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firefox # Browser
git # Source control system used to synchronize the common scripts (and also most projects)
isync # IMAP4 to Maildir synchronization. Provides the mbsync program, used to sync mail for neomutt.
khal # Command-line-based CalDAV editor
khard # Command-line-based CardDAV editor, also used by neomutt to look up contacts
libsecret-tools # Command-line tools for working with the DBUS Secret Service, as implemented by GNOME Keyring et al. Provides secret-tool, used by vdirsyncer to get the passwords for the CalDAV and CardDAV accounts.
neomutt # Command-line-based mail client
nvim # Upgraded version of vim used for editing
tmux # Terminal multiplexer, used for persistence of shell sessions
todoman # Text based todo manager
vdirsyncer # CalDAV and CardDAV syncer, used to mirror contacts and calendars to the local machine for Khal and Khard/Todoman
zsh # Alternative shell
sudo apt install "${DEPS[@]}"