Fork 0

changes from mordhona

Mari 3 years ago
parent 2757bc6f16
commit f7226704db
  1. 4
  2. 27
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 250
  7. 17
  8. 34
  9. 61
  10. 34
  11. 28
  12. 50
  13. 194
  14. BIN
  15. 214
  16. 532
  17. 531
  18. 35
  19. 686
  20. 57
  21. 58
  22. 0
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  24. 29
  25. 507
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  27. 515
  28. 526
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  30. 476
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  32. 495
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  34. 502
  35. 503
  36. 505
  37. 506
  38. 35
  39. 0
  40. 177
  41. 38
  42. 2597
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  45. 2749
  46. 2748
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  48. 2778
  49. 2780
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  62. 239
  63. 39
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  66. 11
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  74. 2327
  75. 2362
  76. 2381
  77. 2049
  78. 2377
  79. 2069
  80. 2073
  81. 2095
  82. 2106
  83. 2113
  84. 2147
  85. 2160
  86. 2166
  87. 163
  88. 152
  89. 150
  90. 600
  91. 38
  92. 159
  93. 202
  94. 82
  95. 79
  96. 48
  97. 167
  98. 28
  99. 68
  100. 759
  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ exec --no-startup-id exec xcape -e 'Hyper_L=Control_L|grave'
exec --no-startup-id exec xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape'
# Set up xcape to make tapping the super key trigger the tmux modifier key.
exec --no-startup-id exec xcape -e 'Super_L=Control_L|a'
bindsym $mod+j exec ~/.config/i3/helpers/terminal && zsh -ic 'tmux_window /home/reya/.local/bin/guided-journal Journal'
# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id exec ~/.config/i3/helpers/volume.sh up
@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ assign [class="^jetbrains-.*$"] workspace number $ws4
# start a terminal
assign [class="^Lxterminal$"] workspace number $ws5
bindsym $mod+Control+5 workspace $ws5 ; exec exec lxterminal -e '$SHELL -ic "go_tmux -x"'
bindsym $mod+Control+Shift+5 workspace $ws5 ; exec exec lxterminal -e '$SHELL -ic "exec ssh gubal"'
bindsym $mod+Return workspace $ws5 ; exec exec lxterminal -e '$SHELL -ic "go_tmux -x"'
# open a file manager
@ -261,6 +263,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Control+7 workspace $ws7 ; exec exec parsecd
assign [class="^Firefox\.Lewd$"] workspace number $ws10
bindsym $mod+Control+0 workspace $ws10 ; exec exec firefox -P "Reya" --class "Firefox.Lewd"
bindsym $mod+shift+d move workspace to output right
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import (
@ -75,7 +74,8 @@ func main() {
pango.Text("Air").XSmall(), spacer,
pango.Textf("%.0f", math.Round(w.Temperature.Celsius())),
).OnClick(click.RunLeft("xdg-open", ))
batt := batterySegment()
@ -83,34 +83,13 @@ func main() {
loadAvg := loadAverageSegment()
freeMem := memorySegment()
temp := cputempSegment()
ghNotify := github.New("%%GITHUB_CLIENT_ID%%", "%%GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET%%").
Output(func(n github.Notifications) bar.Output {
if n.Total() == 0 {
return nil
out := outputs.Group(
ConcatTextf("%d", n.Total()))
mentions := n["mention"] + n["team_mention"]
if mentions > 0 {
ConcatTextf("%d", mentions)).
return out.Glue().OnClick(
click.RunLeft("xdg-open", "https://github.com/notifications"))
temp := cputempSegment()

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
i3-msg workspace number "5: Terminal"
pgrep -f lxterminal.\*go_tmux\ -x || lxterminal -e zsh -ic 'go_tmux -x'

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ fi
GITMAIL=$(git config --get user.email || true)
GITUSER=$(git config --get user.name || true)
if [[ "$GITMAIL" != 'mstaib.git@reya.zone' ]] || [[ "$GITUSER" != 'Mari' ]]; then
git config user.email 'mstaib.git@reya.zone'
if [[ "$GITMAIL" != 'reya.git@reya.zone' ]] || [[ "$GITUSER" != 'Mari' ]]; then
git config user.email 'reya.git@reya.zone'
git config user.name 'Mari'

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Host gubal gubal.reya.zone *.gubal.reya.zone *.gubal
StrictHostKeyChecking yes
Hostname gubal.reya.zone
Port 38922
RemoteCommand zsh -ic 'go_tmux -x'
RequestTTY yes
Host git git.reya.zone
User git

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
## Why does st not handle utmp entries?
Use the excellent tool of [utmp](https://git.suckless.org/utmp/) for this task.
## Some _random program_ complains that st is unknown/not recognised/unsupported/whatever!
It means that st doesn’t have any terminfo entry on your system. Chances are
you did not `make install`. If you just want to test it without installing it,
you can manually run `tic -sx st.info`.
## Nothing works, and nothing is said about an unknown terminal!
* Some programs just assume they’re running in xterm i.e. they don’t rely on
terminfo. What you see is the current state of the “xterm compliance”.
* Some programs don’t complain about the lacking st description and default to
another terminal. In that case see the question about terminfo.
## How do I scroll back up?
* Using a terminal multiplexer.
* `st -e tmux` using C-b [
* `st -e screen` using C-a ESC
* Using the excellent tool of [scroll](https://git.suckless.org/scroll/).
* Using the scrollback [patch](https://st.suckless.org/patches/scrollback/).
## I would like to have utmp and/or scroll functionality by default
You can add the absolute patch of both programs in your config.h
file. You only have to modify the value of utmp and scroll variables.
## Why doesn't the Del key work in some programs?
Taken from the terminfo manpage:
If the terminal has a keypad that transmits codes when the keys
are pressed, this information can be given. Note that it is not
possible to handle terminals where the keypad only works in
local (this applies, for example, to the unshifted HP 2621 keys).
If the keypad can be set to transmit or not transmit, give these
codes as smkx and rmkx. Otherwise the keypad is assumed to
always transmit.
In the st case smkx=E[?1hE= and rmkx=E[?1lE>, so it is mandatory that
applications which want to test against keypad keys send these
But buggy applications (like bash and irssi, for example) don't do this. A fast
solution for them is to use the following command:
$ printf '\033[?1h\033=' >/dev/tty
$ tput smkx
In the case of bash, readline is used. Readline has a different note in its
manpage about this issue:
enable-keypad (Off)
When set to On, readline will try to enable the
application keypad when it is called. Some systems
need this to enable arrow keys.
Adding this option to your .inputrc will fix the keypad problem for all
applications using readline.
If you are using zsh, then read the zsh FAQ
It should be noted that the O / [ confusion can occur with other keys
such as Home and End. Some systems let you query the key sequences
sent by these keys from the system's terminal database, terminfo.
Unfortunately, the key sequences given there typically apply to the
mode that is not the one zsh uses by default (it's the "application"
mode rather than the "raw" mode). Explaining the use of terminfo is
outside of the scope of this FAQ, but if you wish to use the key
sequences given there you can tell the line editor to turn on
"application" mode when it starts and turn it off when it stops:
function zle-line-init () { echoti smkx }
function zle-line-finish () { echoti rmkx }
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish
Putting these lines into your .zshrc will fix the problems.
## How can I use meta in 8bit mode?
St supports meta in 8bit mode, but the default terminfo entry doesn't
use this capability. If you want it, you have to use the 'st-meta' value
in TERM.
## I cannot compile st in OpenBSD
OpenBSD lacks librt, despite it being mandatory in POSIX
If you want to compile st for OpenBSD you have to remove -lrt from config.mk, and
st will compile without any loss of functionality, because all the functions are
included in libc on this platform.
## The Backspace Case
St is emulating the Linux way of handling backspace being delete and delete being
This is an issue that was discussed in suckless mailing list
<https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1404/20697.html>. Here is why some old grumpy
terminal users wants its backspace to be how he feels it:
Well, I am going to comment why I want to change the behaviour
of this key. When ASCII was defined in 1968, communication
with computers was done using punched cards, or hardcopy
terminals (basically a typewriter machine connected with the
computer using a serial port). ASCII defines DELETE as 7F,
because, in punched-card terms, it means all the holes of the
card punched; it is thus a kind of 'physical delete'. In the
same way, the BACKSPACE key was a non-destructive backspace,
as on a typewriter. So, if you wanted to delete a character,
you had to BACKSPACE and then DELETE. Another use of BACKSPACE
was to type accented characters, for example 'a BACKSPACE `'.
The VT100 had no BACKSPACE key; it was generated using the
CONTROL key as another control character (CONTROL key sets to
0 b7 b6 b5, so it converts H (code 0x48) into BACKSPACE (code
0x08)), but it had a DELETE key in a similar position where
the BACKSPACE key is located today on common PC keyboards.
All the terminal emulators emulated the difference between
these keys correctly: the backspace key generated a BACKSPACE
(^H) and delete key generated a DELETE (^?).
But a problem arose when Linus Torvalds wrote Linux. Unlike
earlier terminals, the Linux virtual terminal (the terminal
emulator integrated in the kernel) returned a DELETE when
backspace was pressed, due to the VT100 having a DELETE key in
the same position. This created a lot of problems (see [1]
and [2]). Since Linux has become the king, a lot of terminal
emulators today generate a DELETE when the backspace key is
pressed in order to avoid problems with Linux. The result is
that the only way of generating a BACKSPACE on these systems
is by using CONTROL + H. (I also think that emacs had an
important point here because the CONTROL + H prefix is used
in emacs in some commands (help commands).)
From point of view of the kernel, you can change the key
for deleting a previous character with stty erase. When you
connect a real terminal into a machine you describe the type
of terminal, so getty configures the correct value of stty
erase for this terminal. In the case of terminal emulators,
however, you don't have any getty that can set the correct
value of stty erase, so you always get the default value.
For this reason, it is necessary to add 'stty erase ^H' to your
profile if you have changed the value of the backspace key.
Of course, another solution is for st itself to modify the
value of stty erase. I usually have the inverse problem:
when I connect to non-Unix machines, I have to press CONTROL +
h to get a BACKSPACE. The inverse problem occurs when a user
connects to my Unix machines from a different system with a
correct backspace key.
[1] http://www.ibb.net/~anne/keyboard.html
[2] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO-5.html
## But I really want the old grumpy behaviour of my terminal
Apply [1].
[1] https://st.suckless.org/patches/delkey
## Why do images not work in st using the w3m image hack?
w3mimg uses a hack that draws an image on top of the terminal emulator Drawable
window. The hack relies on the terminal to use a single buffer to draw its
contents directly.
st uses double-buffered drawing so the image is quickly replaced and may show a
short flicker effect.
Below is a patch example to change st double-buffering to a single Drawable
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -732,10 +732,6 @@ xresize(int col, int row)
win.tw = col * win.cw;
win.th = row * win.ch;
- XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf);
- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
- XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf);
xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h);
/* resize to new width */
@@ -1148,8 +1144,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False;
dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, parent, GCGraphicsExposures,
- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
+ xw.buf = xw.win;
XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel);
XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h);
@@ -1632,8 +1627,6 @@ xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2)
- XCopyArea(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w,
- win.h, 0, 0);
XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc,
defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel);
## BadLength X error in Xft when trying to render emoji
Xft makes st crash when rendering color emojis with the following error:
"X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)"
Major opcode of failed request: 139 (RENDER)
Minor opcode of failed request: 20 (RenderAddGlyphs)
Serial number of failed request: 1595
Current serial number in output stream: 1818"
This is a known bug in Xft (not st) which happens on some platforms and
combination of particular fonts and fontconfig settings.
See also:
The solution is to remove color emoji fonts or disable this in the fontconfig
XML configuration. As an ugly workaround (which may work only on newer
fontconfig versions (FC_COLOR)), the following code can be used to mask color
FcPatternAddBool(fcpattern, FC_COLOR, FcFalse);
Please don't bother reporting this bug to st, but notify the upstream Xft
developers about fixing this bug.

