inbox, I already sent you the shutdown.
msgLogger.Debug("Received stop request from client while shutting down")
case ShutdownResponse:
// The only way we would be getting one of these is if the client knows it doesn't have to send us anything
// else. Therefore, we can remove them now.
// Similarly, we know that they'll receive the LeaveResponse they need and shut down.
// Like us, even if it sent a LeaveRequest before realizing we were shutting down, it would have gotten our
// ShutdownRequest and sent this before it could read the LeaveResponse, but it will wait for the
// LeaveResponse regardless.
msgLogger.Debug("Received shutdown confirmation from client")
msgLogger.Debug("Ignoring irrelevant message from client while shutting down", zap.Object("message", raw))
msgLogger.Debug("Message handled, resuming listening and waiting to be safe to shut down", zap.Int("clientsLeft", len(r.clients)))
r.logger.Debug("All clients have acknowledged the ShutdownRequest, now shutting down")
// requestShutdown produces a ShutdownRequest and sends it to all clients to indicate that the room is shutting down.
func (r *room) requestShutdown() {
r.logger.Debug("Alerting clients that shutdown is in progress", zap.Int("clientsLeft", len(r.clients)))
for id := range r.clients {
// requestShutdownFrom produces a ShutdownRequest and sends it to the client with id to indicate that the room is
// shutting down.
func (r *room) requestShutdownFrom(id xid.ID) {
clientField := zap.Stringer("client", id)
r.logger.Debug("Alerting client that shutdown is in progress", clientField)
shutdown := ShutdownRequest{
client, ok := r.clients[id]
if !ok {
r.logger.Error("No such client when requesting shutdown from client", clientField)
client.outgoingChannel <- shutdown
// finalShutdown causes the room to do any final cleanup not involving its clients before stopping.
// Use gracefulShutdown instead, which calls this once it's safe to do so.
func (r *room) finalShutdown() {
r.logger.Debug("Closing incoming channel")
r.logger.Info("Shut down")

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
package room
import (
// internalClient is used by the room itself to track information about a client.
type internalClient struct {
// id is the id that the client identifies itself with in all clientMessage instances it sends.
id xid.ID
// outgoingChannel is a channel that the room can send messages to the client on.
outgoingChannel chan<- Message
// privateChannel is true iff the room can close the outgoingChannel when the client and room have completed their
// close handshake.
privateChannel bool
// broadcast is true iff the client requested to be included on broadcasts on creation.
broadcast bool
type NewClientOptions struct {
// IncomingChannel is the channel to use as the room's channel to send messages to - the new Client's IncomingChannel.
// If this is non-nil, the room will not automatically close the IncomingChannel after a shutdown is negotiated.
// If this is nil, a new channel will be allocated on join and closed on shutdown.
IncomingChannel chan Message
// If AcceptBroadcasts is true, the room will send all broadcasts originating from other clients to this client.
AcceptBroadcasts bool
// If RequestStartingState is true, the room will send a copy of the current state as of when the JoinRequest was
// received in the JoinResponse that will be the first message the Client receives.
RequestStartingState bool
// If sets,
Logger *zap.Logger
// Client is the structure used by clients external to the Room package to communicate with the Room.
// It is not expected to be parallel-safe; to run it in parallel, use the NewClient method and send the new client to
// the new goroutine.
type Client struct {
// id is the ClientID used by the client for all communications.
id xid.ID
// roomId is the unique ID of the room (not its map).
roomId xid.ID
// incomingChannel is the channel that this client receives messages on.
incomingChannel <-chan Message
// outgoingChannel is the channel that this client sends messages on.
// Becomes nil if the client has been completely shut down.
outgoingChannel chan<- ClientMessage
// Once Leave or AcknowledgeShutdown have been triggered, this flag is set, preventing use of other messages.
shuttingDown bool
// ID is the ID used by this client to identify itself to the Room.
func (c *Client) ID() xid.ID {
// RoomID is the ID used by the room to differentiate itself from other rooms.
