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. ~/.bash_aliases-common
if [[ -f ~/.bash_tools ]]; then
. ~/.bash_tools
function tmux_start_branch() {
# set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
tmux -2 new-window -a -t "Main Screen:1" -c ~ -e BRANCH_NAME="$branch" 'bash -ic "start_branch \"\$BRANCH_NAME\"; exec bash"'
function start_branch() {
# set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
if [[ ! -d ~/branches/"$branch" ]]; then
printf "=== Setting up a branch named ${branch}...\n"
cd ~/equalizer.git || exit "$?"
printf "=== Retrieving the latest data from the repository...\n"
git fetch --all || exit "$?"
printf "=== Creating the branch 'feature/${branch}' from develop_front and checking it out in a new working tree at ~/branches/${branch}...\n"
git worktree add -b "feature/${branch}" ~/branches/"${branch}" develop_front || git worktree add ~/branches/"${branch}" "feature/${branch}" || exit "$?"
printf "=== Accessing an existing branch named ${branch}...\n"
cd ~/branches/"${branch}" || exit "$?"
update_branch || exit "$?"
printf "\a=== Your new branch ${branch} is ready!\n"
) && \
cd ~/branches/"${branch}"
function update_branch() {
# set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
printf "=== Updating the branch...\n"
git fetch --all || exit "$?"
git pull --rebase || exit "$?"
git rebase --interactive develop_front || exit "$?"
printf "=== Updating the dependencies...\n"
function install_equalizer_deps() {
# set -o errexit # Can't do this inside a function
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
printf "Installing Ruby dependencies...\n"
bundle install || exit "$?"
printf "Installing Javascript dependencies...\n"
printf "Installing in top level...\n"
yarn install || exit "$?"
printf "Installing in widget...\n"
cd widget || exit "$?"
yarn install || exit "$?"
yarn build || exit "$?"
cd .. || exit "$?"
printf "Installing in front...\n"
cd front || exit "$?"
yarn install