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
In the terminal world there is much cruft that comes from old and unsup‐
ported terminals that inherit incompatible modes and escape sequences
which noone is able to know, except when he/she comes from that time and
developed a graphical vt100 emulator at that time.
One goal of st is to only support what is really needed. When you en‐
counter a sequence which you really need, implement it. But while you
are at it, do not add the other cruft you might encounter while sneek‐
ing at other terminal emulators. History has bloated them and there is
no real evidence that most of the sequences are used today.
Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
MIT/X Consortium License
© 2014-2020 Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo at codemadness dot org>
© 2018 Devin J. Pohly <djpohly at gmail dot com>
© 2014-2017 Quentin Rameau <quinq at fifth dot space>
© 2009-2012 Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com>
© 2008-2017 Anselm R Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com>
© 2012-2017 Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <k0ga at shike2 dot com>
© 2012-2016 Christoph Lohmann <20h at r-36 dot net>
© 2013 Eon S. Jeon <esjeon at hyunmu dot am>
© 2013 Alexander Sedov <alex0player at gmail dot com>
© 2013 Mark Edgar <medgar123 at gmail dot com>
© 2013-2014 Eric Pruitt <eric.pruitt at gmail dot com>
© 2013 Michael Forney <mforney at mforney dot org>
© 2013-2014 Markus Teich <markus dot teich at stusta dot mhn dot de>
© 2014-2015 Laslo Hunhold <dev at frign dot de>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# st - simple terminal
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
include config.mk
SRC = st.c x.c boxdraw.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
all: options st
@echo st build options:
@echo "CFLAGS = $(STCFLAGS)"
@echo "CC = $(CC)"
cp config.def.h config.h
$(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $<
st.o: config.h st.h win.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
boxdraw.o: config.h st.h boxdraw_data.h
$(OBJ): config.h config.mk
st: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(STLDFLAGS)
rm -f st $(OBJ) st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
dist: clean
mkdir -p st-$(VERSION)
cp -R FAQ LEGACY TODO LICENSE Makefile README config.mk\
config.def.h st.info st.1 arg.h st.h win.h $(SRC)\
tar -cf - st-$(VERSION) | gzip > st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
rm -rf st-$(VERSION)
install: st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
cp -f st $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < st.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
tic -sx st.info
@echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st.
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications
cp -f st.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/st.desktop
.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
st - simple terminal
st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less.
In order to build st you need the Xlib header files.
Edit config.mk to match your local setup (st is installed into
the /usr/local namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if
necessary as root):
make clean install
Running st
If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile
the st terminfo entry with the following command:
tic -sx st.info
See the man page for additional details.
Based on Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com> bt source code.

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
vt emulation
* double-height support
code & interface
* add a simple way to do multiplexing
* add diacritics support to xdraws()
* switch to a suckless font drawing library
* make the font cache simpler
* add better support for brightening of the upper colors
* fix shift up/down (shift selection in emacs)
* remove DEC test sequence when appropriate
$ grep -nE 'XXX|TODO' st.c

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Copy me if you can.
* by 20h
#ifndef ARG_H__
#define ARG_H__
extern char *argv0;
/* use main(int argc, char *argv[]) */
#define ARGBEGIN for (argv0 = *argv, argv++, argc--;\
argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-'\
&& argv[0][1];\
argc--, argv++) {\
char argc_;\
char **argv_;\
int brk_;\
if (argv[0][1] == '-' && argv[0][2] == '\0') {\
int i_;\
for (i_ = 1, brk_ = 0, argv_ = argv;\
argv[0][i_] && !brk_;\
i_++) {\
if (argv_ != argv)\
argc_ = argv[0][i_];\
switch (argc_)
#define ARGEND }\
#define ARGC() argc_
#define EARGF(x) ((argv[0][i_+1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\
((x), abort(), (char *)0) :\
(brk_ = 1, (argv[0][i_+1] != '\0')?\
(&argv[0][i_+1]) :\
(argc--, argv++, argv[0])))
#define ARGF() ((argv[0][i_+1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\
(char *)0 :\
(brk_ = 1, (argv[0][i_+1] != '\0')?\
(&argv[0][i_+1]) :\
(argc--, argv++, argv[0])))

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
* Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) avihpit@yahoo.com https://github.com/avih
* MIT/X Consortium License
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include "st.h"
#include "boxdraw_data.h"
/* Rounded non-negative integers division of n / d */
#define DIV(n, d) (((n) + (d) / 2) / (d))
static Display *xdpy;
static Colormap xcmap;
static XftDraw *xd;
static Visual *xvis;
static void drawbox(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, ushort);
static void drawboxlines(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, ushort);
/* public API */
boxdraw_xinit(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XftDraw *draw, Visual *vis)
xdpy = dpy; xcmap = cmap; xd = draw, xvis = vis;
isboxdraw(Rune u)
Rune block = u & ~0xff;
return (boxdraw && block == 0x2500 && boxdata[(uint8_t)u]) ||
(boxdraw_braille && block == 0x2800);
/* the "index" is actually the entire shape data encoded as ushort */
boxdrawindex(const Glyph *g)
if (boxdraw_braille && (g->u & ~0xff) == 0x2800)
return BRL | (uint8_t)g->u;
if (boxdraw_bold && (g->mode & ATTR_BOLD))
return BDB | boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u];
return boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u];
drawboxes(int x, int y, int cw, int ch, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg,
const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, int len)
for ( ; len-- > 0; x += cw, specs++)
drawbox(x, y, cw, ch, fg, bg, (ushort)specs->glyph);
/* implementation */
drawbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, ushort bd)
ushort cat = bd & ~(BDB | 0xff); /* mask out bold and data */
if (bd & (BDL | BDA)) {
/* lines (light/double/heavy/arcs) */
drawboxlines(x, y, w, h, fg, bd);
} else if (cat == BBD) {
/* lower (8-X)/8 block */
int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + d, w, h - d);
} else if (cat == BBU) {
/* upper X/8 block */
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w, DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8));
} else if (cat == BBL) {
/* left X/8 block */
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8), h);
} else if (cat == BBR) {
/* right (8-X)/8 block */
int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + d, y, w - d, h);
} else if (cat == BBQ) {
/* Quadrants */
int w2 = DIV(w, 2), h2 = DIV(h, 2);
if (bd & TL)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w2, h2);
if (bd & TR)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, w - w2, h2);
if (bd & BL)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2, h - h2);
if (bd & BR)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2, w - w2, h - h2);
} else if (bd & BBS) {
/* Shades - data is 1/2/3 for 25%/50%/75% alpha, respectively */
int d = (uint8_t)bd;
XftColor xfc;
XRenderColor xrc = { .alpha = 0xffff };
xrc.red = DIV(fg->color.red * d + bg->color.red * (4 - d), 4);
xrc.green = DIV(fg->color.green * d + bg->color.green * (4 - d), 4);
xrc.blue = DIV(fg->color.blue * d + bg->color.blue * (4 - d), 4);
XftColorAllocValue(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xrc, &xfc);
XftDrawRect(xd, &xfc, x, y, w, h);
XftColorFree(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xfc);
} else if (cat == BRL) {
/* braille, each data bit corresponds to one dot at 2x4 grid */
int w1 = DIV(w, 2);
int h1 = DIV(h, 4), h2 = DIV(h, 2), h3 = DIV(3 * h, 4);
if (bd & 1) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w1, h1);
if (bd & 2) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h1, w1, h2 - h1);
if (bd & 4) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w1, h3 - h2);
if (bd & 8) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y, w - w1, h1);
if (bd & 16) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h1, w - w1, h2 - h1);
if (bd & 32) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h2, w - w1, h3 - h2);
if (bd & 64) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h3, w1, h - h3);
if (bd & 128) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h3, w - w1, h - h3);
drawboxlines(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, ushort bd)
/* s: stem thickness. width/8 roughly matches underscore thickness. */
/* We draw bold as 1.5 * normal-stem and at least 1px thicker. */
/* doubles draw at least 3px, even when w or h < 3. bold needs 6px. */
int mwh = MIN(w, h);
int base_s = MAX(1, DIV(mwh, 8));
int bold = (bd & BDB) && mwh >= 6; /* possibly ignore boldness */
int s = bold ? MAX(base_s + 1, DIV(3 * base_s, 2)) : base_s;
int w2 = DIV(w - s, 2), h2 = DIV(h - s, 2);
/* the s-by-s square (x + w2, y + h2, s, s) is the center texel. */
/* The base length (per direction till edge) includes this square. */
int light = bd & (LL | LU | LR | LD);
int double_ = bd & (DL | DU | DR | DD);
if (light) {
/* d: additional (negative) length to not-draw the center */
/* texel - at arcs and avoid drawing inside (some) doubles */
int arc = bd & BDA;
int multi_light = light & (light - 1);
int multi_double = double_ & (double_ - 1);
/* light crosses double only at DH+LV, DV+LH (ref. shapes) */
int d = arc || (multi_double && !multi_light) ? -s : 0;
if (bd & LL)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2 + s + d, s);
if (bd & LU)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, s, h2 + s + d);
if (bd & LR)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - d, y + h2, w - w2 + d, s);
if (bd & LD)
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2 - d, s, h - h2 + d);
/* double lines - also align with light to form heavy when combined */
if (double_) {
* going clockwise, for each double-ray: p is additional length
* to the single-ray nearer to the previous direction, and n to
* the next. p and n adjust from the base length to lengths
* which consider other doubles - shorter to avoid intersections
* (p, n), or longer to draw the far-corner texel (n).
int dl = bd & DL, du = bd & DU, dr = bd & DR, dd = bd & DD;
if (dl) {
int p = dd ? -s : 0, n = du ? -s : dd ? s : 0;
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 + s, w2 + s + p, s);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 - s, w2 + s + n, s);
if (du) {
int p = dl ? -s : 0, n = dr ? -s : dl ? s : 0;
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y, s, h2 + s + p);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y, s, h2 + s + n);
if (dr) {
int p = du ? -s : 0, n = dd ? -s : du ? s : 0;
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - p, y + h2 - s, w - w2 + p, s);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - n, y + h2 + s, w - w2 + n, s);
if (dd) {
int p = dr ? -s : 0, n = dl ? -s : dr ? s : 0;
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y + h2 - p, s, h - h2 + p);
XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y + h2 - n, s, h - h2 + n);

