#!/bin/bash # vim: set filetype=sh: # link destination: $HOME/.bash_aliases # Install EDITOR export EDITOR='vim -X' alias rm="rm -i" alias cp="cp -i" alias mv="mv -i" alias vim="vim -X" # Send a bell before the prompt if it has been a long time since the last # prompt. # function bell_on_long_running_commands() { # local NOW=`date -u +%s` # if [ $(( LASTCMD_FOR_BELLS )) -lt $(( NOW - 15 )) ]; then # echo -n $'\a' # fi # unset LASTCMD_FOR_BELLS; # } # function set_last_command_time() { # if [[ -z "${COMPLINE}" ]] && [[ -z "${LASTCMD_FOR_BELLS}" ]]; then # LASTCMD_FOR_BELLS=`date -u +%s` # fi # } # trap set_last_command_time DEBUG # export PROMPT_COMMAND=bell_on_long_running_commands function bell_after() { "$@" local exit="$?" echo -n $'\a' 1>&2 return "$exit" } # Reload aliases function reload_scripts_only() { . "$HOME"/.bashrc } # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1203628 # Useful for overriding functions defined in these common scripts # Usage: copy_func from to function copy_func() { declare -F $1 > /dev/null || return 1 eval "$(echo "${2}()"; declare -f ${1} | tail -n +2)" } function sync_git_only() { ( cd "$( dirname "$(realpath -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" )" if git add . && ! git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD; then git commit -am "Autocommitted updated scripts from $(hostname)" fi git pull --rebase git submodule update --init --recursive if ! git --no-pager diff --exit-code origin/master master; then git --no-pager log --reverse origin/master..master if ! read -p "OK to push these changes? (Y/N) " -N 1 confirm; then confirm = "N" fi echo if [[ "$confirm" != "Y" ]] && [[ "$confirm" != "y" ]]; then echo "Not pushing yet." else git push fi fi ) } alias ssh-keygen="ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519" function ssh-authorize-key() { if [[ ! -r "$1" ]] || ! file -b "$1" | grep -q "^OpenSSH .* public key$"; then echo "Expected a public key file" fi cat "$1" >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys } function bashreload() { reload_scripts_only sync_git_only reload_scripts_only } function man () { if command man "$@" >&/dev/null; then command man "$@" elif builtin help -m "$@" >&/dev/null; then builtin help -m "$@" | less else command man "$@" fi } function help () { if builtin help -m "$@" >&/dev/null; then builtin help "$@" | less elif command man "$@" >&/dev/null; then command man "$@" else builtin help -m "$@" fi builtin help -m "$@" 2>/dev/null || command man "$@" 2>/dev/null || builtin help -m "$@" } # This is, almost without fail, the right value. export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" COMMON_CONFIGS_PATH="$( dirname "$(realpath -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" )" . "$COMMON_CONFIGS_PATH"/bash_tmux.sh . "$COMMON_CONFIGS_PATH"/ssh-find-agent/ssh-find-agent.sh ssh_find_agent -a || eval $(ssh-agent) > /dev/null export GITAWAREPROMPT="$COMMON_CONFIGS_PATH"/git-aware-prompt . "$GITAWAREPROMPT"/main.sh PS1='\[$bldred\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[$txtrst\]\[$txtpur\]\u\[$txtrst\]\[$txtylw\]@\[$txtrst\]\[$txtblu\]\h\[$txtrst\]:\[$bldgrn\]\w\[$txtrst\] \[$txtcyn\]$git_branch\[$txtrst\]\[$bldred\]${git_dirty}\[$txtrst\]\n\$ '