// It is not the map's internal ID.
func (c *Client) RoomID() xid.ID {
// IncomingChannel is the channel the client can listen on for messages from the room.
func (c *Client) IncomingChannel() <-chan Message {
return c.incomingChannel
// OutgoingChannel is the channel the client can send messages to the room on.
func (c *Client) OutgoingChannel() chan<- ClientMessage {
if c.outgoingChannel == nil {
panic("Already finished shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
return c.outgoingChannel
// newClientForRoom uses the necessary parameters to create and join a Client for the given room.
func newClientForRoom(roomId xid.ID, outgoingChannel chan<- ClientMessage, opts NewClientOptions) *Client {
var privateChannel bool
var incomingChannel chan Message
if opts.IncomingChannel != nil {
incomingChannel = opts.IncomingChannel
privateChannel = false
} else {
incomingChannel = make(chan Message, 1)
privateChannel = true
result := Client{
id: xid.New(),
roomId: roomId,
incomingChannel: incomingChannel,
outgoingChannel: outgoingChannel,
shuttingDown: false,
result.outgoingChannel <- JoinRequest{
returnChannel: incomingChannel,
privateChannel: privateChannel,
broadcast: opts.AcceptBroadcasts,
wantCurrentState: opts.RequestStartingState,
return &result
// NewClient creates a new client belonging to the same room as this client with a random ID.
// The new client will be automatically joined to the channel.
func (c *Client) NewClient(opts NewClientOptions) *Client {
if c.shuttingDown {
panic("Already started shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
return newClientForRoom(c.roomId, c.outgoingChannel, opts)
// The message created by Refresh causes the client to request a fresh copy of the state.
func (c *Client) Refresh() RefreshRequest {
if c.shuttingDown {
panic("Already started shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
return RefreshRequest{
// The message created by Leave causes the local client to signal that it is shutting down.
// It is important to Leave to avoid dangling clients having messages sent to nothing.
// After sending Leave, the client must confirm that it has been removed by waiting for a LeaveResponse, accompanied by
// the closing of the Client's IncomingChannel if it was a private channel.
// No further messages should be sent after Leave except AcknowledgeShutdown if Leave and requestShutdown crossed paths in midair.
func (c *Client) Leave() LeaveRequest {
if c.shuttingDown {
panic("Already started shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
c.shuttingDown = true
return LeaveRequest{
// The message created by Stop causes the local client to signal that it is shutting down.
// It is important to Stop when the room needs to be shut down.
// After sending Stop, the client must confirm that it has been removed by waiting for a ShutdownRequest, which should
// be handled normally.
// No further messages should be sent after Stop except AcknowledgeShutdown.
func (c *Client) Stop() StopRequest {
if c.shuttingDown {
panic("Already started shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
c.shuttingDown = true
return StopRequest{
// AcknowledgeShutdown causes the local client to signal that it has acknowledged that the room is shutting down.
// No further messages can be sent after AcknowledgeShutdown; attempting to do so will block forever, as the
// OutgoingChannel has become nil.
func (c *Client) AcknowledgeShutdown() ShutdownResponse {
if c.outgoingChannel == nil {
panic("Already finished shutting down; no new messages should be sent")
c.shuttingDown = true
c.outgoingChannel = nil
return ShutdownResponse{

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package room
import (
// ClientMessage marks messages coming from clients to the room.
type ClientMessage interface {
// SourceID is the id of the client sending the message.
ClientID() xid.ID
// JoinRequest is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a new client joining the room.
type JoinRequest struct {
// id is the SourceID the client will use to identify itself in future messages.
id xid.ID
// returnChannel is a buffered channel the client is ready to receive messages from the room on.
// This becomes the Client's OutgoingChannel.
returnChannel chan<- Message
// privateChannel is true iff the room can close returnChannel after completing a shutdown handshake.