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
* Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) avihpit@yahoo.com https://github.com/avih
* MIT/X Consortium License
* U+25XX codepoints data
* References:
* http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2500.pdf
* http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2580.pdf
* Test page:
* https://github.com/GNOME/vte/blob/master/doc/boxes.txt
/* Each shape is encoded as 16-bits. Higher bits are category, lower are data */
/* Categories (mutually exclusive except BDB): */
/* For convenience, BDL/BDA/BBS/BDB are 1 bit each, the rest are enums */
#define BDL (1<<8) /* Box Draw Lines (light/double/heavy) */
#define BDA (1<<9) /* Box Draw Arc (light) */
#define BBD (1<<10) /* Box Block Down (lower) X/8 */
#define BBL (2<<10) /* Box Block Left X/8 */
#define BBU (3<<10) /* Box Block Upper X/8 */
#define BBR (4<<10) /* Box Block Right X/8 */
#define BBQ (5<<10) /* Box Block Quadrants */
#define BRL (6<<10) /* Box Braille (data is lower byte of U28XX) */
#define BBS (1<<14) /* Box Block Shades */
#define BDB (1<<15) /* Box Draw is Bold */
/* (BDL/BDA) Light/Double/Heavy x Left/Up/Right/Down/Horizontal/Vertical */
/* Heavy is light+double (literally drawing light+double align to form heavy) */
#define LL (1<<0)
#define LU (1<<1)
#define LR (1<<2)
#define LD (1<<3)
#define LH (LL+LR)
#define LV (LU+LD)
#define DL (1<<4)
#define DU (1<<5)
#define DR (1<<6)
#define DD (1<<7)
#define DH (DL+DR)
#define DV (DU+DD)
#define HL (LL+DL)
#define HU (LU+DU)
#define HR (LR+DR)
#define HD (LD+DD)
#define HH (HL+HR)
#define HV (HU+HD)
/* (BBQ) Quadrants Top/Bottom x Left/Right */
#define TL (1<<0)
#define TR (1<<1)
#define BL (1<<2)
#define BR (1<<3)
/* Data for U+2500 - U+259F except dashes/diagonals */
static const unsigned short boxdata[256] = {
/* light lines */
[0x00] = BDL + LH, /* light horizontal */
[0x02] = BDL + LV, /* light vertical */
[0x0c] = BDL + LD + LR, /* light down and right */
[0x10] = BDL + LD + LL, /* light down and left */
[0x14] = BDL + LU + LR, /* light up and right */
[0x18] = BDL + LU + LL, /* light up and left */
[0x1c] = BDL + LV + LR, /* light vertical and right */
[0x24] = BDL + LV + LL, /* light vertical and left */
[0x2c] = BDL + LH + LD, /* light horizontal and down */
[0x34] = BDL + LH + LU, /* light horizontal and up */
[0x3c] = BDL + LV + LH, /* light vertical and horizontal */
[0x74] = BDL + LL, /* light left */
[0x75] = BDL + LU, /* light up */
[0x76] = BDL + LR, /* light right */
[0x77] = BDL + LD, /* light down */
/* heavy [+light] lines */
[0x01] = BDL + HH,
[0x03] = BDL + HV,
[0x0d] = BDL + HR + LD,
[0x0e] = BDL + HD + LR,
[0x0f] = BDL + HD + HR,
[0x11] = BDL + HL + LD,
[0x12] = BDL + HD + LL,
[0x13] = BDL + HD + HL,
[0x15] = BDL + HR + LU,
[0x16] = BDL + HU + LR,
[0x17] = BDL + HU + HR,
[0x19] = BDL + HL + LU,
[0x1a] = BDL + HU + LL,
[0x1b] = BDL + HU + HL,
[0x1d] = BDL + HR + LV,
[0x1e] = BDL + HU + LD + LR,
[0x1f] = BDL + HD + LR + LU,
[0x20] = BDL + HV + LR,
[0x21] = BDL + HU + HR + LD,
[0x22] = BDL + HD + HR + LU,
[0x23] = BDL + HV + HR,
[0x25] = BDL + HL + LV,
[0x26] = BDL + HU + LD + LL,
[0x27] = BDL + HD + LU + LL,
[0x28] = BDL + HV + LL,
[0x29] = BDL + HU + HL + LD,
[0x2a] = BDL + HD + HL + LU,
[0x2b] = BDL + HV + HL,
[0x2d] = BDL + HL + LD + LR,
[0x2e] = BDL + HR + LL + LD,
[0x2f] = BDL + HH + LD,
[0x30] = BDL + HD + LH,
[0x31] = BDL + HD + HL + LR,
[0x32] = BDL + HR + HD + LL,
[0x33] = BDL + HH + HD,
[0x35] = BDL + HL + LU + LR,
[0x36] = BDL + HR + LU + LL,
[0x37] = BDL + HH + LU,
[0x38] = BDL + HU + LH,
[0x39] = BDL + HU + HL + LR,
[0x3a] = BDL + HU + HR + LL,
[0x3b] = BDL + HH + HU,
[0x3d] = BDL + HL + LV + LR,
[0x3e] = BDL + HR + LV + LL,
[0x3f] = BDL + HH + LV,
[0x40] = BDL + HU + LH + LD,
[0x41] = BDL + HD + LH + LU,
[0x42] = BDL + HV + LH,
[0x43] = BDL + HU + HL + LD + LR,
[0x44] = BDL + HU + HR + LD + LL,
[0x45] = BDL + HD + HL + LU + LR,
[0x46] = BDL + HD + HR + LU + LL,
[0x47] = BDL + HH + HU + LD,
[0x48] = BDL + HH + HD + LU,
[0x49] = BDL + HV + HL + LR,
[0x4a] = BDL + HV + HR + LL,
[0x4b] = BDL + HV + HH,
[0x78] = BDL + HL,
[0x79] = BDL + HU,
[0x7a] = BDL + HR,
[0x7b] = BDL + HD,
[0x7c] = BDL + HR + LL,
[0x7d] = BDL + HD + LU,
[0x7e] = BDL + HL + LR,
[0x7f] = BDL + HU + LD,
/* double [+light] lines */
[0x50] = BDL + DH,
[0x51] = BDL + DV,
[0x52] = BDL + DR + LD,
[0x53] = BDL + DD + LR,
[0x54] = BDL + DR + DD,
[0x55] = BDL + DL + LD,
[0x56] = BDL + DD + LL,
[0x57] = BDL + DL + DD,
[0x58] = BDL + DR + LU,
[0x59] = BDL + DU + LR,
[0x5a] = BDL + DU + DR,
[0x5b] = BDL + DL + LU,
[0x5c] = BDL + DU + LL,
[0x5d] = BDL + DL + DU,
[0x5e] = BDL + DR + LV,
[0x5f] = BDL + DV + LR,
[0x60] = BDL + DV + DR,
[0x61] = BDL + DL + LV,
[0x62] = BDL + DV + LL,
[0x63] = BDL + DV + DL,
[0x64] = BDL + DH + LD,
[0x65] = BDL + DD + LH,
[0x66] = BDL + DD + DH,
[0x67] = BDL + DH + LU,
[0x68] = BDL + DU + LH,
[0x69] = BDL + DH + DU,
[0x6a] = BDL + DH + LV,
[0x6b] = BDL + DV + LH,
[0x6c] = BDL + DH + DV,
/* (light) arcs */
[0x6d] = BDA + LD + LR,
[0x6e] = BDA + LD + LL,
[0x6f] = BDA + LU + LL,
[0x70] = BDA + LU + LR,
/* Lower (Down) X/8 block (data is 8 - X) */
[0x81] = BBD + 7, [0x82] = BBD + 6, [0x83] = BBD + 5, [0x84] = BBD + 4,
[0x85] = BBD + 3, [0x86] = BBD + 2, [0x87] = BBD + 1, [0x88] = BBD + 0,
/* Left X/8 block (data is X) */
[0x89] = BBL + 7, [0x8a] = BBL + 6, [0x8b] = BBL + 5, [0x8c] = BBL + 4,
[0x8d] = BBL + 3, [0x8e] = BBL + 2, [0x8f] = BBL + 1,
/* upper 1/2 (4/8), 1/8 block (X), right 1/2, 1/8 block (8-X) */
[0x80] = BBU + 4, [0x94] = BBU + 1,
[0x90] = BBR + 4, [0x95] = BBR + 7,
/* Quadrants */
[0x96] = BBQ + BL,
[0x97] = BBQ + BR,
[0x98] = BBQ + TL,
[0x99] = BBQ + TL + BL + BR,
[0x9a] = BBQ + TL + BR,
[0x9b] = BBQ + TL + TR + BL,
[0x9c] = BBQ + TL + TR + BR,
[0x9d] = BBQ + TR,
[0x9e] = BBQ + BL + TR,
[0x9f] = BBQ + BL + TR + BR,
/* Shades, data is an alpha value in 25% units (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) */
[0x91] = BBS + 1, [0x92] = BBS + 2, [0x93] = BBS + 3,
/* U+2504 - U+250B, U+254C - U+254F: unsupported (dashes) */
/* U+2571 - U+2573: unsupported (diagonals) */

@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* visual-bell timeout in ms (0 to disable visual-bell) */
static int vbelltimeout = 150;
/* choose predefined visual-bell cells to inverse, or define your own logic */
#define VBCELL x==0 || x==right || y==0 || y==bottom /* border */
// #define VBCELL 1 /* all cells - whole screen */
// #define VBCELL y==bottom && x>right-2 /* bottom-right */
static int vbellmode = 1;
/* vbellmode: 0: invert cells. 1: draw a circle with these parameters:
* - base and outline colors (colorname index - see below)
* - radius: relative to window width, or if negative: relative to cell-width
* - position: relative to window width/height (0 and 1 are at the edges) */
static int vbellcolor = 3;
static int vbellcolor_outline = 1;
static float vbellradius = 0.03;
static float vbellx = 0.5;
static float vbelly = 0.5;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259] = "#eeeeee",
[260] = "#2e3440",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
unsigned int selectionbg = 257;
unsigned int selectionfg = 7;
/* If 0 use selectionfg as foreground in order to have a uniform foreground-color */
/* Else if 1 keep original foreground-color of each cell => more colors :) */
static int ignoreselfg = 1;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Ubuntu Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:autohint=true"
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* visual-bell timeout in ms (0 to disable visual-bell) */
static int vbelltimeout = 150;
/* choose predefined visual-bell cells to inverse, or define your own logic */
#define VBCELL x==0 || x==right || y==0 || y==bottom /* border */
// #define VBCELL 1 /* all cells - whole screen */
// #define VBCELL y==bottom && x>right-2 /* bottom-right */
static int vbellmode = 1;
/* vbellmode: 0: invert cells. 1: draw a circle with these parameters:
* - base and outline colors (colorname index - see below)
* - radius: relative to window width, or if negative: relative to cell-width
* - position: relative to window width/height (0 and 1 are at the edges) */
static int vbellcolor = 3;
static int vbellcolor_outline = 1;
static float vbellradius = 0.03;
static float vbellx = 0.5;
static float vbelly = 0.5;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259] = "#eeeeee",
[260] = "#2e3440",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
unsigned int defaultcs = 257;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 256;
unsigned int bg = 258, bgUnfocused = 256;
unsigned int selectionbg = 259;
unsigned int selectionfg = 258;
/* If 0 use selectionfg as foreground in order to have a uniform foreground-color */
/* Else if 1 keep original foreground-color of each cell => more colors :) */
static int ignoreselfg = 1;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# st version
VERSION = 0.8.4
# Customize below to fit your system
# paths
PREFIX = /usr/local
MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man
X11INC = /usr/include/X11
X11LIB = /usr/lib/X11
PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
# includes and libs
INCS = -I$(X11INC) \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2`
LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft -lXrender\
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# flags
# OpenBSD:
#LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# compiler and linker
# CC = c99

@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
unsigned long icon[] = {
64, 64,
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# st - simple terminal
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
include config.mk
SRC = st.c x.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
all: options st
@echo st build options:
@echo "CFLAGS = $(STCFLAGS)"
@echo "CC = $(CC)"
cp config.def.h config.h
$(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $<
st.o: config.h st.h win.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
$(OBJ): config.h config.mk
st: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(STLDFLAGS)
rm -f st $(OBJ) st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
dist: clean
mkdir -p st-$(VERSION)
cp -R FAQ LEGACY TODO LICENSE Makefile README config.mk\
config.def.h st.info st.1 arg.h st.h win.h $(SRC)\
tar -cf - st-$(VERSION) | gzip > st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
rm -rf st-$(VERSION)
install: st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
cp -f st $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < st.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
tic -sx st.info
@echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st.
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# st - simple terminal
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
include config.mk
SRC = st.c x.c boxdraw.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
all: options st
@echo st build options:
@echo "CFLAGS = $(STCFLAGS)"
@echo "CC = $(CC)"
cp config.def.h config.h
$(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $<
st.o: config.h st.h win.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
boxdraw.o: config.h st.h boxdraw_data.h
$(OBJ): config.h config.mk
st: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(STLDFLAGS)
rm -f st $(OBJ) st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
dist: clean
mkdir -p st-$(VERSION)
cp -R FAQ LEGACY TODO LICENSE Makefile README config.mk\
config.def.h st.info st.1 arg.h st.h win.h $(SRC)\
tar -cf - st-$(VERSION) | gzip > st-$(VERSION).tar.gz
rm -rf st-$(VERSION)
install: st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
cp -f st $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < st.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
tic -sx st.info
@echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st.
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
--- config.def.h
+++ config.def.h
@@ -119,18 +119,23 @@ static const char *colorname[] = {
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
- "#555555",
+ "#2e3440",
* Default colors (colorname index)
- * foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
+ * foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor, selection
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
-static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
+static unsigned int defaultrcs = 256;
+unsigned int selectionbg = 257;
+unsigned int selectionfg = 7;
+/* If 0 use selectionfg as foreground in order to have a uniform foreground-color */
+/* Else if 1 keep original foreground-color of each cell => more colors :) */
+static int ignoreselfg = 1;
* Default shape of cursor

@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259]= "#eeeeee",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259]= "#eeeeee",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* visual-bell timeout in ms (0 to disable visual-bell) */
static int vbelltimeout = 150;
/* choose predefined visual-bell cells to inverse, or define your own logic */
#define VBCELL x==0 || x==right || y==0 || y==bottom /* border */
// #define VBCELL 1 /* all cells - whole screen */
// #define VBCELL y==bottom && x>right-2 /* bottom-right */
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259]= "#eeeeee",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* visual-bell timeout in ms (0 to disable visual-bell) */
static int vbelltimeout = 150;
/* choose predefined visual-bell cells to inverse, or define your own logic */
#define VBCELL x==0 || x==right || y==0 || y==bottom /* border */
// #define VBCELL 1 /* all cells - whole screen */
// #define VBCELL y==bottom && x>right-2 /* bottom-right */
static int vbellmode = 1;
/* vbellmode: 0: invert cells. 1: draw a circle with these parameters:
* - base and outline colors (colorname index - see below)
* - radius: relative to window width, or if negative: relative to cell-width
* - position: relative to window width/height (0 and 1 are at the edges) */
static int vbellcolor = 3;
static int vbellcolor_outline = 1;
static float vbellradius = 0.03;
static float vbellx = 0.5;
static float vbelly = 0.5;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259]= "#eeeeee",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, opencopied, {.v = "xdg-open"} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* Default shape of cursor
* 2: Block ("█")
* 4: Underline ("_")
* 6: Bar ("|")
* 7: Snowman ("☃")
static unsigned int cursorshape = 2;
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* Default shape of cursor
* 2: Block ("█")
* 4: Underline ("_")
* 6: Bar ("|")
* 7: Snowman ("☃")
static unsigned int cursorshape = 2;
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
+ { TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
+ { TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
+ { TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *fonts[] = {
"Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
const int boxdraw = 0;
const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#323437",
[1] = "#ff5454",
[2] = "#8cc85f",
[3] = "#e3c78a",
[4] = "#80a0ff",
[5] = "#d183e8",
[6] = "#79dac8",
[7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#7c8f8f",
[9] = "#ff5189",
[10] = "#36c692",
[11] = "#bfbf97",
[12] = "#74b2ff",
[13] = "#ae81ff",
[14] = "#85dc85",
[15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[256] = "#282a36",
[257] = "#f8f8f2",
[258] = "#080808",
[259]= "#eeeeee",
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask keysym function argument */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
+ { TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF)
* to be mapped below, add them to this array.
static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { -1 };
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
* This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux
* world. Please decide about changes wisely.
static Key key[] = {
/* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_KP_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Begin, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Multiply, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Add, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Enter, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", -1, 0},
{ XK_KP_Subtract, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Decimal, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_Divide, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_0, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_1, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_2, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_3, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_4, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_5, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_6, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_7, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_8, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0},
{ XK_KP_9, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1},
{ XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0},
{ XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1},
{ XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0},
{ XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1},
{ XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0},
{ XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1},
{ XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1},
{ XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Return, XK_ANY_MOD, "\r", 0, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0},
{ XK_Insert, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0},
{ XK_Delete, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1},
{ XK_Home, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0},
{ XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0},
{ XK_End, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Prior, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_Next, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0},
{ XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0},
{ XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0},
{ XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0},
{ XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0},
{ XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0},
* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# st version
VERSION = 0.8.4
# Customize below to fit your system
# paths
PREFIX = /usr/local
MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man
X11INC = /usr/include/X11
X11LIB = /usr/lib/X11
PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
# includes and libs
INCS = -I$(X11INC) \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2`
LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# flags
# OpenBSD:
#LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# compiler and linker
# CC = c99

