You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from re import compile as compile_re, escape as escape_re
1 year ago
from enum import Enum
from itertools import chain
from typing import Iterable
CantMoveEmoji = ""
DoneMovingEmoji = ""
NotMovedEmoji = "🟦"
TurnsLeftEmoji = [
IndicatorKeys = {
None: "",
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"A": "🇦",
"B": "🇧",
"C": "🇨",
"D": "🇩",
"E": "🇪",
"F": "🇫",
"G": "🇬",
"H": "🇭",
"I": "🇮",
"J": "🇯",
"K": "🇰",
"L": "🇱",
"M": "🇲",
"N": "🇳",
"O": "🇴",
"P": "🇵",
"Q": "🇶",
"R": "🇷",
"S": "🇸",
"T": "🇹",
"U": "🇺",
"V": "🇻",
"W": "🇼",
"X": "🇽",
"Y": "🇾",
"Z": "🇿",
def get_indicator_key(key: str) -> str:
return IndicatorKeys.get(key, IndicatorKeys[None])
EmojiDecoder: dict[str, str] = dict(chain(
((v, (f'[{k}]' if k is not None else '[ ]')) for k, v in IndicatorKeys.items()),
{'': '[✓]', '🔟': '[#]', '#': '[#]', '🟦': '[ ]', '': '[✖]'}.items()
EmojiDecoderRe = compile_re('|'.join(escape_re(k) for k in EmojiDecoder.keys()))
def decode_emoji(v: str) -> str:
return EmojiDecoderRe.sub(lambda m: EmojiDecoder.get(m, m), v)
DiscordDecoderRe = compile_re(r'\\([\\*|~_`])')
DiscordSplitterRe = compile_re(r'(?<!\\)\*\*')
def decode_discord(v: str, normal_style: str, bold_style: str) -> Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
return [(normal_style if index % 2 == 0 else bold_style,
DiscordDecoderRe.sub(lambda m: m[1], decode_emoji(text)))
for index, text in enumerate(DiscordSplitterRe.split(v))]
1 year ago
class Affinity(Enum):
Absorb = "absorb"
Immune = "immune"
Resistant = "resistant"
Normal = "normal"
Vulnerable = "vulnerable"
class Element(Enum):
NonElemental = "non-elemental"
Physical = "physical"
Poison = "poison"
Fire = "fire"
Water = "water"
Lightning = "lightning"
Earth = "earth"
Wind = "wind"
Ice = "ice"
Light = "light"
Dark = "dark"
Healing = "healing"
1 year ago
class CharacterType(Enum):
PlayerCharacter = "pc"
NonPlayerCharacter = "npc"
def sp_name_abbr(self):
if self is CharacterType.PlayerCharacter:
return "FP"
elif self is CharacterType.NonPlayerCharacter:
return "UP"
return "SP"
def sp_name(self):
if self is CharacterType.PlayerCharacter:
return "Fabula Points"
elif self is CharacterType.NonPlayerCharacter:
return "Ultima Points"
return "Special Points"
class Visibility(Enum):
ShowEvenIfKO = "show_even_if_ko"
ShowAll = "show"
MaskStats = "mask_stats"
MaskName = "mask_name"
Hide = "hide"
def show_name(self):
return self not in (Visibility.MaskName, Visibility.Hide)
def show_stats(self):
return self not in (Visibility.MaskStats, Visibility.MaskName, Visibility.Hide)
def show_in_party_list(self, down=False):
if down:
return self == Visibility.ShowEvenIfKO
return self != Visibility.Hide
class Counter(Enum):
HP = "HP"
MP = "MP"
IP = "IP"
SP = "SP"
def ctr_name_abbr(self, t: CharacterType) -> str:
if self == Counter.SP:
return t.sp_name_abbr
return self.value
def ctr_name(self, t: CharacterType) -> str:
if self == Counter.HP:
return "Hit Points"
if self == Counter.MP:
return "Mind Points"
if self == Counter.IP:
return "Inventory Points"
if self == Counter.SP:
return t.sp_name
1 year ago
class MissType(Enum):
Dodged = "dodged"
1 year ago
Missed = "missed"
Blocked = "blocked"
Avoided = "avoided"
Repelled = "repelled"
Countered = "countered"
Parried = "parried"
Shielded = "shielded"
1 year ago
Resisted = "resisted"
Immunity = "immune"
Protected = "protected"
1 year ago
class CombatSide(Enum):
Heroes = "heroes"
Villains = "villains"
def opposite(self):
if self == CombatSide.Heroes:
return CombatSide.Villains
return CombatSide.Heroes
class ClockIcon(Enum):
Hourglass = ""
EmptyHourglass = ""
Warning = ""
Lightning = ""
Silhouettes = "👥"
Flame = "🔥"
Sparkles = ""
Candle = "🕯"
Star = ""
ShiningStar = "🌟"
ShootingStar = "🌠"
Dragon = "🐲"
Robot = "🤖"
Silhouette = "👤"
Question = ""
Skull = "💀"
AlarmClock = ""
Stopwatch = ""
Watch = ""
Clock = "🕓"
Gem = "💎"
Sleep = "💤"
Sound = "🔊"
Heart = ""
class ClockTicks(Enum):
Good = "🟦/🔸"
Bad = "🟧/🔹"
Tug = "🟦/🟧"
def empty(self):
return self.value.split('/')[1]
def full(self):
return self.value.split('/')[0]