// This permits extra safety by causing channels that somehow leak into other contexts to become noticeable by
// causing panics.
privateChannel bool
// broadcast is true iff the room should send action.Syncable from other clients to this one.
broadcast bool
// wantCurrentState indicates that the client would like the room to include a copy of the current state of the room
// when it joins.
wantCurrentState bool
func (j JoinRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "JoinRequest")
encoder.AddBool("broadcast", j.broadcast)
encoder.AddBool("wantCurrentState", j.wantCurrentState)
return nil
func (j JoinRequest) ClientID() xid.ID {
// RefreshRequest is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a client which needs the current value.
type RefreshRequest struct {
id xid.ID
func (r RefreshRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "RefreshRequest")
return nil
func (r RefreshRequest) ClientID() xid.ID {
// ApplyRequest is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a client which has received an action from the
// websocket.
type ApplyRequest struct {
id xid.ID
action action.IDed
func (f ApplyRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "ApplyRequest")
return encoder.AddObject("action", f.action)
func (f ApplyRequest) ClientID() xid.ID {
// LeaveRequest is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a client which is shutting down.
// The client is indicating that it will send no messages except a possible ShutdownResponse, in the event that a
// LeaveRequest and a ShutdownRequest cross paths midflight.
type LeaveRequest struct {
id xid.ID
func (l LeaveRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "LeaveRequest")
return nil
func (l LeaveRequest) ClientID() xid.ID {
// StopRequest is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a client which wants to make the room shut down.
// The response to a StopRequest is a ShutdownRequest, which should be handled as normal.
type StopRequest struct {
id xid.ID
func (s StopRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "StopRequest")
return nil
func (s StopRequest) ClientID() xid.ID {
// ShutdownResponse is the message sent on the room's IncomingChannel by a client which has accepted the room's ShutdownRequest.
type ShutdownResponse struct {
id xid.ID
func (s ShutdownResponse) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "ShutdownResponse")
return nil
func (s ShutdownResponse) ClientID() xid.ID {

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package room
import (
// Message marks messages going to clients from the room.
type Message interface {
// RoomID marks the ID of the room this Message originated from, in case the Client has a shared IncomingChannel.
RoomID() xid.ID
// JoinResponse is the message sent by the room on a new client's IncomingChannel after it joins.
type JoinResponse struct {
id xid.ID
// currentState is a pointer to a copy of the room's current state.
// If the client refused the room state in its join message, this will be a nil pointer instead.
currentState *state.Synced
func (j JoinResponse) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "JoinResponse")
return encoder.AddObject("currentState", j.currentState)
func (j JoinResponse) RoomID() xid.ID {
// CurrentState returns the state of the room as of when the JoinRequest was processed.
func (j JoinResponse) CurrentState() *state.Synced {
return j.currentState
// RefreshResponse is the message sent by the room after a client requests it, or immediately on join.
type RefreshResponse struct {
id xid.ID
// currentState is a pointer to a copy of the room's current state.
currentState *state.Synced
func (r RefreshResponse) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "JoinResponse")
return encoder.AddObject("currentState", r.currentState)
func (r RefreshResponse) RoomID() xid.ID {
// CurrentState returns the state of the room as of when the RefreshRequest was processed.
func (r RefreshResponse) CurrentState() *state.Synced {
return r.currentState
// ApplyResponse returns the result of an action to _only_ the one that sent the ApplyRequest.
type ApplyResponse struct {
id xid.ID
// actionID is the ID of the action that completed or failed.
actionID int
// result is nil if the action was completed, or an error if it failed.
result error
func (a ApplyResponse) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "ApplyResponse")
encoder.AddInt("actionId", a.actionID)
encoder.AddBool("success", a.result == nil)
if a.result != nil {
encoder.AddString("failure", a.result.Error())
return nil
func (a ApplyResponse) RoomID() xid.ID {
// Success returns true if the action succeeded, false if it failed.