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
st \- simple terminal
.B st
.RB [ \-aiv ]
.RB [ \-c
.IR class ]
.RB [ \-f
.IR font ]
.RB [ \-g
.IR geometry ]
.RB [ \-n
.IR name ]
.RB [ \-o
.IR iofile ]
.RB [ \-T
.IR title ]
.RB [ \-t
.IR title ]
.RB [ \-l
.IR line ]
.RB [ \-w
.IR windowid ]
.RB [[ \-e ]
.IR command
.RI [ arguments ...]]
.B st
.RB [ \-aiv ]
.RB [ \-c
.IR class ]
.RB [ \-f
.IR font ]
.RB [ \-g
.IR geometry ]
.RB [ \-n
.IR name ]
.RB [ \-o
.IR iofile ]
.RB [ \-T
.IR title ]
.RB [ \-t
.IR title ]
.RB [ \-w
.IR windowid ]
.RB \-l
.IR line
.RI [ stty_args ...]
.B st
is a simple terminal emulator.
.B \-a
disable alternate screens in terminal
.BI \-c " class"
defines the window class (default $TERM).
.BI \-f " font"
defines the
.I font
to use when st is run.
.BI \-g " geometry"
defines the X11 geometry string.
The form is [=][<cols>{xX}<rows>][{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>]. See
.BR XParseGeometry (3)
for further details.
.B \-i
will fixate the position given with the -g option.
.BI \-n " name"
defines the window instance name (default $TERM).
.BI \-o " iofile"
writes all the I/O to
.I iofile.
This feature is useful when recording st sessions. A value of "-" means
standard output.
.BI \-T " title"
defines the window title (default 'st').
.BI \-t " title"
defines the window title (default 'st').
.BI \-w " windowid"
embeds st within the window identified by
.I windowid
.BI \-l " line"
use a tty
.I line
instead of a pseudo terminal.
.I line
should be a (pseudo-)serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0 on Linux for serial port
When this flag is given
remaining arguments are used as flags for
.BR stty(1).
By default st initializes the serial line to 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
and a 38400 baud rate. The speed is set by appending it as last argument
(e.g. 'st -l /dev/ttyS0 115200'). Arguments before the last one are
.BR stty(1)
flags. If you want to set odd parity on 115200 baud use for example 'st -l
/dev/ttyS0 parenb parodd 115200'. Set the number of bits by using for
example 'st -l /dev/ttyS0 cs7 115200'. See
.BR stty(1)
for more arguments and cases.
.B \-v
prints version information to stderr, then exits.
.BI \-e " command " [ " arguments " "... ]"
st executes
.I command
instead of the shell. If this is used it
.B must be the last option
on the command line, as in xterm / rxvt.
This option is only intended for compatibility,
and all the remaining arguments are used as a command
even without it.
.B Break
Send a break in the serial line.
Break key is obtained in PC keyboards
pressing at the same time control and pause.
.B Ctrl-Print Screen
Toggle if st should print to the
.I iofile.
.B Shift-Print Screen
Print the full screen to the
.I iofile.
.B Print Screen
Print the selection to the
.I iofile.
.B Ctrl-Shift-Page Up
Increase font size.
.B Ctrl-Shift-Page Down
Decrease font size.
.B Ctrl-Shift-Home
Reset to default font size.
.B Ctrl-Shift-y
Paste from primary selection (middle mouse button).
.B Ctrl-Shift-c
Copy the selected text to the clipboard selection.
.B Ctrl-Shift-v
Paste from the clipboard selection.
.B st
can be customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source
code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple.
See the LICENSE file for the authors.
See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution.
.BR tabbed (1),
.BR utmp (1),
.BR stty (1),
.BR scroll (1)
See the TODO file in the distribution.

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
--- st.c
+++ st.c
@@ -1848,21 +1850,22 @@ strhandle(void)
int j, narg, par;
term.esc &= ~(ESC_STR_END|ESC_STR);
- strparse();
- par = (narg = strescseq.narg) ? atoi(strescseq.args[0]) : 0;
+ strescseq.buf[strescseq.len] = '\0';
switch (strescseq.type) {
case ']': /* OSC -- Operating System Command */
+ strparse();
+ par = (narg = strescseq.narg) ? atoi(STRESCARGJUST(0)) : 0;
switch (par) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if (narg > 1)
- xsettitle(strescseq.args[1]);
+ xsettitle(STRESCARGREST(1));
case 52:
if (narg > 2 && allowwindowops) {
- dec = base64dec(strescseq.args[2]);
+ dec = base64dec(STRESCARGJUST(2));
if (dec) {
@@ -1894,7 +1897,7 @@ strhandle(void)
case 'k': /* old title set compatibility */
- xsettitle(strescseq.args[0]);
+ xsettitle(strescseq.buf);
case 'P': /* DCS -- Device Control String */
case '_': /* APC -- Application Program Command */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--- st.h
+++ st.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
+ ATTR_SELECTED = 1 << 11,

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern float alpha;

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha;

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha;

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void tfulldirt(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha, alphaUnfocused;

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void tfulldirt(void);
void draw(void);
void opencopied(const Arg *);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha, alphaUnfocused;

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void tfulldirt(void);
void draw(void);
void opencopied(const Arg *);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern unsigned int defaultcs;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha, alphaUnfocused;

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* macros */
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit)))
#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0,
ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1,
ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2,
ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4,
ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7,
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
enum selection_mode {
enum selection_type {
enum selection_snap {
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef uint_least32_t Rune;
#define Glyph Glyph_
typedef struct {
Rune u; /* character code */
ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
uint32_t fg; /* foreground */
uint32_t bg; /* background */
int ustyle; /* underline style */
int ucolor[3]; /* underline color */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef union {
int i;
uint ui;
float f;
const void *v;
const char *s;
} Arg;
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void tfulldirt(void);
void draw(void);
void opencopied(const Arg *);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
void resettitle(void);
void selclear(void);
void selinit(void);
void selstart(int, int, int);
void selextend(int, int, int, int);
int selected(int, int);
char *getsel(void);
size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
int isboxdraw(Rune);
ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern unsigned int defaultcs;
extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
extern float alpha, alphaUnfocused;

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
# XTerm extensions
# disabled rep for now: causes some issues with older ncurses versions.
# rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db,
# tmux extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1)
Se=\E[2 q,
Ss=\E[%p1%d q,
st| simpleterm,
st-256color| simpleterm with 256 colors,
# Nicked from xterm-256color
st-meta| simpleterm with meta key,
st-meta-256color| simpleterm with meta key and 256 colors,
st-bs| simpleterm with backspace as backspace,
st-bs-256color| simpleterm with backspace as backspace and 256colors,

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
# XTerm extensions
# disabled rep for now: causes some issues with older ncurses versions.
# rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db,
# tmux extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1)
Se=\E[2 q,
Ss=\E[%p1%d q,
st| simpleterm,
st-256color| simpleterm with 256 colors,
# Nicked from xterm-256color
st-meta| simpleterm with meta key,
st-meta-256color| simpleterm with meta key and 256 colors,
st-bs| simpleterm with backspace as backspace,
st-bs-256color| simpleterm with backspace as backspace and 256colors,

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
enum win_mode {
MODE_VISIBLE = 1 << 0,
MODE_FOCUSED = 1 << 1,
MODE_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
MODE_KBDLOCK = 1 << 6,
MODE_HIDE = 1 << 7,
MODE_8BIT = 1 << 10,
MODE_BLINK = 1 << 11,
MODE_FBLINK = 1 << 12,
MODE_FOCUS = 1 << 13,
MODE_MOUSEX10 = 1 << 14,
MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17,
void xbell(void);
void xclipcopy(void);
void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph);
void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int);
void xfinishdraw(void);
void xloadcols(void);
int xsetcolorname(int, const char *);
void xsettitle(char *);
int xsetcursor(int);
void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
void xsetpointermotion(int);
void xsetsel(char *);
int xstartdraw(void);
void xximspot(int, int);

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
enum win_mode {
MODE_VISIBLE = 1 << 0,
MODE_FOCUSED = 1 << 1,
MODE_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
MODE_KBDLOCK = 1 << 6,
MODE_HIDE = 1 << 7,
MODE_8BIT = 1 << 10,
MODE_BLINK = 1 << 11,
MODE_FBLINK = 1 << 12,
MODE_FOCUS = 1 << 13,
MODE_MOUSEX10 = 1 << 14,
MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17,
void xbell(void);
void xclipcopy(void);
void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph);
void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int);
void xfinishdraw(void);
void xloadcols(void);
int xsetcolorname(int, const char *);
void xfreetitlestack(void);
void xsettitle(char *, int);
void xpushtitle(void);
int xsetcursor(int);
void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
void xsetpointermotion(int);
void xsetsel(char *);
int xstartdraw(void);
void xximspot(int, int);

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* See LICENSE for license details. */
enum win_mode {
MODE_VISIBLE = 1 << 0,
MODE_FOCUSED = 1 << 1,
MODE_REVERSE = 1 << 5,
MODE_KBDLOCK = 1 << 6,
MODE_HIDE = 1 << 7,
MODE_8BIT = 1 << 10,
MODE_BLINK = 1 << 11,
MODE_FBLINK = 1 << 12,
MODE_FOCUS = 1 << 13,
MODE_MOUSEX10 = 1 << 14,
MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17,
void xbell(void);
void xclipcopy(void);
void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph);
void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int);
void xfinishdraw(void);
void xloadcols(void);
int xsetcolorname(int, const char *);
void xfreetitlestack(void);
void xsettitle(char *, int);
void xpushtitle(void);
int xsetcursor(int);
void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
void xsetpointermotion(int);
void xsetsel(char *);
int xstartdraw(void);
void xximspot(int, int);

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--- x.c
+++ x.c
@@ -1608,7 +1604,7 @@ xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2)
if (new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY)
if (selected(x, y1))
- new.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE;
+ new.mode |= ATTR_SELECTED;
if (i > 0 && ATTRCMP(base, new)) {
xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y1);
specs += i;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 0e01717..e116631 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ char *termname = "st-256color";
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
+/* bg opacity */
+float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
@@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ static const char *colorname[] = {
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
+ "black",
@@ -117,7 +121,7 @@ static const char *colorname[] = {
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
-unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
+unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
diff --git a/config.mk b/config.mk
index 0cbb002..1d2f0e2 100644
--- a/config.mk
+++ b/config.mk
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
INCS = -I$(X11INC) \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2`
-LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
+LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft -lXrender\
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
diff --git a/st.h b/st.h
index 38c61c4..b7634ab 100644
--- a/st.h
+++ b/st.h
@@ -120,3 +120,4 @@ extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
+extern float alpha;
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 0422421..588dec3 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ typedef struct {
XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
int scr;
int isfixed; /* is fixed geometry? */
+ int depth; /* bit depth */
int l, t; /* left and top offset */
int gm; /* geometry mask */
} XWindow;
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@ static char *usedfont = NULL;
static double usedfontsize = 0;
static double defaultfontsize = 0;
+static char *opt_alpha = NULL;
static char *opt_class = NULL;
static char **opt_cmd = NULL;
static char *opt_embed = NULL;
@@ -688,7 +690,7 @@ xresize(int col, int row)
XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf);
xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
+ xw.depth);
XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf);
xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h);
@@ -748,6 +750,13 @@ xloadcols(void)
die("could not allocate color %d\n", i);
+ /* set alpha value of bg color */
+ if (opt_alpha)
+ alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL);
+ dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * alpha);
+ dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * alpha) << 24;
loaded = 1;
@@ -1004,11 +1013,23 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
Window parent;
pid_t thispid = getpid();
XColor xmousefg, xmousebg;
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ XVisualInfo vis;
if (!(xw.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)))
die("can't open display\n");
xw.scr = XDefaultScreen(xw.dpy);
- xw.vis = XDefaultVisual(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
+ if (!(opt_embed && (parent = strtol(opt_embed, NULL, 0)))) {
+ parent = XRootWindow(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
+ xw.depth = 32;
+ } else {
+ XGetWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, parent, &attr);
+ xw.depth = attr.depth;
+ }
+ XMatchVisualInfo(xw.dpy, xw.scr, xw.depth, TrueColor, &vis);
+ xw.vis = vis.visual;
/* font */
if (!FcInit())
@@ -1018,7 +1039,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xloadfonts(usedfont, 0);
/* colors */
- xw.cmap = XDefaultColormap(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
+ xw.cmap = XCreateColormap(xw.dpy, parent, xw.vis, None);
/* adjust fixed window geometry */
@@ -1038,19 +1059,15 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
| ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
xw.attrs.colormap = xw.cmap;
- if (!(opt_embed && (parent = strtol(opt_embed, NULL, 0))))
- parent = XRootWindow(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
xw.win = XCreateWindow(xw.dpy, parent, xw.l, xw.t,
- win.w, win.h, 0, XDefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr), InputOutput,
+ win.w, win.h, 0, xw.depth, InputOutput,
xw.vis, CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWBitGravity
| CWEventMask | CWColormap, &xw.attrs);
memset(&gcvalues, 0, sizeof(gcvalues));
gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False;
- dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, parent, GCGraphicsExposures,
- &gcvalues);
- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
+ xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.win, win.w, win.h, xw.depth);
+ dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, xw.buf, GCGraphicsExposures, &gcvalues);
XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel);
XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h);
@@ -1894,6 +1911,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
case 'a':
allowaltscreen = 0;
+ case 'A':
+ opt_alpha = EARGF(usage());
+ break;
case 'c':
opt_class = EARGF(usage());

