#!/bin/bash # vim: set filetype=sh: # tmux configuration files are found alongside this file export TMUX_CONF_DIR=${TMUX_CONF_DIR:-"$( dirname "$(realpath -e "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" )"} # default status script just shows whether a reboot is needed export TMUX_STATUS_SCRIPT=${TMUX_STATUS_SCRIPT:-"$TMUX_CONF_DIR/.tmux.need-reboot.sh"} function tmux_has_main() { tmux -2 has-session -t "Main Screen" } function tmux_init_main() { tmux -2 new-session -d -s "Main Screen" -n "Misc." tmux -2 new-window -d -t "Main Screen:0" -n "Monitor" "htop" } function go_tmux () { if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then echo "Screenception is not permitted." return 1; fi sleep 1s echo "Starting tmux..." tmux_has_main || tmux_init_main || return 1 if [[ $1 == "-x" ]]; then exec tmux -2 attach-session -t "Main Screen" || return 1 else tmux -2 attach-session -t "Main Screen" || return 1 fi } function auto_tmux () { if [[ "$TERM" != screen* ]] && [[ -z "$ALREADY_TRIED_STARTING_TMUX" ]]; then ALREADY_TRIED_STARTING_TMUX=true echo "Switching to tmux, press Ctrl+C to cancel..."; sleep 1s && go_tmux -x fi }