func (a ApplyResponse) Success() bool {
return a.result == nil
// Failure returns the error if the action failed, or nil if it succeeded.
func (a ApplyResponse) Failure() error {
return a.result
// ActionBroadcast is sent to all clients _other_ than the one that sent the ApplyRequest when an action succeeds.
type ActionBroadcast struct {
id xid.ID
// originalClientID is the client that sent the action in the first place.
originalClientID xid.ID
// originalActionID is the ID that the client that sent the action sent.
originalActionID int
// action is the action that succeeded.
action action.Syncable
func (a ActionBroadcast) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "ActionBroadcast")
encoder.AddString("originalClientId", a.originalClientID.String())
encoder.AddInt("originalActionId", a.originalActionID)
return encoder.AddObject("action", a.action)
func (a ActionBroadcast) RoomID() xid.ID {
// LeaveResponse is the message sent by the room when it has accepted that a client has left, and will send it no further messages.
type LeaveResponse struct {
id xid.ID
func (l LeaveResponse) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "LeaveResponse")
return nil
func (l LeaveResponse) RoomID() xid.ID {
// ShutdownRequest is the message sent by the room when something causes it to shut down. It will send the client no further messages except a possible LeaveResponse.
type ShutdownRequest struct {
id xid.ID
func (s ShutdownRequest) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("type", "ShutdownRequest")
return nil
func (s ShutdownRequest) RoomID() xid.ID {

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package room
import (
// NewOptions is the set of information used to control what a room starts with.
type NewOptions struct {
// BaseLogger is the logger that the room should attach its data to.
BaseLogger *zap.Logger
// StartingState is a state.Synced that defines the state of the room on creation.
StartingState state.Synced
// StartingClientOptions sets the configuration of the first client to be created, the one that will be returned
// from New.
StartingClientOptions NewClientOptions
// room is a room as seen from within - the information needed for the room process to do its duties.
type room struct {
// id is the room's internal ID - not to be confused with the ID of the map it is serving.
id xid.ID
// incomingChannel is the channel the room uses to receive messages. The room itself owns this channel,
// so when the clients map is empty, it can be closed.
incomingChannel chan ClientMessage
// clients contains the map of active clients, each of which is known to have a reference to this room.
clients map[xid.ID]internalClient
// currentState contains the active state being used by actions right now.
currentState state.Synced
// logger is the logger that this room will use. It contains context fields for the room's important fields.
logger *zap.Logger
// Creates and starts up a new room, joins a new client to it and returns that client.
func New(opts NewOptions) *Client {
logger := opts.BaseLogger.Named("Room")
id := xid.New()
r := room{
id: id,
incomingChannel: make(chan ClientMessage),
clients: make(map[xid.ID]internalClient),
currentState: opts.StartingState,
logger: logger,
go r.act()
return r.newClient(opts.StartingClientOptions)
// newClient creates a new client belonging to this room with a random ID.
// The new client will be automatically joined to the channel.
func (r *room) newClient(opts NewClientOptions) *Client {
return newClientForRoom(, r.incomingChannel, opts)

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package state
import ""
// StorageCoordinates gives the coordinates of a cell in a form optimized for storage.
type StorageCoordinates struct {
// Line is the index from 0 to Lines - 1 of the HexLine in the HexLayer.
@ -7,3 +9,9 @@ type StorageCoordinates struct {
// Cell is the index from 0 to CellsPerLine - 1 of the HexCell in the HexLine.
Cell uint8 `json:"cell"`
func (s StorageCoordinates) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddUint8("line", s.Line)
encoder.AddUint8("cell", s.Cell)
return nil

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package state
import (
// HexMapRepresentation combines HexOrientation and LineParity to represent a map's display mode.