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 8bf998e..e2cda07 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ typedef XftGlyphFontSpec GlyphFontSpec;
typedef struct {
int tw, th; /* tty width and height */
int w, h; /* window width and height */
+ int hborderpx, vborderpx;
int ch; /* char height */
int cw; /* char width */
int mode; /* window state/mode flags */
@@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ ttysend(const Arg *arg)
evcol(XEvent *e)
- int x = e->xbutton.x - borderpx;
+ int x = e->xbutton.x - win.hborderpx;
LIMIT(x, 0, win.tw - 1);
return x / win.cw;
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ evcol(XEvent *e)
evrow(XEvent *e)
- int y = e->xbutton.y - borderpx;
+ int y = e->xbutton.y - win.vborderpx;
LIMIT(y, 0, win.th - 1);
return y / win.ch;
@@ -723,6 +724,9 @@ cresize(int width, int height)
col = MAX(1, col);
row = MAX(1, row);
+ win.hborderpx = (win.w - col * win.cw) / 2;
+ win.vborderpx = (win.h - row * win.ch) / 2;
tresize(col, row);
xresize(col, row);
ttyresize(win.tw, win.th);
@@ -840,8 +844,8 @@ xhints(void)
sizeh->flags = PSize | PResizeInc | PBaseSize | PMinSize;
sizeh->height = win.h;
sizeh->width = win.w;
- sizeh->height_inc = win.ch;
- sizeh->width_inc = win.cw;
+ sizeh->height_inc = 1;
+ sizeh->width_inc = 1;
sizeh->base_height = 2 * borderpx;
sizeh->base_width = 2 * borderpx;
sizeh->min_height = win.ch + 2 * borderpx;
@@ -1123,8 +1127,8 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
/* adjust fixed window geometry */
- win.w = 2 * borderpx + cols * win.cw;
- win.h = 2 * borderpx + rows * win.ch;
+ win.w = 2 * win.hborderpx + 2 * borderpx + cols * win.cw;
+ win.h = 2 * win.vborderpx + 2 * borderpx + rows * win.ch;
if (xw.gm & XNegative)
xw.l += DisplayWidth(xw.dpy, xw.scr) - win.w - 2;
if (xw.gm & YNegative)
@@ -1213,7 +1217,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x, int y)
- float winx = borderpx + x * win.cw, winy = borderpx + y * win.ch, xp, yp;
+ float winx = win.hborderpx + x * win.cw, winy = win.vborderpx + y * win.ch, xp, yp;
ushort mode, prevmode = USHRT_MAX;
Font *font = &dc.font;
int frcflags = FRC_NORMAL;
@@ -1346,7 +1350,7 @@ void
xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, int y)
int charlen = len * ((base.mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2 : 1);
- int winx = borderpx + x * win.cw, winy = borderpx + y * win.ch,
+ int winx = win.hborderpx + x * win.cw, winy = win.vborderpx + y * win.ch,
width = charlen * win.cw;
Color *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg, truefg, truebg;
XRenderColor colfg, colbg;
@@ -1436,17 +1440,17 @@ xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, i
/* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */
if (x == 0) {
- xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, borderpx,
+ xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.vborderpx,
winy + win.ch +
- ((winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th)? win.h : 0));
+ ((winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th)? win.h : 0));
- if (winx + width >= borderpx + win.tw) {
+ if (winx + width >= win.hborderpx + win.tw) {
xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.w,
- ((winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th)? win.h : (winy + win.ch)));
+ ((winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th)? win.h : (winy + win.ch)));
if (y == 0)
- xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, borderpx);
- if (winy + win.ch >= borderpx + win.th)
+ xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, win.vborderpx);
+ if (winy + win.ch >= win.vborderpx + win.th)
xclear(winx, winy + win.ch, winx + width, win.h);
/* Clean up the region we want to draw to. */
@@ -1540,35 +1544,35 @@ xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og)
case 3: /* Blinking Underline */
case 4: /* Steady Underline */
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + cx * win.cw,
- borderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - \
+ win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw,
+ win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - \
win.cw, cursorthickness);
case 5: /* Blinking bar */
case 6: /* Steady bar */
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + cx * win.cw,
- borderpx + cy * win.ch,
+ win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw,
+ win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch,
cursorthickness, win.ch);
} else {
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + cx * win.cw,
- borderpx + cy * win.ch,
+ win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw,
+ win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch,
win.cw - 1, 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + cx * win.cw,
- borderpx + cy * win.ch,
+ win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw,
+ win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch,
1, win.ch - 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + (cx + 1) * win.cw - 1,
- borderpx + cy * win.ch,
+ win.hborderpx + (cx + 1) * win.cw - 1,
+ win.vborderpx + cy * win.ch,
1, win.ch - 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + cx * win.cw,
- borderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - 1,
+ win.hborderpx + cx * win.cw,
+ win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - 1,
win.cw, 1);

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
From bff176133618854676bbdc74c0099f184d3da365 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Ward <planet36@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 22:48:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Allow blinking cursor
config.def.h | 19 +++++++++++++------
x.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 6f05dce..3dbe915 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -133,13 +133,20 @@ static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
- * Default shape of cursor
- * 2: Block ("█")
- * 4: Underline ("_")
- * 6: Bar ("|")
- * 7: Snowman ("☃")
+ * https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
+ * Default style of cursor
+ * 0: Blinking block
+ * 1: Blinking block (default)
+ * 2: Steady block ("█")
+ * 3: Blinking underline
+ * 4: Steady underline ("_")
+ * 5: Blinking bar
+ * 6: Steady bar ("|")
+ * 7: Blinking st cursor
+ * 8: Steady st cursor
-static unsigned int cursorshape = 2;
+static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
+static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
* Default columns and rows numbers
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..bd80a5e 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ static char *opt_name = NULL;
static char *opt_title = NULL;
static int oldbutton = 3; /* button event on startup: 3 = release */
+static int cursorblinks = 0;
clipcopy(const Arg *dummy)
@@ -1526,16 +1527,19 @@ xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og)
/* draw the new one */
switch (win.cursor) {
- case 7: /* st extension */
- g.u = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
+ case 0: /* Blinking block */
+ case 1: /* Blinking block (default) */
+ break;
- case 0: /* Blinking Block */
- case 1: /* Blinking Block (Default) */
- case 2: /* Steady Block */
+ case 2: /* Steady block */
xdrawglyph(g, cx, cy);
- case 3: /* Blinking Underline */
- case 4: /* Steady Underline */
+ case 3: /* Blinking underline */
+ break;
+ case 4: /* Steady underline */
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
borderpx + cx * win.cw,
borderpx + (cy + 1) * win.ch - \
@@ -1543,12 +1547,23 @@ xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og)
win.cw, cursorthickness);
case 5: /* Blinking bar */
+ break;
case 6: /* Steady bar */
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
borderpx + cx * win.cw,
borderpx + cy * win.ch,
cursorthickness, win.ch);
+ case 7: /* Blinking st cursor */
+ break;
+ case 8: /* Steady st cursor */
+ g.u = stcursor;
+ xdrawglyph(g, cx, cy);
+ break;
} else {
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
@@ -1690,9 +1705,12 @@ xsetmode(int set, unsigned int flags)
xsetcursor(int cursor)
- if (!BETWEEN(cursor, 0, 7)) /* 7: st extension */
+ if (!BETWEEN(cursor, 0, 8)) /* 7-8: st extensions */
return 1;
win.cursor = cursor;
+ cursorblinks = win.cursor == 0 || win.cursor == 1 ||
+ win.cursor == 3 || win.cursor == 5 ||
+ win.cursor == 7;
return 0;
@@ -1936,6 +1954,10 @@ run(void)
if (FD_ISSET(ttyfd, &rfd) || xev) {
if (!drawing) {
trigger = now;
+ win.mode ^= MODE_BLINK;
+ }
+ lastblink = now;
drawing = 1;
timeout = (maxlatency - TIMEDIFF(now, trigger)) \
@@ -1946,7 +1968,7 @@ run(void)
/* idle detected or maxlatency exhausted -> draw */
timeout = -1;
- if (blinktimeout && tattrset(ATTR_BLINK)) {
+ if (blinktimeout && (cursorblinks || tattrset(ATTR_BLINK))) {
timeout = blinktimeout - TIMEDIFF(now, lastblink);
if (timeout <= 0) {
if (-timeout > blinktimeout) /* start visible */
@@ -1982,7 +2004,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
xw.l = xw.t = 0;
xw.isfixed = False;
- xsetcursor(cursorshape);
+ xsetcursor(cursorstyle);
case 'a':

