#!/bin/bash . ~/.bash_aliases-common if [[ -f ~/.bash_tools ]]; then . ~/.bash_tools fi auto_tmux function wovn_start() { ( # set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function set -o nounset set -o pipefail branch=${1:?} branch=${branch#feature/} tmux -2 new-window -t "Main Screen" -n "$branch" -c ~/branches -e BRANCH_NAME="$branch" 'bash -ic "_start_branch \"\$BRANCH_NAME\"; exec bash"' ) } function _start_branch() { branch=${1:?} branch=${branch#feature/} ( # set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function set -o nounset set -o pipefail if [[ ! -d ~/branches/"$branch" ]]; then printf "=== Setting up a branch named ${branch}...\n" cd ~/equalizer.git || exit "$?" wovn_pull printf "=== Checking out the branch named feature/${branch} in a new working tree at ~/branches/${branch}...\n" git worktree add -b "feature/${branch}" ~/branches/"${branch}" develop_front || git worktree add ~/branches/"${branch}" "feature/${branch}" || exit "$?" else printf "=== Accessing an existing branch named ${branch}...\n" fi cd ~/branches/"${branch}" || exit "$?" wovn_update || exit "$?" printf "\a=== Your branch ${branch} is ready!\n" ) if [[ -d ~/branches/"$branch" ]]; then cd ~/branches/"${branch}" else cd ~/equalizer.git fi } function get_current_branch_name() { git symbolic-ref --quiet --short HEAD } function get_remote_branch_name() { git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name '@{u}' } function wovn_pull() { ( cd ~/equalizer.git printf "=== Retrieving the latest data from the repository...\n" git fetch --all || return "$?" git rebase origin/master master || return "$?" git rebase origin/develop develop || return "$?" git rebase origin/develop_front develop_front || return "$?" ) } function wovn_update() { ( cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" # set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function set -o nounset set -o pipefail wovn_pull printf "=== Updating the branch...\n" if get_remote_branch_name >&/dev/null; then git pull --rebase || exit "$?" fi git rebase develop_front || exit "$?" printf "=== Checking dependencies...\n" wovn_install ) } function wovn_install() { ( cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" # set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function set -o nounset set -o pipefail if ! bundle check >&/dev/null; then printf "=== Installing Ruby dependencies...\n" bundle install || exit "$?" fi if ! yarn install --offline --check-files --no-progress --ignore-optional --non-interactive --silent >&/dev/null; then printf "=== Installing Javascript dependencies in top level...\n" yarn install || exit "$?" fi cd widget || exit "$?" if ! yarn install --offline --check-files --no-progress --ignore-optional --non-interactive --silent >&/dev/null; then printf "=== Installing Javascript dependencies in widget...\n" yarn install || exit "$?" yarn build || exit "$?" fi cd .. || exit "$?" cd front || exit "$?" if ! yarn install --offline --check-files --no-progress --ignore-optional --non-interactive --silent >&/dev/null; then printf "=== Installing Javascript dependencies in front...\n" yarn install fi ) } function wovn_delete() { ( # set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function set -o nounset set -o pipefail branch=${1:+feature/$1} branch=${branch:-$(get_current_branch_name)} || exit "$?" cd ~/equalizer.git worktree="$(git worktree list --porcelain | grep -B2 ${branch} | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n1)" || exit "$?" git worktree remove "$worktree" || exit "$?" git branch -d "$branch" || exit "$?" ); local lastexit="$?" if [[ ! -d "$PWD" ]]; then cd ~/equalizer.git fi return $lastexit } function _list_feature_branches() { git --git-dir ~/equalizer.git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short)' refs/heads/ \ | grep -vF $'develop\ndevelop_front\nmaster' \ | sed 's#^feature/##' } function _branch_completions() { if [[ $COMP_CWORD -ne 1 ]]; then return fi COMPREPLY+=($(compgen -W "$(_list_feature_branches)" "${COMP_WORDS[1]}")) } complete -F _branch_completions wovn_start complete -F _branch_completions wovn_delete