@ -11,15 +12,37 @@ type HexMapRepresentation struct {
IndentedLines LineParity `json:"indentedLines"`
func (h HexMapRepresentation) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("orientation", h.Orientation.String())
encoder.AddString("indentedLines", h.IndentedLines.String())
return nil
// HexCell contains data for a single cell of the map.
type HexCell struct {
// Color contains the color of the cell, in hex notation.
Color HexColor `json:"color"`
func (h HexCell) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("color", h.Color.String())
return nil
// HexLine is a line of cells which are adjacent by flat sides in a vertical or horizontal direction.
type HexLine []HexCell
func (l HexLine) MarshalLogArray(encoder zapcore.ArrayEncoder) error {
var finalErr error
for _, cell := range l {
err := encoder.AppendObject(cell)
if err != nil && finalErr == nil {
finalErr = err
return finalErr
// Copy creates a deep copy of this HexLine.
func (l HexLine) Copy() HexLine {
duplicate := make(HexLine, len(l))
@ -32,7 +55,19 @@ func (l HexLine) Copy() HexLine {
// HexLayer is a two-dimensional plane of cells which are arranged into lines.
type HexLayer []HexLine
func (l HexLayer) MarshalLogArray(encoder zapcore.ArrayEncoder) error {
var finalErr error
for _, line := range l {
err := encoder.AppendArray(line)
if err != nil && finalErr == nil {
finalErr = err
return finalErr
// GetCellAt returns a reference to the cell at the given coordinates.
// If the coordinates are out of bounds for this map, an error will be returned.
func (l HexLayer) GetCellAt(c StorageCoordinates) (*HexCell, error) {
if int(c.Line) > len(l) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %d out of bounds (%d)", c.Line, len(l))
@ -55,8 +90,8 @@ func (l HexLayer) Copy() HexLayer {
// HexMap contains the data for a map instance.
type HexMap struct {
// Xid is the unique ID of the HexMap, used to encourage clients not to blindly interact with a different map.
Xid xid.ID `json:"xid"`
// XID is the unique id of the HexMap, used to encourage clients not to blindly interact with a different map.
XID xid.ID `json:"xid"`
// Lines is the rough number of rows (in PointyTop orientation) or columns (in FlatTop orientation) in the map.
// Because different lines will be staggered, it's somewhat hard to see.
Lines uint8 `json:"lines"`
@ -71,10 +106,23 @@ type HexMap struct {
LineCells HexLayer `json:"lineCells"`
func (m HexMap) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("id", m.XID.String())
encoder.AddUint8("lines", m.Lines)
encoder.AddUint8("cellsPerLine", m.CellsPerLine)
displayModeErr := encoder.AddObject("displayMode", m.DisplayMode)
lineCellsErr := encoder.AddArray("lineCells", m.LineCells)
if displayModeErr != nil {
return displayModeErr
} else {
return lineCellsErr
// Copy creates a deep copy of this HexMap.
func (m HexMap) Copy() HexMap {
return HexMap{
Xid: m.Xid,
Lines: m.Lines,
CellsPerLine: m.CellsPerLine,
DisplayMode: m.DisplayMode,

@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
package state
import (
// Synced contains all state that is synced between the server and its clients.
type Synced struct {
Map HexMap `json:"map"`
User UserData `json:"user"`
func (s Synced) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
mapErr := encoder.AddObject("map", s.Map)
userErr := encoder.AddObject("user", s.User)
if mapErr != nil {
return mapErr
} else {
return userErr
// Copy creates a deep copy of this Synced instance.
func (s Synced) Copy() Synced {
return Synced{

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
package state
import ""
// UserData contains data about clients that is synced between client and server.
// Unlike the map, UserData is not persisted to disk, and all UserData is lost on shutdown.
type UserData struct {
ActiveColor HexColor `json:"active_color"`
ActiveColor HexColor `json:"activeColor"`
func (u UserData) MarshalLogObject(encoder zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error {
encoder.AddString("activeColor", u.ActiveColor.String())
return nil
// Copy creates a deep copy of this UserData.