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
From 3f3b80b9966c60086f4ed80ce4de0cbf03468d36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Avi Halachmi (:avih)" <avihpit@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2018 14:51:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] boxdraw_v2: custom render lines/blocks/braille for perfect
It seems impossible to ensure that blocks and line drawing glyphs
align without visible gaps for all combinations of arbitrary font,
size and width/height scale factor.
This commit adds options to render most of the lines/blocks and
braille codepoints without using the font such that they align
perfectly regardless of font, size or other configuration values.
Supported codepoints are U+2500 - U+259F except dashes/diagonals,
and U28XX.
The lines/blocks data is stored as 16-bit values at boxdraw_data.h
boxdraw/braille are independent, disabled by default at config[.def].h
Makefile | 3 +-
boxdraw.c | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
boxdraw_data.h | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
config.def.h | 12 +++
st.c | 3 +
st.h | 10 +++
x.c | 21 +++--
7 files changed, 451 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 boxdraw.c
create mode 100644 boxdraw_data.h
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 470ac86..6dfa212 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
include config.mk
-SRC = st.c x.c
+SRC = st.c x.c boxdraw.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
all: options st
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ config.h:
st.o: config.h st.h win.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
+boxdraw.o: config.h st.h boxdraw_data.h
$(OBJ): config.h config.mk
diff --git a/boxdraw.c b/boxdraw.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28a92d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxdraw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) avihpit@yahoo.com https://github.com/avih
+ * MIT/X Consortium License
+ */
+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#include "boxdraw_data.h"
+/* Rounded non-negative integers division of n / d */
+#define DIV(n, d) (((n) + (d) / 2) / (d))
+static Display *xdpy;
+static Colormap xcmap;
+static XftDraw *xd;
+static Visual *xvis;
+static void drawbox(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, ushort);
+static void drawboxlines(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, ushort);
+/* public API */
+boxdraw_xinit(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XftDraw *draw, Visual *vis)
+ xdpy = dpy; xcmap = cmap; xd = draw, xvis = vis;
+isboxdraw(Rune u)
+ Rune block = u & ~0xff;
+ return (boxdraw && block == 0x2500 && boxdata[(uint8_t)u]) ||
+ (boxdraw_braille && block == 0x2800);
+/* the "index" is actually the entire shape data encoded as ushort */
+boxdrawindex(const Glyph *g)
+ if (boxdraw_braille && (g->u & ~0xff) == 0x2800)
+ return BRL | (uint8_t)g->u;
+ if (boxdraw_bold && (g->mode & ATTR_BOLD))
+ return BDB | boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u];
+ return boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u];
+drawboxes(int x, int y, int cw, int ch, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg,
+ const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, int len)
+ for ( ; len-- > 0; x += cw, specs++)
+ drawbox(x, y, cw, ch, fg, bg, (ushort)specs->glyph);
+/* implementation */
+drawbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, ushort bd)
+ ushort cat = bd & ~(BDB | 0xff); /* mask out bold and data */
+ if (bd & (BDL | BDA)) {
+ /* lines (light/double/heavy/arcs) */
+ drawboxlines(x, y, w, h, fg, bd);
+ } else if (cat == BBD) {
+ /* lower (8-X)/8 block */
+ int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + d, w, h - d);
+ } else if (cat == BBU) {
+ /* upper X/8 block */
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w, DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8));
+ } else if (cat == BBL) {
+ /* left X/8 block */
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8), h);
+ } else if (cat == BBR) {
+ /* right (8-X)/8 block */
+ int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + d, y, w - d, h);
+ } else if (cat == BBQ) {
+ /* Quadrants */
+ int w2 = DIV(w, 2), h2 = DIV(h, 2);
+ if (bd & TL)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w2, h2);
+ if (bd & TR)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, w - w2, h2);
+ if (bd & BL)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2, h - h2);
+ if (bd & BR)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2, w - w2, h - h2);
+ } else if (bd & BBS) {
+ /* Shades - data is 1/2/3 for 25%/50%/75% alpha, respectively */
+ int d = (uint8_t)bd;
+ XftColor xfc;
+ XRenderColor xrc = { .alpha = 0xffff };
+ xrc.red = DIV(fg->color.red * d + bg->color.red * (4 - d), 4);
+ xrc.green = DIV(fg->color.green * d + bg->color.green * (4 - d), 4);
+ xrc.blue = DIV(fg->color.blue * d + bg->color.blue * (4 - d), 4);
+ XftColorAllocValue(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xrc, &xfc);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, &xfc, x, y, w, h);
+ XftColorFree(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xfc);
+ } else if (cat == BRL) {
+ /* braille, each data bit corresponds to one dot at 2x4 grid */
+ int w1 = DIV(w, 2);
+ int h1 = DIV(h, 4), h2 = DIV(h, 2), h3 = DIV(3 * h, 4);
+ if (bd & 1) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w1, h1);
+ if (bd & 2) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h1, w1, h2 - h1);
+ if (bd & 4) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w1, h3 - h2);
+ if (bd & 8) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y, w - w1, h1);
+ if (bd & 16) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h1, w - w1, h2 - h1);
+ if (bd & 32) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h2, w - w1, h3 - h2);
+ if (bd & 64) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h3, w1, h - h3);
+ if (bd & 128) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h3, w - w1, h - h3);
+ }
+drawboxlines(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, ushort bd)
+ /* s: stem thickness. width/8 roughly matches underscore thickness. */
+ /* We draw bold as 1.5 * normal-stem and at least 1px thicker. */
+ /* doubles draw at least 3px, even when w or h < 3. bold needs 6px. */
+ int mwh = MIN(w, h);
+ int base_s = MAX(1, DIV(mwh, 8));
+ int bold = (bd & BDB) && mwh >= 6; /* possibly ignore boldness */
+ int s = bold ? MAX(base_s + 1, DIV(3 * base_s, 2)) : base_s;
+ int w2 = DIV(w - s, 2), h2 = DIV(h - s, 2);
+ /* the s-by-s square (x + w2, y + h2, s, s) is the center texel. */
+ /* The base length (per direction till edge) includes this square. */
+ int light = bd & (LL | LU | LR | LD);
+ int double_ = bd & (DL | DU | DR | DD);
+ if (light) {
+ /* d: additional (negative) length to not-draw the center */
+ /* texel - at arcs and avoid drawing inside (some) doubles */
+ int arc = bd & BDA;
+ int multi_light = light & (light - 1);
+ int multi_double = double_ & (double_ - 1);
+ /* light crosses double only at DH+LV, DV+LH (ref. shapes) */
+ int d = arc || (multi_double && !multi_light) ? -s : 0;
+ if (bd & LL)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2 + s + d, s);
+ if (bd & LU)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, s, h2 + s + d);
+ if (bd & LR)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - d, y + h2, w - w2 + d, s);
+ if (bd & LD)
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2 - d, s, h - h2 + d);
+ }
+ /* double lines - also align with light to form heavy when combined */
+ if (double_) {
+ /*
+ * going clockwise, for each double-ray: p is additional length
+ * to the single-ray nearer to the previous direction, and n to
+ * the next. p and n adjust from the base length to lengths
+ * which consider other doubles - shorter to avoid intersections
+ * (p, n), or longer to draw the far-corner texel (n).
+ */
+ int dl = bd & DL, du = bd & DU, dr = bd & DR, dd = bd & DD;
+ if (dl) {
+ int p = dd ? -s : 0, n = du ? -s : dd ? s : 0;
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 + s, w2 + s + p, s);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 - s, w2 + s + n, s);
+ }
+ if (du) {
+ int p = dl ? -s : 0, n = dr ? -s : dl ? s : 0;
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y, s, h2 + s + p);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y, s, h2 + s + n);
+ }
+ if (dr) {
+ int p = du ? -s : 0, n = dd ? -s : du ? s : 0;
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - p, y + h2 - s, w - w2 + p, s);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - n, y + h2 + s, w - w2 + n, s);
+ }
+ if (dd) {
+ int p = dr ? -s : 0, n = dl ? -s : dr ? s : 0;
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y + h2 - p, s, h - h2 + p);
+ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y + h2 - n, s, h - h2 + n);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/boxdraw_data.h b/boxdraw_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7890500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boxdraw_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) avihpit@yahoo.com https://github.com/avih
+ * MIT/X Consortium License
+ */
+ * U+25XX codepoints data
+ *
+ * References:
+ * http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2500.pdf
+ * http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2580.pdf
+ *
+ * Test page:
+ * https://github.com/GNOME/vte/blob/master/doc/boxes.txt
+ */
+/* Each shape is encoded as 16-bits. Higher bits are category, lower are data */
+/* Categories (mutually exclusive except BDB): */
+/* For convenience, BDL/BDA/BBS/BDB are 1 bit each, the rest are enums */
+#define BDL (1<<8) /* Box Draw Lines (light/double/heavy) */
+#define BDA (1<<9) /* Box Draw Arc (light) */
+#define BBD (1<<10) /* Box Block Down (lower) X/8 */
+#define BBL (2<<10) /* Box Block Left X/8 */
+#define BBU (3<<10) /* Box Block Upper X/8 */
+#define BBR (4<<10) /* Box Block Right X/8 */
+#define BBQ (5<<10) /* Box Block Quadrants */
+#define BRL (6<<10) /* Box Braille (data is lower byte of U28XX) */
+#define BBS (1<<14) /* Box Block Shades */
+#define BDB (1<<15) /* Box Draw is Bold */
+/* (BDL/BDA) Light/Double/Heavy x Left/Up/Right/Down/Horizontal/Vertical */
+/* Heavy is light+double (literally drawing light+double align to form heavy) */
+#define LL (1<<0)
+#define LU (1<<1)
+#define LR (1<<2)
+#define LD (1<<3)
+#define LH (LL+LR)
+#define LV (LU+LD)
+#define DL (1<<4)
+#define DU (1<<5)
+#define DR (1<<6)
+#define DD (1<<7)
+#define DH (DL+DR)
+#define DV (DU+DD)
+#define HL (LL+DL)
+#define HU (LU+DU)
+#define HR (LR+DR)
+#define HD (LD+DD)
+#define HH (HL+HR)
+#define HV (HU+HD)
+/* (BBQ) Quadrants Top/Bottom x Left/Right */
+#define TL (1<<0)
+#define TR (1<<1)
+#define BL (1<<2)
+#define BR (1<<3)
+/* Data for U+2500 - U+259F except dashes/diagonals */
+static const unsigned short boxdata[256] = {
+ /* light lines */
+ [0x00] = BDL + LH, /* light horizontal */
+ [0x02] = BDL + LV, /* light vertical */
+ [0x0c] = BDL + LD + LR, /* light down and right */
+ [0x10] = BDL + LD + LL, /* light down and left */
+ [0x14] = BDL + LU + LR, /* light up and right */
+ [0x18] = BDL + LU + LL, /* light up and left */
+ [0x1c] = BDL + LV + LR, /* light vertical and right */
+ [0x24] = BDL + LV + LL, /* light vertical and left */
+ [0x2c] = BDL + LH + LD, /* light horizontal and down */
+ [0x34] = BDL + LH + LU, /* light horizontal and up */
+ [0x3c] = BDL + LV + LH, /* light vertical and horizontal */
+ [0x74] = BDL + LL, /* light left */
+ [0x75] = BDL + LU, /* light up */
+ [0x76] = BDL + LR, /* light right */
+ [0x77] = BDL + LD, /* light down */
+ /* heavy [+light] lines */
+ [0x01] = BDL + HH,
+ [0x03] = BDL + HV,
+ [0x0d] = BDL + HR + LD,
+ [0x0e] = BDL + HD + LR,
+ [0x0f] = BDL + HD + HR,
+ [0x11] = BDL + HL + LD,
+ [0x12] = BDL + HD + LL,
+ [0x13] = BDL + HD + HL,
+ [0x15] = BDL + HR + LU,
+ [0x16] = BDL + HU + LR,
+ [0x17] = BDL + HU + HR,
+ [0x19] = BDL + HL + LU,
+ [0x1a] = BDL + HU + LL,
+ [0x1b] = BDL + HU + HL,
+ [0x1d] = BDL + HR + LV,
+ [0x1e] = BDL + HU + LD + LR,
+ [0x1f] = BDL + HD + LR + LU,
+ [0x20] = BDL + HV + LR,
+ [0x21] = BDL + HU + HR + LD,
+ [0x22] = BDL + HD + HR + LU,
+ [0x23] = BDL + HV + HR,
+ [0x25] = BDL + HL + LV,
+ [0x26] = BDL + HU + LD + LL,
+ [0x27] = BDL + HD + LU + LL,
+ [0x28] = BDL + HV + LL,
+ [0x29] = BDL + HU + HL + LD,
+ [0x2a] = BDL + HD + HL + LU,
+ [0x2b] = BDL + HV + HL,
+ [0x2d] = BDL + HL + LD + LR,
+ [0x2e] = BDL + HR + LL + LD,
+ [0x2f] = BDL + HH + LD,
+ [0x30] = BDL + HD + LH,
+ [0x31] = BDL + HD + HL + LR,
+ [0x32] = BDL + HR + HD + LL,
+ [0x33] = BDL + HH + HD,
+ [0x35] = BDL + HL + LU + LR,
+ [0x36] = BDL + HR + LU + LL,
+ [0x37] = BDL + HH + LU,
+ [0x38] = BDL + HU + LH,
+ [0x39] = BDL + HU + HL + LR,
+ [0x3a] = BDL + HU + HR + LL,
+ [0x3b] = BDL + HH + HU,
+ [0x3d] = BDL + HL + LV + LR,
+ [0x3e] = BDL + HR + LV + LL,
+ [0x3f] = BDL + HH + LV,
+ [0x40] = BDL + HU + LH + LD,
+ [0x41] = BDL + HD + LH + LU,
+ [0x42] = BDL + HV + LH,
+ [0x43] = BDL + HU + HL + LD + LR,
+ [0x44] = BDL + HU + HR + LD + LL,
+ [0x45] = BDL + HD + HL + LU + LR,
+ [0x46] = BDL + HD + HR + LU + LL,
+ [0x47] = BDL + HH + HU + LD,
+ [0x48] = BDL + HH + HD + LU,
+ [0x49] = BDL + HV + HL + LR,
+ [0x4a] = BDL + HV + HR + LL,
+ [0x4b] = BDL + HV + HH,
+ [0x78] = BDL + HL,
+ [0x79] = BDL + HU,
+ [0x7a] = BDL + HR,
+ [0x7b] = BDL + HD,
+ [0x7c] = BDL + HR + LL,
+ [0x7d] = BDL + HD + LU,
+ [0x7e] = BDL + HL + LR,
+ [0x7f] = BDL + HU + LD,
+ /* double [+light] lines */
+ [0x50] = BDL + DH,
+ [0x51] = BDL + DV,
+ [0x52] = BDL + DR + LD,
+ [0x53] = BDL + DD + LR,
+ [0x54] = BDL + DR + DD,
+ [0x55] = BDL + DL + LD,
+ [0x56] = BDL + DD + LL,
+ [0x57] = BDL + DL + DD,
+ [0x58] = BDL + DR + LU,
+ [0x59] = BDL + DU + LR,
+ [0x5a] = BDL + DU + DR,
+ [0x5b] = BDL + DL + LU,
+ [0x5c] = BDL + DU + LL,
+ [0x5d] = BDL + DL + DU,
+ [0x5e] = BDL + DR + LV,
+ [0x5f] = BDL + DV + LR,
+ [0x60] = BDL + DV + DR,
+ [0x61] = BDL + DL + LV,
+ [0x62] = BDL + DV + LL,
+ [0x63] = BDL + DV + DL,
+ [0x64] = BDL + DH + LD,
+ [0x65] = BDL + DD + LH,
+ [0x66] = BDL + DD + DH,
+ [0x67] = BDL + DH + LU,
+ [0x68] = BDL + DU + LH,
+ [0x69] = BDL + DH + DU,
+ [0x6a] = BDL + DH + LV,
+ [0x6b] = BDL + DV + LH,
+ [0x6c] = BDL + DH + DV,
+ /* (light) arcs */
+ [0x6d] = BDA + LD + LR,
+ [0x6e] = BDA + LD + LL,
+ [0x6f] = BDA + LU + LL,
+ [0x70] = BDA + LU + LR,
+ /* Lower (Down) X/8 block (data is 8 - X) */
+ [0x81] = BBD + 7, [0x82] = BBD + 6, [0x83] = BBD + 5, [0x84] = BBD + 4,
+ [0x85] = BBD + 3, [0x86] = BBD + 2, [0x87] = BBD + 1, [0x88] = BBD + 0,
+ /* Left X/8 block (data is X) */
+ [0x89] = BBL + 7, [0x8a] = BBL + 6, [0x8b] = BBL + 5, [0x8c] = BBL + 4,
+ [0x8d] = BBL + 3, [0x8e] = BBL + 2, [0x8f] = BBL + 1,
+ /* upper 1/2 (4/8), 1/8 block (X), right 1/2, 1/8 block (8-X) */
+ [0x80] = BBU + 4, [0x94] = BBU + 1,
+ [0x90] = BBR + 4, [0x95] = BBR + 7,
+ /* Quadrants */
+ [0x96] = BBQ + BL,
+ [0x97] = BBQ + BR,
+ [0x98] = BBQ + TL,
+ [0x99] = BBQ + TL + BL + BR,
+ [0x9a] = BBQ + TL + BR,
+ [0x9b] = BBQ + TL + TR + BL,
+ [0x9c] = BBQ + TL + TR + BR,
+ [0x9d] = BBQ + TR,
+ [0x9e] = BBQ + BL + TR,
+ [0x9f] = BBQ + BL + TR + BR,
+ /* Shades, data is an alpha value in 25% units (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) */
+ [0x91] = BBS + 1, [0x92] = BBS + 2, [0x93] = BBS + 3,
+ /* U+2504 - U+250B, U+254C - U+254F: unsupported (dashes) */
+ /* U+2571 - U+2573: unsupported (diagonals) */
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 0895a1f..bf6718b 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -58,6 +58,18 @@ static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
+ * 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
+ * perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
+ * Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
+ * 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
+ */
+const int boxdraw = 0;
+const int boxdraw_bold = 0;
+/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */
+const int boxdraw_braille = 0;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 0ce6ac2..c035e19 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
@@ -1230,6 +1230,9 @@ tsetchar(Rune u, Glyph *attr, int x, int y)
term.dirty[y] = 1;
term.line[y][x] = *attr;
term.line[y][x].u = u;
+ if (isboxdraw(u))
+ term.line[y][x].mode |= ATTR_BOXDRAW;
diff --git a/st.h b/st.h
index d978458..a6c382a 100644
--- a/st.h
+++ b/st.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ enum glyph_attribute {
ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8,
ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9,
ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10,
+ ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11,
@@ -111,6 +112,14 @@ void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(char *);
+int isboxdraw(Rune);
+ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *);
+/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */
+void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *);
+void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
extern char *scroll;
@@ -122,3 +131,4 @@ extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
+extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille;
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index e5f1737..6f7ea2c 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -1205,6 +1205,8 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xsel.xtarget = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", 0);
if (xsel.xtarget == None)
xsel.xtarget = XA_STRING;
+ boxdraw_xinit(xw.dpy, xw.cmap, xw.draw, xw.vis);
@@ -1251,8 +1253,13 @@ xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x
yp = winy + font->ascent;
- /* Lookup character index with default font. */
- glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, rune);
+ if (mode & ATTR_BOXDRAW) {
+ /* minor shoehorning: boxdraw uses only this ushort */
+ glyphidx = boxdrawindex(&glyphs[i]);
+ } else {
+ /* Lookup character index with default font. */
+ glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, rune);
+ }
if (glyphidx) {
specs[numspecs].font = font->match;
specs[numspecs].glyph = glyphidx;
@@ -1456,8 +1463,12 @@ xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, i
r.width = width;
XftDrawSetClipRectangles(xw.draw, winx, winy, &r, 1);
- /* Render the glyphs. */
- XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(xw.draw, fg, specs, len);
+ if (base.mode & ATTR_BOXDRAW) {
+ drawboxes(winx, winy, width / len, win.ch, fg, bg, specs, len);
+ } else {
+ /* Render the glyphs. */
+ XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(xw.draw, fg, specs, len);
+ }
/* Render underline and strikethrough. */
if (base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE) {
@@ -1500,7 +1511,7 @@ xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og)
* Select the right color for the right mode.
g.mode |= ATTR_REVERSE;
base-commit: 43a395ae91f7d67ce694e65edeaa7bbc720dd027

