#!/bin/bash set -eux if [[ ! -d ~/.common-configs ]]; then git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/programmablereya/common-configs.git ~/.common-configs cd ~/.common-configs else cd ~/.common-configs git pull fi set +eux source ./bash_aliases.sh set -eux ./install.sh if [[ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub ]]; then ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ssh-authorize-key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub echo "*** New keypair generated. Please add the new public key to github/bitbucket authorized keys:" cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub read -s -p "Press ENTER after adding this public key to github/bitbucket authorized keys." fi function getCurrentGithubId() { local RESULT; RESULT=$(ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=yes" -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -T git@github.com &1) [[ $? -ne 255 ]] || echo "$RESULT" >&2; exit 1 USERNAME=$(echo "$RESULT" | sed -n 's/^Hi \([^!]\+\)! You'"'"'ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access\.$/Successfully authenticated to GitHub as \1/; T; p') || exit 1 echo "$USERNAME" [[ -n "$USERNAME" ]]; } READING=true while "$READING" && ! RESULT=$(getCurrentGithubId) || [[ $RESULT != 'programmablereya' ]]; do read -p "Press ENTER after adding this public key to github/bitbucket authorized keys, or enter 'no' to skip this step: " FROM_ME_DAWG if [[ 'no' == "$FROM_ME_DAWG" ]]; then READING=false fi done ORIGIN=$(git ls-remote --get-url origin) if [[ "$ORIGIN" != 'git@github.com:programmablereya/common-configs.git' ]]; then git remote set-url origin git@github.com:programmablereya/common-configs.git fi GITMAIL=$(git config --get user.email || true) GITUSER=$(git config --get user.name || true) if [[ "$GITMAIL" != 'mstaib.git@reya.zone' ]] || [[ "$GITUSER" != 'Mari' ]]; then git config user.email 'mstaib.git@reya.zone' git config user.name 'Mari' fi sync_git_only