# Things to clean up * Premade launchers for Firefox (one for each profile), IDEs, Discord, Spotify, which start the profiles on the correct workspace. * Brightness and volume indicators when pressing the respective shortcuts - yad? * Configure Barista bar * Include mail notifier (count of unread/read messages in INBOX) * Include calendar notifier (next event name+time, events today/tomorrow) * Include yubikey notifier (U2F waiting to trigger) * Configure Rofi more intimately * Include the mozc and dunst configs and rofi configs in here * Configure alacritty and make it the new i3 terminal * Set up the xscreensaver config to be shared between machines * Group the fonts together to be sent to gubal and make Lilex the primary alacritty font, while Gohu is the primary i3 font. * Wrap the lock process in a wrapper which pauses dunst and then unpauses it * Add a fortune to the start of each new terminal session * Enable some form of gamma shifting (if it's even possible...)