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
From 268d767b16d21f6f936bd5e3dfcd4f0187a8e979 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MLquest8 <miskuzius@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 09:47:25 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] allow to alocate colors as launch options. Example: -C
x.c | 7 +++++++
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..a07e358 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -1980,6 +1980,8 @@ usage(void)
main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i;
+ char *colval;
xw.l = xw.t = 0;
xw.isfixed = False;
@@ -2024,6 +2026,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
case 'v':
die("%s " VERSION "\n", argv0);
+ case 'C':
+ colval = strtok(EARGF(usage()), "@");
+ i = atoi(strtok(NULL, "@"));
+ colorname[i] = colval;
+ break;

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
diff -up ../st-0.8.4/config.def.h ./config.def.h
--- ../st-0.8.4/config.def.h 2020-06-19 10:29:45.000000000 +0100
+++ ./config.def.h 2021-01-29 22:40:56.451916768 +0000
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
diff -up ../st-0.8.4/st.c ./st.c
--- ../st-0.8.4/st.c 2020-06-19 10:29:45.000000000 +0100
+++ ./st.c 2021-01-29 22:41:18.031954197 +0000
@@ -200,6 +200,8 @@ static void tdefutf8(char);
static int32_t tdefcolor(int *, int *, int);
static void tdeftran(char);
static void tstrsequence(uchar);
+static void tsetcolor(int, int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t);
+static char * findlastany(char *, const char**, size_t);
static void drawregion(int, int, int, int);
@@ -2595,3 +2597,122 @@ redraw(void)
+tsetcolor( int row, int start, int end, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg )
+ int i = start;
+ for( ; i < end; ++i )
+ {
+ term.line[row][i].fg = fg;
+ term.line[row][i].bg = bg;
+ }
+char *
+findlastany(char *str, const char** find, size_t len)
+ char* found = NULL;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(found = str + strlen(str) - 1; found >= str; --found) {
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if(strncmp(found, find[i], strlen(find[i])) == 0) {
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+** Select and copy the previous url on screen (do nothing if there's no url).
+** FIXME: doesn't handle urls that span multiple lines; will need to add support
+** for multiline "getsel()" first
+copyurl(const Arg *arg) {
+ /* () and [] can appear in urls, but excluding them here will reduce false
+ * positives when figuring out where a given url ends.
+ */
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789-._~:/?#@!$&'*+,;=%";
+ static const char* URLSTRINGS[] = {"http://", "https://"};
+ /* remove highlighting from previous selection if any */
+ if(sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.oe.x >= 0)
+ tsetcolor(sel.nb.y, sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x + 1, defaultfg, defaultbg);
+ int i = 0,
+ row = 0, /* row of current URL */
+ col = 0, /* column of current URL start */
+ startrow = 0, /* row of last occurrence */
+ colend = 0, /* column of last occurrence */
+ passes = 0; /* how many rows have been scanned */
+ char *linestr = calloc(term.col+1, sizeof(Rune));
+ char *c = NULL,
+ *match = NULL;
+ row = (sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.nb.y > 0) ? sel.nb.y : term.bot;
+ LIMIT(row, term.top, term.bot);
+ startrow = row;
+ colend = (sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.nb.y > 0) ? sel.nb.x : term.col;
+ LIMIT(colend, 0, term.col);
+ /*
+ ** Scan from (term.bot,term.col) to (0,0) and find
+ ** next occurrance of a URL
+ */
+ while(passes !=term.bot + 2) {
+ /* Read in each column of every row until
+ ** we hit previous occurrence of URL
+ */
+ for (col = 0, i = 0; col < colend; ++col,++i) {
+ linestr[i] = term.line[row][col].u;
+ }
+ linestr[term.col] = '\0';
+ if ((match = findlastany(linestr, URLSTRINGS,
+ sizeof(URLSTRINGS)/sizeof(URLSTRINGS[0]))))
+ break;
+ if (--row < term.top)
+ row = term.bot;
+ colend = term.col;
+ passes++;
+ };
+ if (match) {
+ /* must happen before trim */
+ selclear();
+ sel.ob.x = strlen(linestr) - strlen(match);
+ /* trim the rest of the line from the url match */
+ for (c = match; *c != '\0'; ++c)
+ if (!strchr(URLCHARS, *c)) {
+ *c = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ /* highlight selection by inverting terminal colors */
+ tsetcolor(row, sel.ob.x, sel.ob.x + strlen( match ), defaultbg, defaultfg);
+ /* select and copy */
+ sel.mode = 1;
+ sel.type = SEL_REGULAR;
+ sel.oe.x = sel.ob.x + strlen(match)-1;
+ sel.ob.y = sel.oe.y = row;
+ selnormalize();
+ tsetdirt(sel.nb.y, sel.ne.y);
+ xsetsel(getsel());
+ xclipcopy();
+ }
+ free(linestr);
Only in .: st-copyurl-0.8.4.diff
Only in .: st-copyurl-20190202-3be4cf1.diff
diff -up ../st-0.8.4/st.h ./st.h
--- ../st-0.8.4/st.h 2020-06-19 10:29:45.000000000 +0100
+++ ./st.h 2021-01-29 22:40:56.451916768 +0000
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
+void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
From 49342f1039b41d2c95dde3f9cc26efbdc85d0272 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ashish Kumar Yadav <ashishkumar.yadav@students.iiserpune.ac.in>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 20:24:07 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Implement support for CSI 22 and 23
This patch implements title stack into st.
st.c | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
st.info | 4 ++--
win.h | 4 +++-
x.c | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
4 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 76b7e0d..092b93c 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
@@ -1806,6 +1806,33 @@ csihandle(void)
goto unknown;
+ case 't': /* title stack operations */
+ switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) {
+ case 22: /* pust current title on stack */
+ switch (csiescseq.arg[1]) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ xpushtitle();
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto unknown;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 23: /* pop last title from stack */
+ switch (csiescseq.arg[1]) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ xsettitle(NULL, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto unknown;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto unknown;
+ }
@@ -1856,7 +1883,7 @@ strhandle(void)
case 1:
case 2:
if (narg > 1)
- xsettitle(strescseq.args[1]);
+ xsettitle(strescseq.args[1], 0);
case 52:
if (narg > 2 && allowwindowops) {
@@ -1892,7 +1919,7 @@ strhandle(void)
case 'k': /* old title set compatibility */
- xsettitle(strescseq.args[0]);
+ xsettitle(strescseq.args[0], 0);
case 'P': /* DCS -- Device Control String */
case '_': /* APC -- Application Program Command */
@@ -2264,6 +2291,7 @@ eschandle(uchar ascii)
case 'c': /* RIS -- Reset to initial state */
+ xfreetitlestack();
@@ -2546,7 +2574,7 @@ tresize(int col, int row)
- xsettitle(NULL);
+ xsettitle(NULL, 0);
diff --git a/st.info b/st.info
index 8201ad6..aeef606 100644
--- a/st.info
+++ b/st.info
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
- rmcup=\E[?1049l,
+ rmcup=\E[?1049l\E[23;0;0t,
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
- smcup=\E[?1049h,
+ smcup=\E[?1049h\E[22;0;0t,
diff --git a/win.h b/win.h
index a6ef1b9..e24337e 100644
--- a/win.h
+++ b/win.h
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int);
void xfinishdraw(void);
void xloadcols(void);
int xsetcolorname(int, const char *);
-void xsettitle(char *);
+void xfreetitlestack(void);
+void xsettitle(char *, int);
+void xpushtitle(void);
int xsetcursor(int);
void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
void xsetpointermotion(int);
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..b4bebff 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ static void ttysend(const Arg *);
/* config.h for applying patches and the configuration. */
#include "config.h"
+/* size of title stack */
/* XEMBED messages */
@@ -220,6 +223,8 @@ static DC dc;
static XWindow xw;
static XSelection xsel;
static TermWindow win;
+static int tstki; /* title stack index */
+static char *titlestack[TITLESTACKSIZE]; /* title stack */
/* Font Ring Cache */
enum {
@@ -1580,18 +1585,47 @@ xsetenv(void)
-xsettitle(char *p)
- XTextProperty prop;
- DEFAULT(p, opt_title);
+ for (int i = 0; i < LEN(titlestack); i++) {
+ free(titlestack[i]);
+ titlestack[i] = NULL;
+ }
- Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle,
- &prop);
+xsettitle(char *p, int pop)
+ XTextProperty prop;
+ free(titlestack[tstki]);
+ if (pop) {
+ titlestack[tstki] = NULL;
+ tstki = (tstki - 1 + TITLESTACKSIZE) % TITLESTACKSIZE;
+ p = titlestack[tstki] ? titlestack[tstki] : opt_title;
+ } else if (p) {
+ titlestack[tstki] = xstrdup(p);
+ } else {
+ titlestack[tstki] = NULL;
+ p = opt_title;
+ }
+ Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle, &prop);
XSetWMName(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop);
XSetTextProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop, xw.netwmname);
+ int tstkin = (tstki + 1) % TITLESTACKSIZE;
+ free(titlestack[tstkin]);
+ titlestack[tstkin] = titlestack[tstki] ? xstrdup(titlestack[tstki]) : NULL;
+ tstki = tstkin;

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
From 9262cecf21a3a2fcf5f5c0f7dcc872fdc5435ca1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Miles Alan <m@milesalan.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 21:16:37 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] cyclefont: Add keybinding to cycle between multiple different
config.def.h | 8 +++++++-
x.c | 17 +++++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 6f05dce..5cd506c 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
-static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
+static char *fonts[] = {
+ "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true",
+ "tewi:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true"
+static int fonts_current = 0;
static int borderpx = 2;
@@ -199,6 +204,7 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
+ { TERMMOD, XK_S, cyclefonts, {} },
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..88cb8e7 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ static void zoom(const Arg *);
static void zoomabs(const Arg *);
static void zoomreset(const Arg *);
static void ttysend(const Arg *);
+static void cyclefonts(const Arg *);
/* config.h for applying patches and the configuration. */
#include "config.h"
@@ -949,6 +950,18 @@ xloadfont(Font *f, FcPattern *pattern)
return 0;
+cyclefonts(const Arg *dummy)
+ fonts_current++;
+ if (fonts_current > (sizeof fonts / sizeof fonts[0]) - 1) {
+ fonts_current = 0;
+ }
+ usedfont = fonts[fonts_current];
+ xloadfonts(fonts[fonts_current], 0);
+ redraw();
xloadfonts(char *fontstr, double fontsize)
@@ -1113,8 +1126,8 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
if (!FcInit())
die("could not init fontconfig.\n");
- usedfont = (opt_font == NULL)? font : opt_font;
- xloadfonts(usedfont, 0);
+ usedfont = fonts[fonts_current];
+ xloadfonts(fonts[fonts_current], 0);
/* colors */
xw.cmap = XDefaultColormap(xw.dpy, xw.scr);

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
From e3c97b85f0e94011e77af9259d379c956f9d6d64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Randy Palamar <palamar@ualberta.ca>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 23:53:47 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] support setting the default font size on invocation
st.1 | 8 ++++++++
x.c | 8 +++++++-
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/st.1 b/st.1
index 39120b4..57ddfb8 100644
--- a/st.1
+++ b/st.1
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ st \- simple terminal
.IR line ]
.RB [ \-w
.IR windowid ]
+.RB [ \-z
+.IR fontsize ]
.RB [[ \-e ]
.IR command
.RI [ arguments ...]]
@@ -44,6 +46,8 @@ st \- simple terminal
.IR title ]
.RB [ \-w
.IR windowid ]
+.RB [ \-z
+.IR fontsize ]
.RB \-l
.IR line
.RI [ stty_args ...]
@@ -91,6 +95,10 @@ defines the window title (default 'st').
embeds st within the window identified by
.I windowid
+.BI \-z " fontsize"
+sets the default fontsize to
+.I fontsize
.BI \-l " line"
use a tty
.I line
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 120e495..224f26e 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -1114,7 +1115,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
die("could not init fontconfig.\n");
usedfont = (opt_font == NULL)? font : opt_font;
- xloadfonts(usedfont, 0);
+ xloadfonts(usedfont, defaultfontsize);
/* colors */
xw.cmap = XDefaultColormap(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
@@ -2038,6 +2039,11 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
case 'v':
die("%s " VERSION "\n", argv0);
+ case 'z':
+ defaultfontsize = strtod(EARGF(usage()), NULL);
+ if (!(defaultfontsize > 0))
+ usage();
+ break;

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
From b9ce8f6df1d2318d2aa8ec9668ec227cfe327e5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aleks <aleks.stier@icloud.com>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 01:35:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Create a desktop-entry for st
Creates a desktop-entry for st. This enables to find st in a graphical
menu and to display it with a nice icon.
Makefile | 3 +++
st.desktop | 8 ++++++++
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 st.desktop
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fd1321e..6e79a1c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -49,9 +49,12 @@ install: st
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
tic -sx st.info
@echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st.
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications
+ cp -f st.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/st.desktop
.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall
diff --git a/st.desktop b/st.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e0714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/st.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=st is a simple terminal implementation for X

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
From 3307b33b60adb4e1b5db4dd9849c78fce72b6ca4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julius Huelsmann <juliusHuelsmann@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 10:13:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] patch: focus
config.def.h | 5 +++--
st.c | 1 -
st.h | 3 ++-
x.c | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index b94b23c..577d1f1 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ char *termname = "st-256color";
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
-float alpha = 0.8;
+float alpha = 0.8, alphaUnfocused = 0.6;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
@@ -123,9 +123,10 @@ static const char *colorname[] = {
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
-unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
+unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
+unsigned int bg = 17, bgUnfocused = 16;
* Default shape of cursor
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 0ce6ac2..c7f40c8 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ static void tsetscroll(int, int);
static void tswapscreen(void);
static void tsetmode(int, int, int *, int);
static int twrite(const char *, int, int);
-static void tfulldirt(void);
static void tcontrolcode(uchar );
static void tdectest(char );
static void tdefutf8(char);
diff --git a/st.h b/st.h
index 2c656af..44cb3fd 100644
--- a/st.h
+++ b/st.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ typedef union {
void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
+void tfulldirt(void);
void draw(void);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
@@ -122,4 +123,4 @@ extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
-extern float alpha;
+extern float alpha, alphaUnfocused;
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 50da23c..a2e820f 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ static char *opt_line = NULL;
static char *opt_name = NULL;
static char *opt_title = NULL;
+static int focused = 0;
static int oldbutton = 3; /* button event on startup: 3 = release */
@@ -774,35 +776,38 @@ xloadcolor(int i, const char *name, Color *ncolor)
return XftColorAllocName(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, name, ncolor);
+ float const usedAlpha = focused ? alpha : alphaUnfocused;
+ if (opt_alpha) alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL);
+ dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * usedAlpha);
+ dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+ dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * usedAlpha) << 24;
- int i;
static int loaded;
Color *cp;
- if (loaded) {
- for (cp = dc.col; cp < &dc.col[dc.collen]; ++cp)
- XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, cp);
- } else {
- dc.collen = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256);
- dc.col = xmalloc(dc.collen * sizeof(Color));
+ if (!loaded) {
+ dc.collen = 1 + (defaultbg = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256));
+ dc.col = xmalloc((dc.collen) * sizeof(Color));
- for (i = 0; i < dc.collen; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i+1 < dc.collen; ++i)
if (!xloadcolor(i, NULL, &dc.col[i])) {
if (colorname[i])
die("could not allocate color '%s'\n", colorname[i]);
die("could not allocate color %d\n", i);
+ if (dc.collen) // cannot die, as the color is already loaded.
+ xloadcolor(focused ?bg :bgUnfocused, NULL, &dc.col[defaultbg]);
- /* set alpha value of bg color */
- if (opt_alpha)
- alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL);
- dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * alpha);
- dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF;
- dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * alpha) << 24;
+ xloadalpha();
loaded = 1;
@@ -1747,12 +1752,22 @@ focus(XEvent *ev)
ttywrite("\033[I", 3, 0);
+ if (!focused) {
+ focused = 1;
+ xloadcols();
+ tfulldirt();
+ }
} else {
if (xw.ime.xic)
win.mode &= ~MODE_FOCUSED;
ttywrite("\033[O", 3, 0);
+ if (focused) {
+ focused = 0;
+ xloadcols();
+ tfulldirt();
+ }
@@ -2065,6 +2080,7 @@ run:
cols = MAX(cols, 1);
rows = MAX(rows, 1);
+ defaultbg = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256);
tnew(cols, rows);
xinit(cols, rows);

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff -up st/config.def.h st-gradient/config.def.h
--- st/config.def.h 2021-01-12 03:24:27.313995808 +0530
+++ st-gradient/config.def.h 2021-01-12 03:03:37.837696991 +0530
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
+float grad_alpha = 0.54; //alpha value that'll change
+float stat_alpha = 0.46; //constant alpha value that'll get added to grad_alpha
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
Common subdirectories: st/.git and st-gradient/.git
diff -up st/x.c st-gradient/x.c
--- st/x.c 2021-01-12 03:24:27.313995808 +0530
+++ st-gradient/x.c 2021-01-12 03:08:40.850694072 +0530
@@ -1448,6 +1448,11 @@ xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSp
if (base.mode & ATTR_INVISIBLE)
fg = bg;
+ // gradient
+ bg->color.alpha = grad_alpha * 0xffff * (win.h - y*win.ch) / win.h + stat_alpha * 0xffff;
+ // uncomment to invert the gradient
+ // bg->color.alpha = grad_alpha * 0xffff * (y*win.ch) / win.h + stat_alpha * 0xffff;
/* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */
if (x == 0) {

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
diff --color -up st-0.8.4/config.def.h st-0.8.4-modified/config.def.h
--- st-0.8.4/config.def.h 2020-06-19 14:59:45.000000000 +0530
+++ st-0.8.4-modified/config.def.h 2021-07-09 19:31:14.512632819 +0530
@@ -96,30 +96,35 @@ unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
- "black",
- "red3",
- "green3",
- "yellow3",
- "blue2",
- "magenta3",
- "cyan3",
- "gray90",
+ [0] = "#323437",
+ [1] = "#ff5454",
+ [2] = "#8cc85f",
+ [3] = "#e3c78a",
+ [4] = "#80a0ff",
+ [5] = "#d183e8",
+ [6] = "#79dac8",
+ [7] = "#a1aab8",
/* 8 bright colors */
- "gray50",
- "red",
- "green",
- "yellow",
- "#5c5cff",
- "magenta",
- "cyan",
- "white",
+ [8] = "#7c8f8f",
+ [9] = "#ff5189",
+ [10] = "#36c692",
+ [11] = "#bfbf97",
+ [12] = "#74b2ff",
+ [13] = "#ae81ff",
+ [14] = "#85dc85",
+ [15] = "#e2637f",
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
- "#cccccc",
- "#555555",
+ [256] = "#282a36",
+ [257] = "#f8f8f2",
+ [258] = "#080808",
+ [259]= "#eeeeee",
@@ -127,8 +132,8 @@ static const char *colorname[] = {
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
-unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
-unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
+unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
+unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;

@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
From c2dda4ff0a6456f2b30406c9b5a7024a2f7c474d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aleks <aleks.stier@icloud.com>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 17:57:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Apply netwmicon-0.8.4
Enables to set *_NET_WM_ICON* which hardcodes an icon for st. An icon is
already defined in the file *icon.h* which is stolen from
Generally the icon of an application is defined by its desktop-entry. A patch
with the name [desktopentry](../desktopentry) already exists for this purpose.
However, some programs like tint2 do not respect the desktopentry and rely
instead on an hardcoded icon which has to be defined by *_NET_WM_ICON*. Since
st does not define *_NET_WM_ICON* those programs will display some default icon
(which is ugly).
You can of course change the icon to any icon you want. Just grab some icon
from your favorite icon-theme. The tricky part is that it needs to be encoded
as *"an array of 32bit packed CARDINAL ARGB with high byte being A, low byte
being B" -
This can be done with the script [netwmicon.sh](netwmicon.sh). It takes as
argument the icon-file and prints to stdout the encoded icon. Redirect it to
icon.h to save it and reinstall st. You need to install both *imagemagick* and
*inkscape* for the script to work.
icon.h | 686 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
x.c | 7 +-
2 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 icon.h
diff --git a/icon.h b/icon.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ab09d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+unsigned long icon[] = {
+ 64, 64,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
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+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
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diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
index 210f184..396ac33 100644
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
char *argv0;
#include "arg.h"
+#include "icon.h"
#include "st.h"
#include "win.h"
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ typedef struct {
Window win;
Drawable buf;
GlyphFontSpec *specbuf; /* font spec buffer used for rendering */
- Atom xembed, wmdeletewin, netwmname, netwmpid;
+ Atom xembed, wmdeletewin, netwmname, netwmicon, netwmpid;
struct {
XIM xim;
XIC xic;
@@ -1188,6 +1189,10 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
xw.netwmname = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
XSetWMProtocols(xw.dpy, xw.win, &xw.wmdeletewin, 1);
+ xw.netwmicon = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON", False);
+ XChangeProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.netwmicon, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
+ PropModeReplace, (uchar *)&icon, LEN(icon));
xw.netwmpid = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_PID", False);
XChangeProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, xw.netwmpid, XA_CARDINAL, 32,
PropModeReplace, (uchar *)&thispid, 1);

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